Friday, May 28, 2010

Thank You!

I am not going to do anything in this post other than the really important thing this weekend, honor those who have served and thank them for their service.

We often take for granted the ones that serve our country and us. About 2.25 million Americans have been killed or wounded defending and fighting for our country over our 234 year existence. 2,250,000 have paid a very great price for us.

Add to the military count the law enforcement, homeland security forces, firefighters, first responders, medical personnel, utility workers, etc. and the count climbs drastically. These are all people that serve to make our lives what they are here in this great country. They do this with great sacrifice, as we can see from the numbers above and their families sacrifice a great deal for their service also.

Remember this the next time you come in contact with any of them, thank them for their service and let them know of your support for their work. A smile and thank you would do a lot for them in their lives. It would show them that the work they do or did and the service they provide or provided is appreciated and recognized. Make sure that you fly a flag this weekend, even if it is a very small one. Let them see our support for them and the love we have of the country that they make greater and stronger. We have another way we can show our support for them, we can register to vote and then vote. They put their lives on the line for us and our country, we can at least vote and participate in securing our liberty and making sure that those who serve get the full support they deserve from our government.

To all of you who serve: We sleep well because you stand guard and at the ready.
To the families of those who serve: Thank you.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

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