Remember our friend the National Debt Clock? Just a friendly reminder to look at it and see how much YOU owe. Remember, this is our debt, each and every one of us! The government created it, we get to pay it! Well over $117,000.00 per tax payer and over $41,800.00 for each and every citizen! Of course if you want to get technical and count all of the debt including the Unfounded Liabilities (Debt that they know we owe in the next years that is not covered by revenue) the amount jumps to only a small little minute number of over $350,962.00 per every citizen! Now that we all feel better about ourselves and our worth today, lets get down to the real business of the day, Global Warming.
Personally I do not believe there is such a thing as human caused Global Warming. I have heard from many people who would know (experts and scientists) that have convinced me there is no such thing as Global Warming. The press has even started realizing that Global Warming is fabricated by man. Remember the uncovering of the emails that showed that the scientists responsible for measuring and reporting temperatures were purposely changing data to show a continuous increase in temperatures to support Global Warming? Yet during that same period, our temperatures were actually going down! Don’t you just love honesty? Yet our government is bound and determined to fix Global Warming with bills, regulations, laws, taxes, fees and all kinds of crazy stuff that they can think up. Why are they so dead set on us having to fix something that doesn’t exist? Why are they still trying to push Cap And Trade down our throats? We have told them we don’t want it! We have said we don’t want the estimated $3,200.00 per year extra that it is going to cost us when it goes into effect! So WHY?
Glenn Beck and Investor’s Daily, one of the largest financial market reporting services, have picked up on a big thing that has been flying under the radar. Here it is, hang on, it is going to be a build up for one wild ride we are going to have to take.
April 17, 1995, Al Gore goes to Molten Metal Technology, Inc. in Fall River, MA. MMTI claimed to have a technology to recycle metals from waste. MMTI was run by Maurice Strong and some other Gore friends. MMTI had received $25 Million in U.S. Depart of energy grants, but had not proven their technology worked on a commercial scale. They then received an additional $8 Million in taxpayer money, their only source of revenue. With the Earth Day greeting and promotion by Al Gore, the MMTI stock soared to $35 per share and maintained that price through October of 1996. In March of 1996, corporate officers and Maurice Strong began to sell their stock in the company at top prices. A total of $15.3 Million shares. On Sunday October 20, 1996 the company issued a press release announcing that DOE funding was going to dry up. On Monday the stock plunged to $5 per share. Welcome to the beginning of Maurice Strong and Al Gore taking it to the world for profit. Oh, by the way, this was not Maurice Strong’s first venture into being caught at insider trading.
In 1997, Maurice Strong went on to take 41 Million from Saddam Hussein as an Iraqi agent for investment into Cordex Petroleum, Fred Strong’s company, the son of Maurice. He is also considered to be the “big cheese” and major architect of the Kyoto Protocol, which is basically failing now because of the fraud involved with it.
Now Maurice Strong is a member of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Climate Exchange. What is the CCX? “The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) operates North America’s only cap and trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide.” This is from their own website. CCX is run by Richard L. Sandor, Chairman and Founder. Sandor has a long history from his positions in Chicago, IL. Do you know anyone else from Chicago? How about Richard M. Daley, Mayor of Chicago and Honorary Chairman of CCX? How about Barrack Hussein Obama? What does he have to do with this? Would you believe the seed money to start the CCX came through Obama? Lets go back and see some other history first.
In 1999, Carlton W. Bartels invented the technology to trade gas units, carbon credits, etc. He applied for the patent for this technology but was killed on September 11, 2001 in WTC1 in NYC, NY. His widow sold the unpatented technology to Franklin Raines, CEO of Fannie Mae. On November 7, 2006, the patent for the technology was granted. Does it make any sense that there was a connection to the day after the Democrats took control of the House and Senate from the elections? Franklin Raines now does work with CCX.
So back to CCX, Richard Sandor says that the CCX will be a $10 Trillion per year exchange with cap and trade. Does that sound like much? The Foreign Currencies Exchange or the FOREX does $15 Trillion per year! So this is big! How did the CCX get started and who owns it?
In 1994 – 2002, Barrack Hussein Obama was teaching Law in Chicago and was on the Board of The Joyce Foundation. In 2007, the Joyce Foundation had almost $1 Billion in assets to “to protect the natural environment of the Great Lakes, to reduce poverty and violence in the region, and to ensure that its people have access to good schools, decent jobs, and a diverse and thriving culture. We are especially interested in improving public policies, because public systems such as education and welfare directly affect the lives of so many people, and because public policies help shape private sector decisions about jobs, the environment, and the health of our communities. To ensure that public policies truly reflect public rather than private interests, we support efforts to reform the system of financing election campaigns.” From their own website. Sounds like something Obama would be involved with and look to for support in his career.
In 2000 the Joyce Foundation gave Barrack Obama $1.1 Million in grants to give to CCX to start them up. They also were funding someone named John Ayers also. You know, the brother of that guy Bill Ayers (Convicted Felon of Terrorist activities against the Federal Government) that Obama says he doesn’t really know that well. Yeah right! So Obama is involved in the founding of CCX! I wonder how much stock he has being watched over for him while he is off being president?
A company by the name of Generation Investment Management invests into CCX and becomes the 5th largest shareholder in CCX. Who is GIM? Remember Maurice Strong and Al Gore? You got it! The fraudulent metals recycling duo from a few years before! These guys are the founders and GIM does the carbon trading in Europe of the greenhouse gases and such.
In 2006, Goldman Sachs became a 10% shareholder in CCX. Goldman Sachs, isn’t that the place that has made Billions of dollars off the financial collapse and where a whole bunch of Obama’s advisors have come from? Names like David Blood, Mark Ferguson and Peter Harris. This is just a few not to mention some others.
Is this beginning to sound real ugly yet? Wouldn’t you just love to sit in on the meetings they have at CCX? So now all they need to start taking hold of this $10 Trillion annual exchange is CAP AND TRADE! Yeah, that is one of the bills Obama is trying to jam down our throats. Getting any clearer yet? Only one thing, CAP and TRADE does not reduce greenhouse gasses! It only allows you to buy and sell credits so that if you need more you buy them from the guys that don’t! Same greenhouse gasses produced, now just controlled though an elaborate trading system for profit!
Welcome to the world of PROFIT on a scale that you and I will never see, but that our dear president has been in on from the very beginning. This begins to put new light on the agenda on the environment and CAP and TRADE! Remember ENRON, the company that everyone thought was the evil ones of trading gas and energy commodities? They actually had a real commodity that they handled. The commodity really existed. The Chicago Climate Exchange is going to trade something that doesn’t exist but do it in a method very similar to ENRON! Wow, can we get any more hypocritical by these guys who vilified ENRON but now set up CCX?
Welcome to the new world order that Obama is trying to set up. Save the earth, pass some bills to help control it, get all of your buddies from Chicago and a few from some other areas like the Carbon Credit trading gurus of Europe, Maurice Strong and Al Gore and throw in Goldman Sachs and a ton of their people and ex-people to make sure that it all works well. What do you have? CCX, $3,200 per year more in costs per household, no reduction in greenhouse gasses, a lot of new regulations, fees, taxes and a whole bunch of profit for those involved with CCX! Oh yes, and Global Warming is still one of the largest frauds perpetuated on the people of our cooling planet!
If you are not registered to vote, do so now. Then vote in the primaries. Most certainly vote in November and lets send everyone except a very few back home. We need people to represent us that will not let this abuse take place. Like I said last week, if we don’t, January will probably be too late to stop the dropping of the anchor. We will be stuck in place with a very EVIL anchor holding us in stagnation! This is real! Your economic prosperity and freedoms are at risk.
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