Friday, April 2, 2010

Gratitude for really important things.

A little under two thousand years ago last night, we were given the best gift we have ever received, The Atonement. I have always been amazed at how the world looks at the last week of Christ's life as a mortal here on earth. Statements of "He died for us", "He lives", and "He was crucified for us" have always been told and repeated at this time of year. I believe many forget the most important one, "He Atoned for us." Dictionary: "Atonement: satisfaction or reparation for a wrong or injury; amends."

I am not perfect, never will be, never have been. Yet through the Atonement, I can be made as if perfect. Christ said He would take all of my problems, sins, errors, mistakes and stupidity and take the consequences and suffering on Himself. All I had to do was accept Him as my Savior, ask for forgiveness and try to do better.

So while he was in the Garden of Gethsemane that Thursday night, the most important event of that week took place. It was the most painful and caused the most suffering, even more than the crucifixion. Reported by those there that He bled from every pore. Yet it was the most that He could do for you and me. Now I will be able to have the opportunity to appear as free of sin and return to My Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ when my time on earth is completed.

It is hard to find anything more important this week than that. So politics, society and everything else will be passed up in my blog this week. Just the most important thing that happened in this week will be reported on. The Atonement.

May your Easter be filled with joy, happiness, faith, hope and charity. May it be spent with family and friends and may we all remember the best part of Easter week, The Atonement. I'll be back next week with less important things. Happy Easter!

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