Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lead them away carefully...

Isn't it funny the way some always point the finger at someone else when it is time to lay blame. Have you ever noticed those who normally do that? The liars, the ones that won't tell the truth even when caught in the middle of the lie.

Tiger Woods has been beat up pretty bad lately, yet when it came down to press time, he stood up and took the blame. No excuses, no whining, just "I am the one to blame, no one else." For that he has my respect and I am willing to forgive and forget it.

ACORN has pulled off some pretty incredible shenanigans in the past few decades. So what do they do? They shutdown and instantly are opened under different names to mislead you from recognizing who they really are. Same people, same program, new name.

Progressives are some of the worst at pointing a finger. What is a progressivism? From Wikipedia: "A political and social term for ideologies and movements favoring or advocating changes or reform, usually in an egalitarian direction for economic policies (public management) and liberal direction for social policies. Progressivism is often viewed in opposition to conservative ideologies... progressivism made great strides under American presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson." Wow, what a “great” (joke) list of presidents that put us into some real serious problems!

So what is going on in the progressive movement today? Well the headlines drip with the news of the progressives. Takeovers, bailouts, nationalization, healthcare reform, globalism, equalization... I think you get the picture. Oh, I forgot to mention one other thing that the progressives are doing: Generation We. What is Generation We? Let me let you make up your own mind. Go to www.gen-we.com . Seriously, go to this website right now on a different tab so that you can return to here after you have read the website and please, please, please watch the video. I could never shock you as well as the video will.

Hopefully you are back here after having gotten sick at gen-we.com. Did you notice all of the truths that they so cleverly mixed in with the lies? Why do this you ask? Simple, give it some credibility, let those who are interested in it recognize truth and then get sucked into the deceit. Who will be the ones getting sucked in? The youth just like they claim. They don't know the history and causes of the mess we are in today. They don't know that many of the endorsers, advisors and contributors to this movement are the same ones that had a great impact on the mess we are in! Lets take a look at these endorsers.

The ones listed on the site are all older than Generation We! Why would they be here accusing themselves as the bad generations? Because they are the ones with the agenda, the potential gain and the power that will be derived from the movement. These are the progressives who are pushing this so that they can use the upcoming generations as a force against their enemy, TRUTH! If they can start indoctrinating them now, get them on board with the movement, then they can use their strength to get the endorsers elected and the agendas moved forward.

Does this sound a little overly reactive to the movement? Look at the endorsers again. Who are they, what do they represent, who trained them, what are their agendas and what are their goals? Start at the bottom of the list, Van Jones, the self-declared communist from the Obama administration that had to step down because even the liberal senate could not stomach his past and training. He is literally a communist! Arianna Huffington the founder of the Huntington Press, one of the most liberal and progressive websites and blogs in the world! Last week she said that Glenn Beck deserved to take a bullet in the head. Of course you won't find this on her website anymore, someone with some sense pulled it after they started taking some very serious flack for the comment. Eric Greenberg, the author of "Generation We" and the one who is given credit for starting this movement. Oh yeah, he is also a blog writer for the Huffington Press, interesting. Senator Harry Reid, the... No I am going to be nice and just skip my description of him. You know his train wrecks and what he is still trying to do to the country. Norman Lear... I'll skip his description also. In fact, I don't have anything good to report on any of these endorsers! They are literally all one or more of the following: Progressives, Liberals, Socialists, Communists, Marxists, etc.

This is a way for them to point the blame away from themselves, excite the youth over the good that they will do, get them to turn against the older generations as being evil, look towards globalization as the bright future, try to salvage the mess they called global warming with a little bit different name but still use it to destroy our economies, make them believe capitalism and free economies are evil, solicit their votes, and basically try and raise new generations, just like the Chinese did starting in 1920 and what the German Progressives did in the 1930's. Who has suffered from these movements, not the organizers and the leaders who ruled from above, the younger generations have along with the older generations that they blamed as evil. Yet the evil was the organizers all along.

So we have the government takeovers of the financial industry, the automobile industry, possibly the healthcare industry, attempts of changing of history by not teaching American History prior to 1875 (because those founding fathers and early leaders were evil and didn't know what they were doing), a North American Union attempt, trying to turn over our military command to the U.N., letting international courts set precedence for U.S. law and now Generation We with www.gen-we.com .

Give them some truth, mix it with their teachings that are twisted to the progressive agendas but not substantiated or even proven, excite them with being a member of the generation that will save the world and LEAD THEM AWAY VERY CAREFULLY!

Has there ever been a time when our future was more dependent on the family?

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