Thursday, March 4, 2010

When I look, I see EVIL!

January 2008, I am driving from Logan, UT to Springville, UT with my wife, my mom and my aunt for my uncle's funeral. Politics are the topic and my mom asks me what I thought about this Obama guy. My response was, "when I look at Obama, I see evil." I was part of the unanimous opinion in the car. Does my opinion change today? No, it is strengthened by the last 26 months. Why do I see evil, I could tell whenever he talked that he was telling us what we wanted to hear, not the truth. He was so persuasive in his act, he persuaded over half of the country with his agenda. It was an agenda that had no publicly stated plan, no publicly stated specifics, but it offered a dream as wonderful as your mind could conjure up with the flowery and beautiful future that he generalized about and how that CHANGE was just what we wanted and needed! Not bad, Satan only got one third!

Well, just how do you feel about that change now? We are in the worst downturn in the economy that we have ever faced, our unemployment is strangling America, we are spending money faster than the feds can sell the debt, we have turned over the banking industry, the financial industry, the auto industry and we are getting ready to turn over the healthcare industry to the federal government! And there is no sign of any of this going away in the near future. So who has profited from this? Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, many friends of theirs, Congress, the White House and the unions. Unions? Yes, the unions.

Don't think that he got to the White House without the unions. It was their extra funding, their special organizing methods and canvassing programs that got the vote out to get Obama elected. The union bosses are standing in line for their payback now and they are not going to be nice about it if they don't get what they want. You remember when there was talk of a "Cadillac Tax" on the better health insurance programs that are out there? The unions and big labor were given an exemption under the first Healthcare Nationalization push. It was a little too obvious and a firestorm erupted over the special treatment being given to unions and big labor. That was quickly dropped and the screaming ended. So why did they give up so easily? Because they got something just as good, a new federal bureaucracy that would be there to administrate the "backdoor public option" from the millions of Americans in government-run insurance under the guise of Medicare coverage expansion. The Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (a union sympathizer) would have broad authority that would allow her to set monopoly bargaining and forced dues for doctors and nurses. The workers of the healthcare industry would begin to be organized quickly to protect them from the evil healthcare organizations that use them for profiteering and would set them with special healthcare packages themselves by joining the unions. Wouldn't all of this go along very nicely with "card-check" and have the rights of those not wanting to be unionized steam-rolled by the powerful union organizers.

Unions are just a small part of the problem with the new healthcare program. First of all, the American public has a majority that doesn’t want it! Does that stop it, NO! Look at the arrogance of Obama at the Healthcare summit! After watching that, there was no doubt in mind that there was absolutely no intention of Obama giving in to the demands of the opposers or the American Public. He has an agenda and it is going to go through regardless of what it costs, who opposes it, how it will affect the quality of healthcare, and whom it will cost their seat in Congress after the elections this fall. He has come out and told congress that they need to suck it up, stand firm and get this passed regardless of the level of pain it will inflict on them.

We are hearing about all of these concerns that the "Blue Dogs" have with certain areas like abortion and public option and how it is not a problem they will not be in there. But think about this, the bill is 2,700 pages long! Have we ever experienced a time when after the bill is passed we find about a little portion of it that allows something to take place that no one knew was in there? Well right of the top of my head, I would say that well over 50% of the bills passed have the trigger in them somewhere for the sneaky add-in. At 2,700 pages, I guarantee you that whatever they are saying is not in there, IT IS IN THERE! Remember the old Ragu commercials? "It's in there!" How could it not be in there? Think about how many pages 2,700 pages are! That is about the size of five Book of Mormons, four dictionaries, and more than double the size of the largest book I have ever read! Do you really think it isn't in there?

So what is the level of importance of this to get passed? Well look back at the sweetheart deals handed out in the first round of voting. Louisiana, Nebraska... We all know what they were. What is going on now, arm-twisting, threats, behind closed door promises, judicial appointments, Wait, judicial appointments? Do you really think that Obama is going to do something like nominate Scott Matheson to the 10th Circuit Court for no reason? Jim Matheson is one of the "Blue Dogs" that is threatening the passage in the House. Why is that connected? Scott Matheson is from Utah! This is the 10th Circuit Court! When the liberals and progressives want to get a good ruling in a case, one of the courts they go to is the 10th Circuit Court! Scott Matheson is not in the league of the liberals and progressives that already sit there. He is much more conservative. But one seat will not matter. Remember also, this is the state that Obama is plotting to steal millions of acres for additional National Monument status. Why steal, we don’t get any use out of the land including royalties from energy production that goes to the State School Trust Fund if it is turned into a National Monument. Remember Clinton and the Grand Escalante Staircase?

The healthcare bill is supposed to cost just under a trillion dollars over the next 10 years. Nice try. Has the government ever done anything under budget or close to budget ever? Amtrak, NASA, U S Postal Service, Social Security... You get the picture. So where does the cost savings to the budget come from that Obama keeps talking about? From his proposal. The Senate bill is going to be shoved down the country's throat with Reconciliation, as they like to call it. Actually it is no debate, no give and take, here it is, shut up and vote and quit your whining. The House is going to vote on what bill? Not Obama's proposal, it hasn't been written. It doesn't exist, they will vote on the Senate Bill. That small little 2,700 page monstosity that is full of everything, because it's in there! Believe it or not, that is where the chance of stopping this mess is, in the House. Too many of the Democrats are nervous, does that have to do with the fact that all of them are up for re-election in November?

So why do I see EVIL? Healthcare, we are getting it no matter what. He doesn't care, he owes it for favors and it gains control of one more industry. Can anyone ever remember in the history of our country when literal Communists had access to and influence at the white House? Right now. I've mentioned Van Jones. There are more and they have the ear of the President of The United States of America. They are there by invitation and appointment from the President. The promises of making government more open and transparent were lies. The change he promised has not happened, the jobs he promised have gone the other direction and decreased. He apologizes to the world for the evil our country has done. He has cut the energy production industry in our country off at the knees and is letting us get into more desperate situations on foreign energy dependence. He allows one of the oldest allies we have, Great Britain, to get mad at us by having Secretary of State Clinton tell Argentina that it is time that there were talks on the future of the Falkland Islands, a territory of Great Britain and remaining part of Great Britain is exactly what the residents of the Falkland Islands want to continue. But Obama and Clinton think they should be given back to Argentina. When was the last time you heard the US rattle the saber at Iran over the nuclear program there? Who removed China from the spy watch list in the USA? Who has let Russia start back down the road to being a large threat to the world again? Who is looking to push for an amnesty for illegal aliens again in the midst of 9.7% unemployment because they do jobs that Americans won't do?

Look at his arrogance. Listen to and remember all of his lies. Look to see which friends and allies of his profit and benefit. And finally, if you don't believe any of that, look at his hands. Hands tell a lot about a man. Hands that have worked and struggled, get larger in size. They literally get muscle in them and show the efforts that have been made by that person. I realized this for the first time during the Healthcare summit; Obama has very small and slender hands and fingers with hardly any meat to them at all. Those are the hands of someone that has not ever done work in his life. I'm sorry, but I can't trust anyone that has hands like that. He hasn't worked for anything, he has positioned and leveraged. He is not someone that I will trust, especially as the leader of the free world.

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