Thursday, February 4, 2010

Spending is our Heroin!

Does the report of the budget, spending and taxes add up? No. Why? Obama has a $30 Billion Small Business Lending Fund he is creating. In the budget? No. Why? Because he is funding it off the budget with his new permanent slush fund, the Trouble Asset Relief Program. Monies that are being paid back from the banks etc. that got TARP funds are just being recycled into his pet projects off the books! Will this new push towards stimulating small businesses work? By his track record so far, NO! Not one of his programs yet has shown any positive results. We actually lost four million jobs in 2009. One million more than the in 2008, even though Obama claims to have saved two million jobs in 2009? Where he comes up with those numbers is probably the same place where they have been showing how the stimulus funds are being spent in the congressional districts and zip codes that don’t exist! Yes, the website showing where funds are being spent is such a farce; it matches the data used to show global temperatures were still warming even though they were actually cooling. Are you seeing a trend here? Welcome to the agenda of the liberals/progressives. If they can’t do it one way, they will find another way, but they will get it done. How did Nancy Pelosi state it, “If the gate is closed we’ll go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole vault over it. If we can’t pole vault over it, we’ll parachute in. But we will have healthcare reform!” So stuff that in your nose America, we are going to do it even though you’ve told us you don’t want it! We are going to do it even though history and experience prove it doesn’t work!

So back to these jobs that have been lost. The stimulus money which the White House intended to use to save jobs was not spent in 2009 even though unemployment soared to over 10%. On page 9 of the budget proposal written by Obama it states:
All told, as of the end of November 2009, about 50 percent of Recovery Act funds—or $395 billion—has been either obligated or is providing assistance directly to Americans in the form of tax relief. By design, the bulk of the remaining 50 percent of Recovery Act funds will be deployed in the coming months of 2010 and during the beginning of 2011 to support additional job creation when our economy continues to need a boost. Many of the programs slated to receive additional funding in the near future are those with significant promise of job creation. These include more than $7 billion in broadband expansion, approximately $8 billion in funds to lay the foundation for a high-speed rail network, and continued funding for other transportation projects. All told, the Recovery Act is on track to meet the goal of disbursing 70 percent of its funds in the first 18 months of its life.

In the State of the Union Address he said:
One year ago, I took office amid two wars, an economy rocked by severe recession, a financial system on the verge of collapse, and a government deeply in debt. Experts from across the political spectrum warned that if we did not act, we might face a second depression. So we acted – immediately and aggressively. And one year later, the worst of the storm has passed.
But the devastation remains. One in ten Americans still cannot find work. Many businesses have shuttered. Home values have declined. Small towns and rural communities have been hit especially hard. For those who had already known poverty, life has become that much harder.
This recession has also compounded the burdens that America’s families have been dealing with for decades – the burden of working harder and longer for less; of being unable to save enough to retire or help kids with college.
So I know the anxieties that are out there right now. They’re not new. These struggles are the reason I ran for President. . . .
For these Americans and so many others, change has not come fast enough. Some are frustrated; some are angry. They don’t understand why it seems like bad behavior on Wall Street is rewarded but hard work on Main Street isn’t; or why Washington has been unable or unwilling to solve any of our problems.
So Mr. Obama what do we believe, lie number one or lie number two? After 18 months, his stimulus money will not have been spent yet he acted “immediately and aggressively”. So we still have 10% unemployment, the economy is suffering, and now the stimulus money will really be starting to be spent in 2010. Isn’t 2010 an election year? He wouldn’t really continue to blame Bush for 2009, 10% unemployment, and also slip some blame to bad behavior on Wall Street while the calendar rolls over into 2010, come out with the larger portion of the stimulus money, give the economy a quick charge of money at the end of 2009 and watch the results become some non-permanent job increases due to the flood of money happen in the middle of an election year in Congress? America, the savior of our country is back! Obama has solved the unemployment problem, jump started the economy and yes, the Democrats did it while the Republicans were trying to stop us! Will the jump start work? NO! It is spending on items that do not have a long-term productive force in the economy. GDP! Gross Domestic Product. That is what has to increase, not government positions and jobs! The federal government is going to grow to 2.15 million employees this year! The bulk of this is on the civilian side or 153,000 new civilians in government! An expansion that is happening even though Obama says he has imposed a three year freeze in some non-defense security spending. Of course this freeze really only applies to about 1/8 of all spending and will only amount to a measly $15 Billion, a drop in the bucket of the $3,800,000,000,000.00 budget! The deficit has been announced to be a mere $1.3 Trillion. If we add that to last year’s deficit of $1.42 Trillion and to this year’s deficit of $1.6 Trillion, by October 1, 2011 we will have a national debt of $15.6 Trillion. Why is that important you ask? BECAUSE IT EXCEEDS THE NATION’S GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT!!! Is that a problem? A totally unsustainable problem that will lead to the bankruptcy of our country! This year’s deficit is 10.6% of the GDP! There is no way out of this type of spending addiction! We will go broke and be at the mercy of the world! No one will buy our debt without serious control issues being handed out with the notes! We are already seeing this in today’s auctions! China is no longer on our aggressive spy list. The government has told the intelligence agencies to stop looking for Chinese spies in America! China just told Australia to not adjust their lending rate because it would be bad for China. Unfortunately this unexpected move caused the Australian Dollar to fall against the Yen, Dollar, Kiwi, etc.
Obama claims that we are going to increase our exports and add two million jobs to out manufacturing sector in doing this. China just announced that it is going to cut imports to strengthen its own economy. I’ll give you one guess who will win this battle. If you speak Mandarin as a first language, you guessed it, China.
To summarize, our budget is incomplete and does not include a lot of new programs that Obama is starting, whether we like it or not. Our taxes are going to go up. There is a reason they call it tax and spend. Now come the taxes. Really big tax increases in the very near future. What does that spell for the economy? Continued recession and very little growth, unless of course they use the same method of accounting that they are becoming used to, then they will show an increase in the economic figures, a decrease in the unemployment numbers and a great big fat batch of lies to go along with their new policy of “Clintonitis”, tell them whatever you want because they are too stupid to know, too lazy to check on it and too apathetic to do anything about it.
Wake up everyone! Wake up your neighbors and everyone you come in contact with. They are counting on us to do nothing. Tell them to stop now! Look at the candidates! If we put the same group back in Washington DC this fall after elections, that is exactly what will happen, nothing! Make sure that the candidates that are running know what we expect and are agreeable with the new program. This means we have to become active!
Our country’s future is literally at stake! The tombstone at the top of the Blog is becoming reality!

1 comment:

  1. That's right Howie! You get it all out of your system before you come home:) ... Blood pressure cuff with you? xoxoxo ~ Chrissy
