Last Saturday, Chris and I went to see Glenn Beck's American Revival tour in Salt Lake City. When it was over, we jumped on TRAX going the wrong direction, on purpose, to get out of the heat and road it to the Front Runner station and then back down and around to our car in Midvale. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. We didn't feel rushed, didn't have any worries and enjoyed the rest of our outing together.
So if you know Chris, you know this was a rare moment in time when she didn't feel rushed and was just relaxing, enjoying ourselves. So why were we like this? We had just spent from 10:30am to 5pm listening to Glenn Beck and his associates in describing Faith, Hope and Charity in America. We have serious problems here in our great country, but we can overcome them. After listening to them all day, we were educated, inspired and at peace with ourselves. Glenn has been accused of being a lot of things, but he tells the truth, he inspires you to think of your relationship with your Savior and Heavenly Father, he gives you hope for what we can be, and makes you want to share it with others and have love for others. I told Chris that it was as close to going to a great church meeting that leaves you excited about life as you can get without it being church. He also had David Barton, David Buckner and Judge Napolitano on the program with him.
So how does a meeting like this start? Like they should, with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Senator Orrin Hatch and a local Boy Scout troop presenting the flag and a word of prayer offered by Representative Jason Chaffetz. At the end of the program, David Barton an Evangelist offered the prayer.
We were taught true history about the faith and belief that the founding fathers had in God, the importance of having Him in our lives, how they expected Him to be a part of our government and how He influenced and inspired them in founding in our country. History books today like to fight these truths and claim that they were not religious men. How have we let our history be rewritten with lies?
We were told about Hope through telling us the truth about how things are right now and how they will be. Truth, not lies or deflections from the truth to get us thinking in a different path. How often do we see our country's leaders literally lie to us about things so that they can push an agenda that is not correct? How have we let our leadership become liars when we vote them in?
We were told about love and charity. How it is important to come together as faithful people of all religious beliefs to take care of one another, to love our neighbors, family and friends. To be charitable and help those in need and not expect the government to do this. Charity is freely giving without demand or expectation of return. It is through love. How have we allowed our government to become the caretakers of our country?
Glenn was talking yesterday about how one year ago, everyone was complaining about those of us that called Obamao and his associates Socialists and Marxists. Today, the vast majority of America recognizes that as truth. Now we wonder how far we are from a dictator ruling from the White House. Where do you put the line that says he has crossed over and become a dictator. He now controls over 75% of the economy through the White House with czars and directors that have not been approved through the normal senatorial approval process. 75%... maybe that line is already crossed.
A person is going to be voted on in the senate to take a seat on the Supreme Court. She has never been a judge, she is wildly liberal in her views, and she hates the military and proved it by banning the military recruiting at Harvard Law's recruiting office. She is also a very hardcore socialist that acknowledges that The Constitution of the United States of America is a writing in the making that changes with time.
The Justice Dept. is dismissing charges in cases that they have already won in court so that there is no penalty phase against voter harassment and intimidation by the New Black Panthers. Voter fraud has been approved by a memo that instructs there not to be prosecution but to remove the offending names from the voter rolls.
An election in Minnesota for a senate seat that was within a handful of votes and recounted to extreme measures now comes with knowledge that the votes that put Al Franken as the winner came from convicted felons illegally voting from prison with absentee ballots?
Our borders are purposely left open for human traffic and along with that drugs, slaves, felons, terrorists and whatever else wants to come across by crossing the desert. Cries to call for securing the borders, demanding hiring of legal workers and enforcement of existing laws that are knowingly being broken are answered with campaigns shouting racists, Nazis, bigots, and extremists. Yet hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year supporting the illegals that knowingly break our laws to come here in illegal methods, stay here illegally, work here illegally, steal identities from hundreds of thousands of law abiding citizens and claim that we are white, so that we should be the ones prosecuted not the browns trying to take back the land that we stole from them. When Arizona does something to try and protect its state because the federal government refuses to do so, they get sued by that same Justice Dept. that dismisses cases and looks the other way against fraud and intimidation in our voting process.
How did we let this get so far out of hand?
Apathy and laziness. We will be known as the generations that let a revolution happen without a single shot being fired. Yes, we have allowed America to be hijacked and we haven't stopped it.
"Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country."
June 25, 1962 was the start down this road. My opinion. The U.S. Supreme Court ordered that this prayer could not be recited in classrooms in New Hyde Park, NY. Subsequently it became the standard for the land and prayers were essentially banned from schools going forward.
Corresponding to this time, the SAT test scores from our schools started a grand decline that has not yet stopped. I am not kidding; this is the time that our SAT scores started plummeting!
I knew I had seen charts showing this in Mitt Romney's book "No Apology" so I thought I would Google it. The chart came from a study that David Barton, one of the speakers at Glenn Beck's American Revival had done. Here is a link to it: Not only does the study show a decline in test scores, but a serious degradation in the morals of our country also.
We say God Bless America all the time.
So why hasn't he blessed us more so that these things wouldn't happen? This is His chosen land right?
Because we haven't shown that we meant it. We said it but we didn't follow through with our part. He only helps those that ask for help and then show that they really want the help.
If we want God to bless America, we must pray for it, we say it and mean it, and we must show it by not being afraid to defend God! Can you believe that I just said we have to defend God? Where has America gone?
Today is the day to start. Everyone needs to pray on their knees at least once a day and thank Him for our blessings. Then we need to ask God to give us strength and to bless us, our families, our friends, our neighbors and our leaders to do the right things. Then ask him to bless America. It is then up to us to do the right things.
God Bless America. Please think about that and then do what is necessary so that He can.
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