The Heritage Foundation has found that during the last year, the government spent $146,000,000.00 for upgrades for government employees that refused to fly coach. Let me repeat that: during the last year, the government spent $146,000,000.00 for upgrades for government employees that refused to fly coach. Yes that number is $146 MILLION! Hmmm… Are you beginning to see the problem? Mitt Romney flew coach when he went to the Olympics last winter as a previous Olympic Chairman. I have sat two rows behind the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (The Mormons) before in coach! I have owned businesses, been on the board of directors of and been the Vice President of a publicly traded corporation on the NASDAQ. Never did our employees fly other than coach, we flew coach and if someone had said they wouldn’t fly coach, they would have been fired.
There still is no evidence of where the $6,400,000,000.00 ($6.4 BILLION) went that was reported to have been sent to congressional districts that don’t exist from TARP. The administration and congressional leaders say it is a clerical error. But that still doesn’t explain that there is $6.4 Billion missing! Who got wealthy off from this theft?
Last month the government spent $65,000,000,000.00 more than they took in. Yes that is $65 BILLION more than they took in. Just how are we going to sustain that kind of borrowing? Better yet, how are we going to pay back that kind of debt?
Have you looked at the National Debt Clock lately? Here is the link in case you don't have it in your "favorites" or "bookmarks".
Rep. Barney Frank and Rep. Maxine Water personally called former Treasury Secretary Paulson to get TARP money sent to OneUnited Bank which is located in Barney’s congressional district and who’s Maxine’s husband served on the board of directors for.
A good thing, the Arctic sea ice is back to normal even though Al Gore has been wishing it to disappear!
Speaking of disappearing, the BLM may lose control of some of Utah! The Utah legislature passed a bill that allows Utah to reclaim land by eminent domain! This may be a big thing in the next few years. Surely to be challenged in the Supreme Court. What is at stake? 76.1% of Nevada, 70.2% of Utah, 60.5% of Idaho, 46.2% of Oregon, 35.4% of California, 34.4% of Colorado, 32.2% of Arizona, 29.5% of Wyoming, 29.4% of New Mexico, 26.5% of Montana, 25.7% of Alaska, and 22.7% of Washington! Some one tell me why the federal government has control of any land in states other than National Parks, National Forests and federal facilities. This is why the government is too strong!
California’s last automobile production line closed last week! See what happens when government becomes too oppressive with regulations and taxes!
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act is being forced through congress. It creates a federally protected minority status for homosexuals and transgenders in employment! Lesbian lawyer Chai Feldblum, who was the primary author of this bill, has been appointed by Obama to sit on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. When questioned about the bill she responded, “when push comes to shove, when religious liberty and sexual liberty conflict, I’m having a hard time coming up with any case in which the religious liberty should win.” Now what could be wrong with this?
A father of a Marine killed in Iraq files a lawsuit against a church that protested at his son’s funeral with signs of “God Hates You” and “Thank God For Dead Soldiers”. He won the lawsuit and it was appealed. The appeals court said the decision was wrong and ordered the father to pay the legal costs of the protestors of $16,510. Welcome home heroes!
An Arizona rancher and his dog were gunned down by illegals crossing over our border and entering into his ranch. This is the same rancher who would help illegals who were in trouble of starvation or dehydration if he found them. The tracks from the crime scene led straight back across the border into Mexico. Oh come on, let’s give all of them amnesty!
Rep. Phil Hare was asked about the constitutionality of healthcare reform. His reply, “I don’t worry about the Constitution on this to be honest…” I guess we shouldn’t either?
47% of American taxpayers pay absolutely no income tax! If they didn’t pay income tax, how can they be taxpayers?
Three illegal aliens who are connected with the gang MS-13 robbed and murdered a man when trying to extort money from his prostitution business. Prosecutors were preparing to ask for the death penalty. Attorney General Eric Holder ordered the US Attorney in charge to “not seek the death penalty”. Terrorists get civilian trials, ACORN is off limits, and Black Panthers intimidating voters are not a problem… I though he was supposed to work for the JUSTICE Department!
Obama’s new appointee Goodwin Liu, for the US Circuit Court in the Ninth Circuit says in a book he has written, “that the Constitution should be interpreted using the evolving norms and traditions of our society.” Forget the Circuit Court, lets put him on the Supreme Court. What could an idiot like this do that is bad? They also have found that he hid over 100 speeches and writings from the Senate Committee when he was nominated, but Obama still wants him. Why not the Treasury Secretary didn’t pay his taxes!
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski is fuming! A three judge panel in Washington DC determined that the FCC does not have power to regulate over the Internet! This has totally stopped the Obama administration’s efforts to gain control over the content of the Internet.
An investigation is being asked to begin that will study the pocketing of per diem fees to congressmen on foreign travel trips. Expenses and excess per diems are not being accounted for properly.
The White House is touting new rules as another “historic milestone” in government transparency. The Obama administration has denied and exempted 466,872 requests for information last year. The highest in the Bush administration was 312,683 times. So transparent!
Day of Silence is being allowed at even more schools this year on April 16th. What is this, a day when students are allowed to be silent during the whole day at school to promote the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network’s agenda.
Obama bans the words Islamic extremism from government documents. This is being done so “that the world will think that the United States does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terror” counterterrorism officials said. That should stop the terrorists.
Kareem Shora is a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council. He is the National Executive Director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. The same organization that defends Hamas and Hezbollah as non-terrorist, legitimate organizations.
Arif Alikhan is the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the US Department of Homeland Security. He played a key role in the removal of the LAPD Mapping Plan that involved mapping Muslim communities in an effort to identify hotbeds of extremism. He also helped raised funds for Muslim Public Affairs Council that has labeled a deadly anti-US terrorist attack a legitimate operation, and referred to terrorists as freedom fighters.
Obama decides that the US will not use Nuclear Weapons against nonnuclear states even if they attack us with biological or chemical weapons or launch a crippling cyber attack.
Not only has Obama dropped all of the missile defense plans for Poland and eastern European areas; he has now decided to start a “road to zero” nuclear arms program with Russia. Isn’t that the same country that is trying to rebuild its arms program and is selling nuclear capabilities to countries like Iran, Venezuela and will not allow sanctions against North Korea? We give and the Russians ask for more. Here we go with the “Apology Tour” again!
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has cancelled his trip to Obama’s nuclear summit. “This conference is about nuclear terrorism and I’m not concerned that anyone will think Israel is a terrorist regime.” He probably doesn’t want to be questioned about his own nuclear arms count. Obama would probably start apologizing for the exact number of Israel’s arms also!
Look out, here it comes! Joblessness, government spending and deficits have created a rise in the interest rates for T Bills. I told you what would happen a few weeks ago. Inflation and stagflation are going to be well known words in the near future.
What is the solution? Prayer, resolve to vote better, and holding them accountable for their actions.
We have primary elections coming up in the next couple of months in Utah. Are you registered to vote? Everyone reading this has elections coming up in November. If you aren’t registered to vote, you are part of the problem and you must sit silent, because you do not have the right to complain about anything the government does. You relinquished that right when you didn’t vote.
WE MUST VOTE AND VOTE FOR THOSE THAT WOULD MAKE THIS COUNTRY STRONG. We have seen the "change", it doesn’t work. We must restore. Restore it to what the founding fathers built and have representatives that are honorable, have integrity and are truthful.
Glenn Beck says we must have FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY. Words that are very familiar to most of us. Words that when practiced would bring us back to greatness again. As Mitt Romney says “There must be No Apology!” Living with FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY, there would be no reason for apology.
If you are not registered to vote, do so. Make sure your family, friends and neighbors are also. Then EVERYONE MUST VOTE! You can be sure that those who are being supported by the government will be voting along with some dead people, Mickey Mouse and his friends and countless other made up and ficticious people that always seem to appear on new voter registrations by those that support big government and all of its giveaway programs!
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