Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So what is really important today?

General James Jones, National Security Advisor gives a speech this week and in it tells a very long joke about a Taliban and two very greedy Jewish merchants. Israel, be careful! I don't think we have your back anymore.

Obowmao is sorely disappointed over Arizona's new anti-illegal immigration bill that has passed and been signed into law. He says that his administration is going to be monitoring very closely the civil rights violations that will be happening from it? What? I guess that just cinches the fact that Obowmao no longer wants to do anything about illegal immigration! He has refused to let Homeland Security do anything to secure the borders, they no longer do any kind of workplace enforcement, and in fact they actually are promoting the new amnesty bill being pushed by the administration and his two lap dogs, Reid and Pelosi! Why can't November get here any quicker? These three make me sick!

Did anyone hear the Arizona Governor's comments about why she signed the bill? “We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act,” Brewer said during a signing ceremony. “But decades of federal inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation.” She added that "the new law represents a much-needed tool to solve a crisis the state did not create and the federal government refuses to fix." - Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Wow, does this sound familiar these days! Who said “state's rights” should be a dead issue!

Utah is getting ready to introduce an almost identical bill in the Utah Legislature to give us some defense from the exodus from Arizona that this bill will cause there. Unfortunately, Utah is the next state to move to when the illegals leave Arizona. Our laws have been way too relaxed over the years giving them whatever they needed to get established in the country; drivers licenses, ID cards, welfare, medical care, education... I think you get the point. Luckily our legislature has seen this and has tried to change things. Of course every time they do, they are called racists, hate mongers, violence promoters, etc. Funny thing how that works, when the bill was signed in Arizona last week, there was a massive demonstration at the statehouse by the pro illegal-immigration groups. When one supporting protestor showed up and cheered the signing, the police had to literally put him under protection and remove him from the site for his own protection. What happened next I am sure that none of you saw or heard on the news. A small riot started with the crowd chasing the police and the one supporter off the premises, throwing water bottles, and rocks and even assaulting a retreating police officer. This was a crowd of hundreds going after these few! Wait a minute this can't be right? The Tea Party groups are supposed to be the ones advocating violence and hatred! You mean those who are just here just trying to better themselves and their families with jobs are being violent and breaking our laws? Does anyone ever think about the hundreds of thousands of American citizens who have been displaced from their jobs and cannot find jobs because of the illegal immigrants working their jobs?

What was it that Sen. McCain said today? "Arizona had to pass a tough immigration law because the Obama administration failed to secure our borders," Calling the situation in his state "the worst I've ever seen," McCain said "drugs are pouring into the southwestern United States from Mexico because of ineffective border enforcement." And this is from "Mr. Amnesty", John McCain himself!

Well, it looks like Obowmao is scared. He has announced "Vote 2010". I couldn't agree more. We all need to vote in 2010! But while he is issuing the call to "young people, African Americans, Latinos, and women who powered our victory in 2008" to vote, he has king of left out a really, really big group of Americans! He has asked for them to keep working to “fix Washington and to change this country”. To rejoice in the Healthcare reform and the recovery act that has spurred the economy. What? Did I miss the recovery? There are those that are the big evil corporate and special interests “that are now trying to undo all that they have accomplished” that are trying to get their friends and allies elected in November to fight against what Obama has changed. Obama says that he is listening to what the people have told him and that is to return in November with the same people they elected in 2008 so that they can continue "to keep building a fairer, stronger and more just America!" So that they can "deliver on the promise of change, and hope, and prosperity for generations to come." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh-yR1HWkbM This is the link for the public service announcement that he is pushing to draw out this vote and continue America's mandate to him. Go to it and watch it and tell me if you don't get sick, mad, and just plain upset? I am telling you, this guy is evil. He lies, manipulates, fabricates, massages the truth and everything else he can do to make it appear as though it is something else. He does this because he knows if he came out and told you the whole truth about what he wants and believes in, you would revolt against him. This way he leads you gently away with deceiving. Do not trust him, even when you think you should. It is all part of the method.

So all of you older people that are not African American or Latinos, all of you men who are not African American or Latino, all of you Asians, Europeans, and middle aged Americans, you are not to vote this fall. You do not fit into Obowmao's profile; sorry you are just part of the problem.

Well, I am proud to say I am part of the problem and I hope I become a very large part of the problem! Because what Obama wants is to continue on with the destruction of the United States of America! He wants “change”, literally. The problem is his change is not what we want or fits in with the Constitution! If you ever had one ounce of love for this country, the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, respect for the country that your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents built for us, then you now have to stand up and say enough. November is the end if we don't make gains back. If we do not put a stop in November to the agenda from the White House that is literally filled with Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Maoists, one-time domestic terrorists and Progressives, we will lose decades of work that will have to be done to return our country to what it once was!

This may seem radical and a little too weird for some of you to read, but I promise you, this is fact. Our country is at a point where it will be like trying to stop an anchor from hitting the ocean floor after it has been dropped. You might get it stopped, but you will cause yourself a lot of pain and suffering trying to do it. This January, Obama is going to drop the anchor, if we don't have enough patriots that love our country as it should be and is set forth in the Constitution, we will not be able to stop the dropping of the anchor. Stopping the anchor from dropping is the most important thing there is to do right now. Because it will be a lot harder to try and stop it from hitting bottom or worse, having to dislodge it from the bottom and try and bring it back up later on.

Obowmao likes to talk about “change”, well now is the time for change. NOT a change of our country, but a change of the elected officials in Washington and replaced by a group that loves OUR country, OUR Constitution and the rights that God has given us!

Glenn Beck states that it has to be done by those with FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY! We the voters and those we vote for must have FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY! Faith in God and what he established through the Founding Fathers in our great country and recognizing Him and His gifts to us in the freedoms that we have here. Hope for the future, one of greatness, strength, truth, honesty from our governments and equal justice for all. There is a reason that millions have struggled over the centuries to come to this country, we are the Hope of the world! Charity that is voluntary, given by love, and caring, not forced on us by laws and "social justice" and tyranny! Americans have always been charitable and have helped whenever the need arose. We have always given and served to help those who are in need. But to tax by law and take from the wealthy to give to the poor by mandate and tyranny is wrong. It becomes government powered equalization not charity.

You need to be registered to vote. You need to vote in the primary elections if there are any to vote in. You need to vote in November. Most importantly, you need to tell all of your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, everyone you come in contact with, of the danger that we are facing if we let this government continue on with what has been happening and what they want to happen. There are a few that can be of benefit if they return to Washington after the elections, but almost all of the rest need to come home. They were part of the problem that has been developing all of these years and has greatly accelerated in the past two years. If you don't recognize a candidate as an opponent to the Washington that we see today, don't vote for them.

Remember it is up to us to stop the "change" and restore what once was. We are not doing this as racists, hate mongers, promoters of violence or hatred; we are doing this out of LOVE for THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! We love our country and the way it should be, why do they want to change it so bad?

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