Sunday, May 16, 2010

Armed Forces Day

Yesterday was Armed Forces Day. We need to take the time and thank all of those who serve now and that have served in the past in our armed forces. Thank you for the sacrifice! Thank you for your family's sacrifices! We have an all-volunteer armed forces system. There is no draft, no forced or mandatory service. They literally risk everything for us. Thank you.

Good news. The percentage of Americans now calling themselves "pro-life" remains at least comparable to the percentage calling themselves "pro-choice", if not higher as has been the case since 2009. This contrasts with the pattern from 1995 through 2008 when more Americans typically embraced the "pro-choice" label. (2010 Gallup. Inc.)

Bad news, but we already knew it. Obamacare is going to cost $115 Billion more than they told us it would according to the Congressional Budget Office. Imagine that! Funny how they held out that morsel of dough so that the cost wouldn't be above $1,000,000,000,000.00! That means $1 Trillion. I like showing all of the zeroes. It helps realize how huge a number it is. I guess at this point we all need to learn the next number out there. As fast as we are spending money, our national debt will make it to $1,000,000,000,000,000.00 before we get it under control? The number is "Quadrillion". Nice ring to it isn't there?

So all of us have read about that evil, racist law that they passed down in Arizona. That is down there where they let people carry guns in open on their belt! Ahhhh! This must be a state of racists! Even Eric Holder, our Attorney General tells us about how bad this law is and why we should be wary of it! What was that? Who hasn't read it? You mean the Arizona law? No way! Are you kidding me? Eric Holder admitted that he hasn't read the 16-page law? How could this be? They all read the Obamacare 1700+ pages and the other bills that have been 1,000 + pages! Funny how he can attack a law that is 16 pages long without reading it and not say one bad thing about a 1,700 + page law that is clearly unconstitutional because of the mandates included in it!

Remember the guy named Maurice Strong that I told you about in the Chicago Climate Exchange post? This guy is becoming really popular in the talk shows these days. Seems he is a very strong global governance guy. George Soros is one of the others in this group. Guess who their pawn in the game is, Barrack Hussein Obama. You guessed it, our dear president. You know the special top-secret Blackberry that Obowmao had to have and the Secret Service was just dying over? Guess who is on the other end of those messages? They have to be able to get marching orders to him somehow. Now they just have to get him reading the teleprompter only and quit ad libbying in his speeches! Don't you just love guys giving orders to our president that don't even live here (Maurice Strong is in Communist China!) and that think the United Nations should have governing rights over our own Constitution and courts here in the United States of America? Have you heard about the small arms ban that is trying to be shoved down our throats through the UN in total disregard of our own 2nd Amendment? Some things are just easier done outside of our congressional body. Even they aren't Progressive enough to ban small arms. Oh, well, as long as it gets done right? And we thought Pelosi was bad! These guys have no respect for our Constitution or us. As far as they are concerned, it only works when it fits their program.

So at least we have the Supreme Court to protect us! We don't? What, Elena Kagan won't protect our country and the Constitution? So no bench experience is a big thing? Oh, I guess it is. Even Obowmao said that while he was a senator. Someone without any judgeship experience would have to be more heavily scrutinized according to him. So why would he nominate a complete rooky for the Supreme Court? Well you could read any of her writings if you had a question. She comes out of the Chicago Law School group along with Obowmao, so he knows she is very Progressive and will carry the global governance banner with pride. She even thinks that it is okay for the government to be able to restrict 1st Amendment rights in some cases when it hurts the government.

More good news. Incumbents are falling behind the new wave of "smaller government and less spending" candidates that are on the ballots. This is good if all of us are registered to vote and then will vote. November is a major possible turning point in this country. But only if we vote in the primaries and in November! Tell your family, your friends, your neighbors and everyone you come in contact with how important it is to vote!

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