Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bridgewater is my choice.

I have spent a lot of time talking to, listening to and reading about the U.S. Senate candidates and their stand on the items critical in this election. I cannot and will not vote for Bob Bennett. His time to come home is here. Thanks for the service over the years, but it has now been too long and he is blending in with Congress too well these days.

I have looked to three candidates through out the last few months as the leaders in this race. Cherilyn Eager, Mike Lee and Tim Bridgewater. I have read all of the things that I could find on these candidates both pro and con and I have been enlightened by the writings about all of them from outside of their own campaign offices.

So what do you do when you come down to three that could each well serve our state and country? I always go back to my gut instinct. What was my impression after a face to face meeting with the candidate? What questions could I not feel comfortable about, even after talking to the candidate? How has the candidate handled their campaign and have they shown H.I.T.? (This is my old gauge: Honesty, Integrity and Truthfulness) Finally, when I think about all three, which one brings peace of mind when I ask "could I vote for them and feel comfortable the day after with that vote? I hope that both Cherilyn and Mike both stay involved in the push for a return to the great America that we once were, they both add to this battle we are fighting and their efforts are needed. However for this position I feel most comfortable with Tim.

Tim Bridgewater brings the peace of mind that I need to feel. He has the experience in business that I so want to see brought to Congress. We need to have representatives that understand what it means to make it to the end of the month and that know that the bottom line is important! He wants to protect our country, our way of life and our freedoms. He has values that reflect what I feel are important, Glenn Beck represents them as Faith, Hope and Charity, I add, "would I want to be his friend?" I also feel that his wife Laura shares these same values and urgency for return to greatness that Tim does. This gives me comfort in knowing that he has family support for the job at hand. This is extremely critical in such a hard and important position.

So on Saturday May 8, 2010, as a Utah State Republican Convention Delegate, I will vote for Tim Bridgewater and ask any others that are still considering this race to do the same. Tim will be the strength we need to return to the greatness our country once had.

For all those who are not delegates, please make sure you are registered to vote, that you vote in the primaries if there are any and also most importantly that you vote in November for a return to greatness!

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