Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I am stunned!

Okay, I admit, I am speechless. I said I would post weekly and more often if my cage was rattled. Well it wasn't rattled, it was blown over and I am just beginning to come back to consciousness. $3.8 Trillion? I will be back with a posting by Thursday morning. I am actually trying to figure out what is really in this budget! I am finding massive amounts of new tax and wondering, if they froze spending on a lot of the budget, raised taxes by a massive amount, increased the deficit by a large amount, what did they raise in expenditures that are not being shown to keep the deficit that high? Honestly, they have got some huge spending increases or outside programs that we have not been told about buried somewhere in the budget or they are not using the revenue from some of the new taxes to make the math come out! I'll get back to you on this in a little bit. Don't ignore this news item. The new budget is a deal breaker on the world debt market! This could be the start of the hyper-inflation that we have all been wondering when we would see raise its ugly little head! We were warned by the buyers of the US debt that we had to control our spending or their lending would change! That means higher rates to attract buyers, shorter terms on the debts, and a higher budget item for interest on the deficit... Could this be the reason that the US has removed China from the "spy list"? Not good.

Stay tuned for more...

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