Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Socialized and Satanized!

“The way to make government responsible is to hold it accountable. The way to make government accountable is to make it transparent so the American people can know exactly what decisions are being made, how they are being made and whether their interests are being well served.” – Barrack Obamao

AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! I hate being lied to! Guess what all of you citizens of the United Socialist States of America, we have been lied to, deceived and manipulated like you can never imagine. And congratulations all of us, we did it to ourselves! The next time we have a candidate for any office in Washington D.C. that appears out of nowhere, has a full semi-truck full of baggage following them, and talks like he is going to be the new savior to the world, we need to remind ourselves of being stupid idiots that fell for this act before and send them on their merry way to anywhere other than an office of responsibility and power!

You really have no idea how mad I am today! We have become the victims of some of the greatest injustices to American freedoms that have ever occurred. They are so bad that we have gone and fought wars in the past over equivalent actions in other countries!

If you are in the military and overseas protecting what is left of our freedoms, you do not have the full right to vote! The Department of Justice is notifying states to use waivers to bypass the new Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act. This law enacted last October was supposed to ensure servicemen and women overseas that they would have ample time to get their absentee ballots so they could vote. The MOVE Act requires states to send absentee ballots to overseas military troops 45 days before an election, but a state can apply for a waiver if it can prove a specific “undue hardship” in enforcing it. In other words, sorry oversea military, your vote is not important, even though many of you will die protecting that simple right. Thank you Eric Holden and Barrack Obamao! You are true Socialists and Progressives. I do not mean that in a kind fashion either! If someone ever called me that and meant it, they would be testing out our new healthcare program in this country! Here is the link to read all about the program that is taking the right to vote away from our overseas military.

Remember that new Financial Reform Bill that was passed and signed in the last couple of weeks? You remember, the one that is 2,300 pages long! The one that Congressman John Conyers D-MI talked about by saying “Read the bill! What good is reading the bill if it’s a 1,000 pages long and you don’t have 2 days and 2 lawyers to find out what it means after you’ve read the bill?” Shows you how much he knew about the bill, he thought it was 1,000 pages when it was actually 2,300 pages! This wonderful little 2,300 page bill has a sneaky little clause in it that states that the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) no longer has to comply with requests for information releases from the public including those filed under the Freedom of Information Act. Because the SEC is a regulatory agency, they can deny any requests for info that they want to. Transparency? Accountability? Responsibility? Not anymore! You can go to this link and scroll to the bottom and read the clause they are using to not be accountable for their actions anymore. Thank you Barrack Obamao and your Socialist state that needs to answer to no one!

Anyone else getting mad yet? It doesn’t stop here!

The EPA has just released a 55 page “guidance” to help its employees “ADVANCE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE” for low-income and minority communities. “Achieving environmental justice is an Agency priority and should be factored into every decision” the document says. The EPA defines environmental justice as the “fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, particularly minority, low-income, and indigenous populations, and tribes, in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.”

The guide states “in the process of developing rules, policy statements, risk assessments, and other regulatory actions -- EPA managers and staffers must first ask themselves, “Does this action involve a topic that is likely to be of particular interest to or have particular impact upon minority, low-income, or indigenous populations, or tribes?”

If the answer is yes, the rule-writers must reach out to the affected minority and/or low-income communities. One section of the guide explains how EPA rule-writers may have to make “special efforts” to connect with people who may be uneducated or non-English-speaking.

“It will likely be necessary to tailor outreach materials to be concise, understandable, and readily accessible to the communities you are trying to reach,” the guide says.

"Historically, the low-income and minority communities that carry the greatest environmental burdens haven't had a voice in our policy development or rulemaking,” said EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson in announcing the release of the guide. Thank you Barrack Obamao and your statement that you would not stand in the way of any of the EPA’s new rulemaking. Brace yourself everyone! We haven’t even begun to see the results of this group yet! One of their new rules about cleaning up the air in many states will cut sulfur dioxide emissions by 71% from the 2005 levels by 2014 and nitrogen oxide emissions by 52% in the same time. That will be a very hard thing to do and is going to drastically run up the costs of the country to do so. But, if you live in Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine… not a problem, it doesn’t apply to these four states!?!?!?!?!? Are you kidding me? Who cut this sweet deal for these guys and how much did that cost and who is paying that bill?

Still not through!

Back to our simple little 2,300 page Financial Reform Act. Zions Bank did us all a favor and sent us a basic recap of the bill and what the major features are:
A 10-member council of regulators led by the Treasury secretary would monitor threats to the financial system. It would decide which companies were so big or interconnected that their failures could upend the financial system. Those companies would be subject to tougher regulation.
If such a company teetered, the government could liquidate it. The costs of taking such a company down would be borne by its industry peers.
The council could overturn new rules proposed by the consumer protection agency. That’s supposed to happen only to rules deemed a threat to the financial system.
A new independent office would oversee financial products and services such as mortgages, credit cards and short-term loans. The office would be housed in the Fed.
Auto dealers, pawn brokers and others would be exempt from the bureau’s enforcement. For community banks, the new rules would be enforced by existing regulators.
The oversight council could block rules proposed by the consumer agency, but only if they determine the regulations would threaten the system.
Currently, consumer protection is spread among various bank regulators.
The Federal Reserve would lead the oversight of big, interconnected companies whose failures could threaten the system. Those companies would be identified by the council of regulators.
The Fed’s relationships with banks would face more scrutiny from the Government Accountability Office, Congress’ investigative arm. The GAO could audit emergency lending the Fed made after the 2008 financial crisis emerged. It also could audit the Fed’s low-cost loans to banks, and the Fed’s buying and selling of securities to implement interest-rate policy.
The Fed also would have to set lower limits on the fees that banks charge merchants who accept debit cards.
Big banks would have to reserve as much money as small banks do to protect against future losses. But big banks would have to replace hybrid forms of capital called trust preferred securities with common stock or other securities. Banks with under $15 billion in assets wouldn’t have to replace those securities, but could not add more to their reserve funds.
Derivatives are financial instruments whose values change based on the price of some underlying investment. They were used for speculation, fueling the financial crisis. Under current law, they have been traded out of the sight of regulators. The new law would force many of those trades onto more transparent exchanges.
Banks will continue trading derivatives related to interest rates, foreign exchanges, gold and silver. Those deals earn big profits for a handful of Wall Street titans.
But riskier derivatives could not be traded by banks. Those deals would run through affiliated companies with segregated finances. The goal is to protect taxpayers, since bank deposits are guaranteed by the government.
Companies that own commercial banks could no longer make speculative bets for their own profits.
A related provision would have banned banks from investing in private equity and hedge funds. The final compromise scaled that back. Banks will be allowed to invest up to 3 percent of their capital in private equity and hedge funds.
Shareholders would vote on executive pay packages. But the votes wouldn’t be binding. Companies could ignore them.
The Fed would oversee executive compensation to make sure it does not encourage excessive risk-taking. The Fed would issue broad guidelines but no specific rules. If a payout appeared to promote risky business practices, the Fed could intervene to block it.
Credit rating agencies that give recklessly bad advice could be legally liable for investor losses. They would have to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Regulators would study the conflict of interest at the heart of the rating system: Credit raters are paid by the banks that issue the securities they rate. Before the crisis, they bowed to pressure from the banks, lawmakers say. That’s why the agencies gave strong ratings to mortgage investments that were basically worthless.
Lenders would have to make sure mortgage borrowers could afford to repay.
Lenders would have to disclose the highest payment borrowers could face on their adjustable-rate mortgages. Mortgage brokers could no longer receive bonuses for pushing people into high-cost loans.
The bill would be paid in part with $11 billion generated by ending the unpopular Troubled Asset Relief Program, the $700 billion bank bailout created in the fall of 2008 at the height of the financial scare. It would cover additional costs by increasing premium rates paid by commercial banks to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to insure bank deposits. The increase would not affect banks with assets under $10 billion.
WOW! Guess what, the feds now run the financial industry in our country!

So these statements that have become so famous from members of congress:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi - “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy.” “Fog of the controversy”? Nancy, the only fog I see is in your brain!

Congresswoman Maxine Waters said, “And guess what this liberal will be all about, this liberal will be all about socializing,… um, will be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.” Not much to wonder about that, is there?

Ready for another one? A federal court judge in Arizona gutted the Immigration Bill that was supposed to go into effect on July 29. It now will drag into a long drawn out legal battle in the courts and will probably end up in the U.S. Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the federal government still refuses to do anything about the illegal alien crisis in Arizona that is causing huge crime increases, huge costs to the state, unemployment problems, and a lawless strip of land along the southern border. The decision was not based on law, it was not based on the will of the majority and not based on the will of the electoral process in our country. In other words, it was based on agendas, by select illegal groups and an administration that has a solution to the illegal alien crisis: Amnesty, coming to your congress soon. Thank you Obamao! How much have Obamao, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton taken in bribes from the Mexican government to keep the borders open and a steady flow of people illegally entering our country across the porous southern border? I am dead serious! Only huge amounts of money could create such an insane situation with no federal action!

Last one for today. A woman has just lost her lawsuit against Eastern Michigan University for being kicked out of the Counseling program because of her Christian religious beliefs about homosexuals and her refusal to accept the schools insistence on her changing her views to stay in the program against her religious beliefs! Another woman in Georgia is getting ready to file a suit against a public college there for the same basic problem! Freedom of religion, only if you tolerate the new rules about morality in our society setup by Satan himself! Here is the link to this unbelievable decision taking away your religious freedoms:

Are you getting the picture? We have been Socialized and Satanized! Not working at it, but been done! We are no longer the free country with high moral standards that we once were. We are having our freedoms slipped away from us bill by bill and our morals degraded agenda by agenda and we haven’t put a stop to it!

Remember, “Satan will gently lead you away!”

Talk, write, post, register, vote, tell others to vote, don’t back down from the Progressives that want to make you sound like a racist, hate monger, or wacko. You are the sane one. You are the one that recognizes the work of Satan and you are the one that needs to call out from the watchtower and warn your friends, neighbors, family and associates.

November can not come fast enough. Pray for God to Bless America and then defend God and help Him do it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Where did America go?

Last Saturday, Chris and I went to see Glenn Beck's American Revival tour in Salt Lake City. When it was over, we jumped on TRAX going the wrong direction, on purpose, to get out of the heat and road it to the Front Runner station and then back down and around to our car in Midvale. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. We didn't feel rushed, didn't have any worries and enjoyed the rest of our outing together.

So if you know Chris, you know this was a rare moment in time when she didn't feel rushed and was just relaxing, enjoying ourselves. So why were we like this? We had just spent from 10:30am to 5pm listening to Glenn Beck and his associates in describing Faith, Hope and Charity in America. We have serious problems here in our great country, but we can overcome them. After listening to them all day, we were educated, inspired and at peace with ourselves. Glenn has been accused of being a lot of things, but he tells the truth, he inspires you to think of your relationship with your Savior and Heavenly Father, he gives you hope for what we can be, and makes you want to share it with others and have love for others. I told Chris that it was as close to going to a great church meeting that leaves you excited about life as you can get without it being church. He also had David Barton, David Buckner and Judge Napolitano on the program with him.

So how does a meeting like this start? Like they should, with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Senator Orrin Hatch and a local Boy Scout troop presenting the flag and a word of prayer offered by Representative Jason Chaffetz. At the end of the program, David Barton an Evangelist offered the prayer.

We were taught true history about the faith and belief that the founding fathers had in God, the importance of having Him in our lives, how they expected Him to be a part of our government and how He influenced and inspired them in founding in our country. History books today like to fight these truths and claim that they were not religious men. How have we let our history be rewritten with lies?

We were told about Hope through telling us the truth about how things are right now and how they will be. Truth, not lies or deflections from the truth to get us thinking in a different path. How often do we see our country's leaders literally lie to us about things so that they can push an agenda that is not correct? How have we let our leadership become liars when we vote them in?

We were told about love and charity. How it is important to come together as faithful people of all religious beliefs to take care of one another, to love our neighbors, family and friends. To be charitable and help those in need and not expect the government to do this. Charity is freely giving without demand or expectation of return. It is through love. How have we allowed our government to become the caretakers of our country?

Glenn was talking yesterday about how one year ago, everyone was complaining about those of us that called Obamao and his associates Socialists and Marxists. Today, the vast majority of America recognizes that as truth. Now we wonder how far we are from a dictator ruling from the White House. Where do you put the line that says he has crossed over and become a dictator. He now controls over 75% of the economy through the White House with czars and directors that have not been approved through the normal senatorial approval process. 75%... maybe that line is already crossed.

A person is going to be voted on in the senate to take a seat on the Supreme Court. She has never been a judge, she is wildly liberal in her views, and she hates the military and proved it by banning the military recruiting at Harvard Law's recruiting office. She is also a very hardcore socialist that acknowledges that The Constitution of the United States of America is a writing in the making that changes with time.

The Justice Dept. is dismissing charges in cases that they have already won in court so that there is no penalty phase against voter harassment and intimidation by the New Black Panthers. Voter fraud has been approved by a memo that instructs there not to be prosecution but to remove the offending names from the voter rolls.

An election in Minnesota for a senate seat that was within a handful of votes and recounted to extreme measures now comes with knowledge that the votes that put Al Franken as the winner came from convicted felons illegally voting from prison with absentee ballots?

Our borders are purposely left open for human traffic and along with that drugs, slaves, felons, terrorists and whatever else wants to come across by crossing the desert. Cries to call for securing the borders, demanding hiring of legal workers and enforcement of existing laws that are knowingly being broken are answered with campaigns shouting racists, Nazis, bigots, and extremists. Yet hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year supporting the illegals that knowingly break our laws to come here in illegal methods, stay here illegally, work here illegally, steal identities from hundreds of thousands of law abiding citizens and claim that we are white, so that we should be the ones prosecuted not the browns trying to take back the land that we stole from them. When Arizona does something to try and protect its state because the federal government refuses to do so, they get sued by that same Justice Dept. that dismisses cases and looks the other way against fraud and intimidation in our voting process.

How did we let this get so far out of hand?

Apathy and laziness. We will be known as the generations that let a revolution happen without a single shot being fired. Yes, we have allowed America to be hijacked and we haven't stopped it.

"Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country."

June 25, 1962 was the start down this road. My opinion. The U.S. Supreme Court ordered that this prayer could not be recited in classrooms in New Hyde Park, NY. Subsequently it became the standard for the land and prayers were essentially banned from schools going forward.

Corresponding to this time, the SAT test scores from our schools started a grand decline that has not yet stopped. I am not kidding; this is the time that our SAT scores started plummeting!

I knew I had seen charts showing this in Mitt Romney's book "No Apology" so I thought I would Google it. The chart came from a study that David Barton, one of the speakers at Glenn Beck's American Revival had done. Here is a link to it: Not only does the study show a decline in test scores, but a serious degradation in the morals of our country also.

We say God Bless America all the time.

So why hasn't he blessed us more so that these things wouldn't happen? This is His chosen land right?

Because we haven't shown that we meant it. We said it but we didn't follow through with our part. He only helps those that ask for help and then show that they really want the help.

If we want God to bless America, we must pray for it, we say it and mean it, and we must show it by not being afraid to defend God! Can you believe that I just said we have to defend God? Where has America gone?

Today is the day to start. Everyone needs to pray on their knees at least once a day and thank Him for our blessings. Then we need to ask God to give us strength and to bless us, our families, our friends, our neighbors and our leaders to do the right things. Then ask him to bless America. It is then up to us to do the right things.

God Bless America. Please think about that and then do what is necessary so that He can.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Independence Day

If you have ever noticed the photo at the top of my blog, you realize that Independence Day is a big thing. Unfortunately, we have been taught to call the holiday the 4th of July instead of what it is, Independence Day.

On July 4, 1776, The United States of America had its birth. Fifty-six men risked everything by signing that document. With their signing, they became outlaws, traitors, revolutionaries, hunted and some of the bravest men on the earth. They knew that signing would likely bring about their deaths and the deaths of their family members. Yet the document contained things too valuable to let go of. Here is a link that will take you to the list of signers and a biography of each one of these brave men.

What was the difference between these men and the ones that later worked out and wrote the Constitution of The United States of America? They were all inspired by God to set apart and build a country that would allow the freedoms we were given by our Heavenly Father. They were wise men with a great deal of knowledge and common sense. With the inspiration they were given, both documents have lasted centuries and have been the greatest success on this earth in governments. Yet the ones that risked all on July 4, 1776 were selfless, and loving men that knew that their sacrifice must be made to allow the rest of us to enjoy the freedoms that they and two million, two hundred, twenty-five thousand more would sacrifice their lives to defend over the last 234 years.

Today I read an entry on FaceBook that made me need to write this post. A friend of mine said she was sad because her younger brother was shipping out for Iraq today.

How do you react to such a statement? This is a young man, just as brave as those who signed the Declaration of Independence 234 years ago. Now he goes out to defend that same document, The Constitution, our country, our flag and us.

My only thoughts are thank you, may Heavenly Father bless you and all of the others that serve with you, with safety and protection that you may return home safely to your families. To the families: thank you for your family member's sacrifice and your sacrifice while they are gone. May you be blessed also and may you know of our gratitude for this sacrifice.

We have seen The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of The United States of America and the history of our country and founding fathers warped and bent out of shape over many years. Much too far in the recent years. We owe all of the 56 and the 2.25 million more than this for their sacrifices to bring them to us and to protect them.

It is now up to us, all of us, to restore them to their original greatness, the truthfulness of who they were and what they risked. We don't take up arms to do so. We lift our hands and vote. Vote for those that understand the importance of these documents and histories, ones that will return us to them without needing to change them, and ones that are just as willing to sacrifice to do so as the 56, the 2.25 million and all of those who have served or are serving now. Not only is this the patriotic thing to do, but it is also the right thing to do. Heavenly Father gave us these blessings; we will loose them if we do not honor, sustain, treasure and love them just as he gave them to us.

We have four months until we will all be called to do our part. We need to study, register to vote; get our family, friends, neighbors and associates to do so also. Then on November 2, 2010, ALL of us need to put forth our effort to vote so that we don't lose these things that we were blessed with and watch our country die for laziness to protect it.

We need to be able to look in the eyes of those that serve in harms way and are willing to sacrifice all and be able to report that we carried out our part here at home, where we sleep well because they stand guard.

May God bless America and all of our troops and all those who serve to protect it! Happy Independence Day!