The Christmas Gift from 1776
Told By: Howard C. Norton
1776 had not been a good year for the ragtag army of the colonies. After the short lived success of driving the British back from Concord and their ability to hold at Bunker Hill, the British had been forced to abandon Boston. This was about all that had gone well for the American forces. They were after all an undisciplined and untrained army that had been pulled from the workshops and farms of New England. The strain of these factors had given rise to a great deal of desertion and scattering. George Washington had been put in charge of the army and had collected as many of the colonies militias to New York to begin his war against the British. Reports from northern New York were not good and the British seemed to be advancing from the lakes area of New York also. Fighting stubbornly through the summer and autumn of 1776, Washington and his army had to abandon Long Island and flee to Manhattan. On Manhattan they gathered at Fort Washington and tried to regather themselves to defend against the hard advancing British and Hessian armies.
Unfortunately, Washington soon realized that the fort called by his name could not stop the enemy’s vessels from passing up the Hudson River and decided it would be best to abandon it. He urged General Greene the New York commander to give up the fort but left the ultimate decision to him while he went to check on General Heath at West Point. The Continental Congress convinced General Greene to not give up Fort Washington and that turned into a serious mistake. The British closed around the fort and launched a full attack on it on November 17th. The fort, three thousand men, a great quantity of cannon, muskets and military stores were lost to the British. On November 21st, General Greene and the entire remaining army at New York also had to abandon Fort Lee on the New Jersey side of the Hudson. This was done so quickly that the British found the American’s cannon and pots of stew still at the fort left behind.
Washington now had less than six thousand men left from the retreat. Before December 1st, 2,026 demoralized men had their enlistments run out and refused to reenlist and returned to their homes. Messages were sent to General Lee and his seven thousand troops at North Castle, NY to come join Washington but he refused. Washington began a quick retreat across New Jersey fleeing from General Cornwallis and the British armies. Repeatedly, Washington sent messengers to General Lee urging him to come join him with all possible hast but they were answered with arguments, excuses, pretenses of misunderstandings and refusals. Little did Washington know at the time, that General Lee was actually trying to position himself to become dictator and takeover as commander of the American armies. He had been writing governors of the colonies and to members of the Continental Congress and many of those whom Washington had counted as trusted colleagues. He was trying to convince them that the setbacks the armies were having was because of Washington’s incompetence and they began to conspire against him and talk poorly of the job he was doing.
Half of the army was fleeing for their lives across New Jersey while hundreds of its members were leaving for their homes giving up on the cause as a loss. The traitor, General Lee, about a hundred miles away was holding the other half of the army hostage. When Lee finally began to move his army, the British did the American’s a great favor by capturing General Lee at a village tavern on the night of December 13th, while he was enjoying a leisurely evening away from the troops. His army was then quickly sent to rejoin Washington and the rest of the army. General Washington wrote, “Unless we are absolutely forced into, we shall avoid a large battle. With the fate of America at stake, our job is to prolong this war as much as possible.” General Howe and the British armies fully intended to catch Washington in West New Jersey against the Delaware River. But he was extremely surprised to find that Washington and his fleeing army had already crossed the river in retreat. A wise General Washington had sent ahead a group of soldiers and had commandeered or destroyed every boat on the Delaware River for seventy miles so that his retreat would be controlled by him and leave the British on the New Jersey side of the river. The Continental Congress was becoming very excited about the British being so close to Philadelphia and on December 12th they packed up and left for Baltimore, MD. British General Howe believed that the war was over and that the armies of the Americans had collapsed. He retired to New York while his commander General Cornwallis was preparing to return to England for the winter. The British army of twenty five thousand controlled all of New York and New Jersey with the small three thousand man battered American army using the Delaware River as protection for the winter. Washington admitted in a letter “that the game was about up.”
Colonel Sullivan and the army that General Lee had held up arrived, another new five hundred soldiers from Philadelphia arrived and two thousand men from upper New York retreated to his position. On December 24th, the American armies finally numbered between five and six thousand scattered between Philadelphia and Bristol, PA. The light of dawn was approaching the darkness that the American army had been engulfed in. But there was still the problem of deserters and those whose enlistment was running out. For you see, the soldiers of the army had been enlisted for only six months as ordered by the Continental Congress. There enlistment ran out on December 31st. With little money for payment, food that was hard to come by, shelter and warmth a problem and after defeat after defeat, the army looked like it would fall apart on January 1st. There would only be fifteen hundred left in the whole army! The dream of freedom would come to an end and the new country would fall under oppression again.
It was time to put into place the plan that Washington had conceived. The town of Trenton was occupied by fifteen hundred Hessian troops. These were the German mercenaries who had been hired by the British to help fight the war. The American army on Christmas Day would recross the Delaware River using the fleet of iron ore and freight boats that he had commandeered for their retreat, and capture the army of Hessians in Trenton while they slept after their Christmas celebrations.
All of the plans were made and each of the five divisions of the army was to do a specific assignment. Everything was thought out and planned for. Nothing was overlooked or omitted. But then, for some reason or another, nothing went as planned. Every one of the division commanders failed to do his part. Gates the commander in Bristol, disapproved of the plan and was on his way to tell congress of the mistake, his second in command, Cadwalader and his two thousand men from Bristol never crossed the river. He thought that it was too dangerous with the ice flows and speed of the water and gave it up as too desperate. Griffin the head of the New Jersey militia fled before the British at Burlington. Putnam the commander in charge of the troops at Philadelphia never left Philadelphia. Ewing the commander directly across from Trenton made no effort to cross the river. Washington, thinking all were doing what they should, set out with his twenty four hundred worn out soldiers.
At 2:00PM on Christmas day 1776, Washington began marching his army towards his crossing point on the Delaware River at Mackonkey’s Ferry. Arriving after dark, they began to cross the river that was swollen with ice and rushing water. At 11:00 PM it started snowing. By 3:00 AM they had finally finished crossing the river. At 4:00 AM they begin their nine-mile march towards Trenton. It was bitter cold, snowing, hailing and sleeting for their march. The wind was driving the snow and sleet sharply into the faces of the troops. An officer on Washington’s staff wrote in his diary, “It will be a terrible night for the soldiers who have no shoes. Some of them have tied old rags around their feet; others are barefoot, but I have not heard a man complain. They are ready to suffer any hardship and die rather than give up their liberty.” Indeed the reports of those who were there said that anyone could have followed the trail of the army that night. Their marching left a solid trail of red from the blood left in the snow. Men were so cold that they became numb and collapsed in the snow and had to be helped along by their fellow soldiers. The determination of the men in Washington’s plan was even more emphasized by the password they used to identify themselves for this mission: “Victory or Death!”
They split into two columns four miles north of Trenton. General Sullivan, who led the second column, sent word to Washington that the arms of the soldiers were wet. Washington replied, “Tell your general to use the bayonet, for the town must be taken!” At 8:00 AM with the snowstorm still raging, Washington encountered the first sentries north of Trenton. Five minutes later, at 8:05 AM, the second column encountered sentries on the west side of Trenton. After driving the Hessians from their barracks and through the streets of Trenton, the Hessians tried to regroup in the apple orchards. At 9:30 AM the battle ended when the remaining Hessians surrendered. By 12:00 PM on December 27th, Washington and his troops were back in their camp in Pennsylvania. By the end of the day on December 27th, over 1,000, almost half of the army had reported as ill.
Of the Hessians, 22 were killed, 98 wounded, 200 escaped south past where one of the American divisions was supposed to be and 948 were captured as prisoners. The American army of 2,400 had 4 wounded and no dead from combat. Two froze to death and none were captured. They seized six cannon, twelve hundred muskets and the winter stores including a large supply of blankets from the Hessian troops in Trenton. The victory at Trenton astonished everyone; Washington had guarded his secret plans so well. As the news spread through the country, the rejoicing was loud and joyous. A larger and more hopeful army was built and reenlistments were common. Washington’s reputation as a military leader was restored. Cornwallis on hearing of the defeat of his troops put off his return to England and marched on Trenton with 8,000 of his best troops. Washington recrossed the Delaware River on December 30th and after outmaneuvering General Cornwallis, defeated his rear guard at Princeton on January 3rd. The war had finally turned around. Washington never denied the Provident help that he and his troops received in defeating the much larger, better equipped and better trained British armies during the war.
A Christmas gift was given to us that day for all of us to enjoy for centuries to come. Sacrifice, the willingness to lay down their lives for us and the love of their country made it a Christmas gift that would be remembered forever and make us grateful for their bravery.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Our greatest enemies are within!
"At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? If it ever reaches us, it must spring up among us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher…” Abraham Lincoln
"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claimed the administration was trying to cover up alleged evidence of serious "human rights abuse and other criminal behavior" by the U.S. government."
Oh, PLEASE! Stop insulting our intelligence! This has nothing to do with human rights violations or criminal behavior! This is all about embarrassing the United States further in the world's view. One more step in destabilizing the government of the United States of America. This is all part of the agenda to make the citizens of the U.S. to be ready to accept "whatever might save us" from the mess we are in.
George Soros would love nothing more than to have the USA crippled and turn to a "new world order" to save it. If you don't believe me, go ahead and read his writings and books and watch his interviews about it! He isn't bashful; he wants us to fail with him at the controls! He laughs about it and thinks it is a good time!
Cloward and Piven have helped also by indoctrinating and teaching their method of financial collapse to bring about wealth equalization. Our administration is filled with people who were taught this plan and believe in its agenda.
Wikipedia gives us the definition of the Cloward-Piven plan. "The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined by Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, then both sociologists and political activists at the Columbia University School of Social Work, in a 1966 article in The Nation entitled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty".[1] The two argued that many Americans who were eligible for welfare were not receiving benefits, and that a welfare enrollment drive would create a political crisis that would force U.S. politicians, particularly the Democratic Party, to enact legislation "establishing a guaranteed national income." The strategy: Cloward and Piven’s article is focused on forcing the Democratic Party, which in 1966 controlled the presidency and both houses of the United States Congress, to take federal action to help the poor. They argued that full enrollment of those eligible for welfare “would produce bureaucratic disruption in welfare agencies and fiscal disruption in local and state governments” that would “deepen existing divisions among elements in the big-city Democratic coalition: the remaining white middle class, the white working-class ethnic groups and the growing minority poor. To avoid a further weakening of that historic coalition, a national Democratic administration would be constrained to advance a federal solution to poverty that would override local welfare failures, local class and racial conflicts and local revenue dilemmas.” They wrote: The ultimate objective of this strategy—to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income—will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by the outright redistribution of income."
So between Cloward, Piven and Soros, we have the "three stooges" of economic intelligence pushing for the "change" we need in our world.
Don't think for one second that this many documents, from such varied departments in our government have been leaked without our government’s knowledge! Now if only the memos that ordered the leaks would be leaked! Then we could see the real culprits in this treasonous behavior!
We are witnessing the treasonous activity of someone or some group to help the destabilization of our country. Not from just a small area of our government but leaks from across the board of our government's international dealings; Defense, State, Executive and United Nations departments.
May God bless us and America as we battle our enemies and the danger within!
"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claimed the administration was trying to cover up alleged evidence of serious "human rights abuse and other criminal behavior" by the U.S. government."
Oh, PLEASE! Stop insulting our intelligence! This has nothing to do with human rights violations or criminal behavior! This is all about embarrassing the United States further in the world's view. One more step in destabilizing the government of the United States of America. This is all part of the agenda to make the citizens of the U.S. to be ready to accept "whatever might save us" from the mess we are in.
George Soros would love nothing more than to have the USA crippled and turn to a "new world order" to save it. If you don't believe me, go ahead and read his writings and books and watch his interviews about it! He isn't bashful; he wants us to fail with him at the controls! He laughs about it and thinks it is a good time!
Cloward and Piven have helped also by indoctrinating and teaching their method of financial collapse to bring about wealth equalization. Our administration is filled with people who were taught this plan and believe in its agenda.
Wikipedia gives us the definition of the Cloward-Piven plan. "The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined by Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, then both sociologists and political activists at the Columbia University School of Social Work, in a 1966 article in The Nation entitled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty".[1] The two argued that many Americans who were eligible for welfare were not receiving benefits, and that a welfare enrollment drive would create a political crisis that would force U.S. politicians, particularly the Democratic Party, to enact legislation "establishing a guaranteed national income." The strategy: Cloward and Piven’s article is focused on forcing the Democratic Party, which in 1966 controlled the presidency and both houses of the United States Congress, to take federal action to help the poor. They argued that full enrollment of those eligible for welfare “would produce bureaucratic disruption in welfare agencies and fiscal disruption in local and state governments” that would “deepen existing divisions among elements in the big-city Democratic coalition: the remaining white middle class, the white working-class ethnic groups and the growing minority poor. To avoid a further weakening of that historic coalition, a national Democratic administration would be constrained to advance a federal solution to poverty that would override local welfare failures, local class and racial conflicts and local revenue dilemmas.” They wrote: The ultimate objective of this strategy—to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income—will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by the outright redistribution of income."
So between Cloward, Piven and Soros, we have the "three stooges" of economic intelligence pushing for the "change" we need in our world.
Don't think for one second that this many documents, from such varied departments in our government have been leaked without our government’s knowledge! Now if only the memos that ordered the leaks would be leaked! Then we could see the real culprits in this treasonous behavior!
We are witnessing the treasonous activity of someone or some group to help the destabilization of our country. Not from just a small area of our government but leaks from across the board of our government's international dealings; Defense, State, Executive and United Nations departments.
May God bless us and America as we battle our enemies and the danger within!
Friday, November 12, 2010
This is America! Love It or Leave It!

Some of you may remember a sticker that took a huge presence back in the early 70's "America, Love It or Leave It". The father of my best friend in high school, Carl Andersen, had a concrete company in Omaha. He had every truck in his fleet adorned with a large sticker that was about 18" wide that had the American flag on top and "Love It or Leave It" underneath the flag. I was lucky enough to get one from him. I still have that sticker today. I still treasure that sticker as much today as I did when I first obtained it. I still believe in the saying on that sticker today as much as I did back then and probably more so now. I really mean it when I say I miss the America I grew up in. The streets were safer, the schools were stricter, families meant something, and parents were responsible for their children. Friendships were important, outside activities were the norm, instead of these new ways of entertaining yourself in front of some sort of electronic device. The only time we stayed inside to play with our road racing sets or our trains was when the weather was bad, and lots of times, that didn't stop us from bundling up and heading out to play. Bicycle was the main means of transportation, walking was next and last was getting a ride from your parents. Certainly we have made progress since then, but we have also let some of the good go away.
Today I was reading an article about a thirteen year old boy from Denair, CA was told to take the American Flag off from his bike that he had been riding to school for two months with. He did it because he wanted to be patriotic and honor veterans, including his own grandfather. The school said they were concerned with racial tensions and uprisings from him displaying the flag!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
WHAT? THI IS AMERICA! IF YOU CAN"Y WAVE YOUR FLAG HERE, WHERE CAN YOU? This is not an isolated incident! How many times have we heard that the Pledge of Allegiance is no longer allowed, the displaying the flag is no longer allowed, the wearing of patriotic clothing is no longer allowed, etc.
I am outraged! I told you that I would post a blog weekly or when my cage got rattled, well this knocked my cage over and I am steaming! Yesterday we recognized veterans in our country. Hopefully we were grateful for them. Now comes the time that it is no longer acceptable to stay quiet. If you are sensitive to anger, you should probably leave the blog now. I am just going to get more and more angry as this goes on.
ABOUT TWO MILLION, TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND AMERICANS HAVE DIED FOR THE AMERICAN FLAG! I REPEAT, ABOUT TWO MILLION, TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND AMERICANS HAVE DIED FOR THE AMERICAN FLAG! Don't you dare tell someone they cannot fly that flag in a respectful manner, blood has been shed for centuries to protect that flag! If you do, you are not an American, you are a pinko-commie-socialist-capitalist hating-progressive-changeling-apologist-embarrassed-American hating piece of crap that I don't have time for! No apologies will be coming for that statement ever! If you don't love America, its flag, its freedoms, its Constitution, and its veterans, go away. We don't want you to change this country! You can improve it for the better, but don't change it!
Take your "touchy feely psychology" for dealing with people who are violent and criminal, "your make everyone feel good by not pointing out mistakes or declaring a winner" program, your "business is evil" attitude, your "don't be patriotic because we might hurt an illegal alien's feelings" rules, your "you make a really lot of money, so you need to be taxed more to make those who don't work equal to you" welfare system, your "all health insurance programs must be the same or we will penalize the better ones" Obamaocare package, your "we apologize for being such an evil country" agenda, your George Soros funded American subversive organizations, your anti-2nd amendment gun hating agendas, and your all around I hate the real America attitudes and go someplace where they will appreciate you and your warped minds! Honestly, leave! The sooner the better! If you hate America so much, please leave! We want it to stay the same or get better. The way the Founding Fathers envisioned it not the way the lunatic progressives are trying to change it!
Mitt Romney said it best, "No Apologies". We must get rid of all of these cancerous attitudes, agendas, subversive themes and the people in leadership roles who push them. They need to be voted out, removed from positions, fired, made to resign or just plain ignored so that they have to go make a living like the rest of us and they have to quit sucking the life out of us by living off the public tax revenues. That is the worst part; these are people that are paid by our tax dollars! We have allowed them to set up shop on our dollar! How stupid and angry does that make you feel?
It is not time to sit back and relish in the warm fuzzy feeling about the huge gains made in the elections! There is a lot of work that still needs to be done and unless we keep the pressure on, our newly elected heroes will become part of the "elitist class" just like those who were sent home. We must continue to push to have a smaller government, less spending, fewer restrictions to growth, lower taxes, more accountability, and patriotism.
This is America, Love It or Leave It. We are not going to let you "change" it anymore. May God Bless America and us!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sorry, wrong theme, wrong group!
First, I apologize; I have not been able to get into my blog for a day. Interesting that the day before elections my blog says no service available on it and won't let me log in to post. Oh this could be a great conspiracy theory, but I will pass.
Save Our Utah Constitution is a group (?) that is running a lot of ads on the radio telling us to vote no on the amendments to the Utah Constitution. There is no website for the group, the two men listed as primary officers on the statement of organization submitted when the ad was placed — Robert Warner of Salt Lake City and K.J. Hoyt of West Valley City, won't respond to phone calls and there seems to be a big gap in knowledge about the motivation for this ad. Until now it has been all speculation. I will ad my take to the speculation.
The ad is written to get the attention of the conservative, TEA Party member, Constitutional follower in the state of Utah. It tugs on the heart strings of all Constitution lovers and makes them stop and ponder about what is being said. Now you can rip out the heart strings, drop your jaw and say “what?” and just get all around doubtful about what is trying to be slipped into your semi-conscious state of political awareness. You have just been taken to the mind cleaners by a group with a very definite agenda that has nothing to do with Constitution loving! Welcome to the world of Union power! The two idiots that are the front men for the group are nothing but puppets taking orders and money from the union powers to get people to not vote for Amendment A, the one that would kill the "Card Check" possibility in Utah.
This is the bill that is trying to get shoved through the federal congress that would make it so that unionization votes would no longer be done with a secret ballot but by signature on a list. No right to a secret ballot, no protection from bullying by union thugs if you don't want to be represented by the union and the privacy of your home and family falls game to the aggressiveness of the union thugs that are pushing the vote.
You ask “why would they do this?” It’s called a Ponzi scheme. Yes, the unions do it too. The pension funds of the unions are in big trouble. Their memberships are dwindling and the companies that they had strangle holds on are disappearing. This means fewer contributions to the pension funds for all of the members that were and still are members of the union. They need more members. The only way they can get more is to get rid of the secret ballot! This is a dying man's grasp at anyone to help him before he passes away. A death grip! There is a reason they are spending so much in politics anymore to get their candidates elected. Remember Obama telling us he owes the unions for his election? Well this is one of the paybacks. Unfortunately, the State of Utah and some others have recognized the power play and are putting up barriers to stop the aggression. Amendment A is one of those barriers. The unions hit it like a brick wall if it passes. Has anyone thought how strange it is for the massive amounts of money being spent on this radio campaign by a group that no one has ever heard of? How did they raise the money? They didn't, the unions gave it to them with the written ad and where they wanted it run (Isn't it curious that the ads are running on conservative leaning radio stations?) If Robert Warner of Salt Lake City and K.J. Hoyt of West Valley City are legitimately the ones behind the purchase of the ad campaign, I would bet that they are in very tight with the unions in some method or another.
So now they take a lot of those huge amounts of funds that they have at their disposal and come up with more deception to get the people of Utah to think they are going against all they have been taught about the sacredness of the Constitution and that by defeating all of the amendments, they can keep "A" from going into effect. It doesn't matter that "B, C and D" are okay and are not the problem; they can be sacrificed for the social collective betterment of society by defeating "A". Recognize the words, "social", "collective" and "betterment"? RUN! We are getting sucked into the progressive's game and they are great at deception! Let's see, isn't there somebody else who is great at deception? No, it couldn't be led by him could it?
Vote today. Don't worry about the Amendments destroying the Constitution, they are there to add protection to what was meant to be before the progressives turned our path around and tried to run us over the cliff.
Remember, the ones that are trying to change the country are not the ones that love the country. I am an American. I love America, the real America. I will vote to restore the real America, protect the intent of the Constitution from those that would change the rights protected by the Constitution and I will vote for common sense issues that do not challenge my rights or the rights of others.
May God BLESS us and America! See you at the polls!
Save Our Utah Constitution is a group (?) that is running a lot of ads on the radio telling us to vote no on the amendments to the Utah Constitution. There is no website for the group, the two men listed as primary officers on the statement of organization submitted when the ad was placed — Robert Warner of Salt Lake City and K.J. Hoyt of West Valley City, won't respond to phone calls and there seems to be a big gap in knowledge about the motivation for this ad. Until now it has been all speculation. I will ad my take to the speculation.
The ad is written to get the attention of the conservative, TEA Party member, Constitutional follower in the state of Utah. It tugs on the heart strings of all Constitution lovers and makes them stop and ponder about what is being said. Now you can rip out the heart strings, drop your jaw and say “what?” and just get all around doubtful about what is trying to be slipped into your semi-conscious state of political awareness. You have just been taken to the mind cleaners by a group with a very definite agenda that has nothing to do with Constitution loving! Welcome to the world of Union power! The two idiots that are the front men for the group are nothing but puppets taking orders and money from the union powers to get people to not vote for Amendment A, the one that would kill the "Card Check" possibility in Utah.
This is the bill that is trying to get shoved through the federal congress that would make it so that unionization votes would no longer be done with a secret ballot but by signature on a list. No right to a secret ballot, no protection from bullying by union thugs if you don't want to be represented by the union and the privacy of your home and family falls game to the aggressiveness of the union thugs that are pushing the vote.
You ask “why would they do this?” It’s called a Ponzi scheme. Yes, the unions do it too. The pension funds of the unions are in big trouble. Their memberships are dwindling and the companies that they had strangle holds on are disappearing. This means fewer contributions to the pension funds for all of the members that were and still are members of the union. They need more members. The only way they can get more is to get rid of the secret ballot! This is a dying man's grasp at anyone to help him before he passes away. A death grip! There is a reason they are spending so much in politics anymore to get their candidates elected. Remember Obama telling us he owes the unions for his election? Well this is one of the paybacks. Unfortunately, the State of Utah and some others have recognized the power play and are putting up barriers to stop the aggression. Amendment A is one of those barriers. The unions hit it like a brick wall if it passes. Has anyone thought how strange it is for the massive amounts of money being spent on this radio campaign by a group that no one has ever heard of? How did they raise the money? They didn't, the unions gave it to them with the written ad and where they wanted it run (Isn't it curious that the ads are running on conservative leaning radio stations?) If Robert Warner of Salt Lake City and K.J. Hoyt of West Valley City are legitimately the ones behind the purchase of the ad campaign, I would bet that they are in very tight with the unions in some method or another.
So now they take a lot of those huge amounts of funds that they have at their disposal and come up with more deception to get the people of Utah to think they are going against all they have been taught about the sacredness of the Constitution and that by defeating all of the amendments, they can keep "A" from going into effect. It doesn't matter that "B, C and D" are okay and are not the problem; they can be sacrificed for the social collective betterment of society by defeating "A". Recognize the words, "social", "collective" and "betterment"? RUN! We are getting sucked into the progressive's game and they are great at deception! Let's see, isn't there somebody else who is great at deception? No, it couldn't be led by him could it?
Vote today. Don't worry about the Amendments destroying the Constitution, they are there to add protection to what was meant to be before the progressives turned our path around and tried to run us over the cliff.
Remember, the ones that are trying to change the country are not the ones that love the country. I am an American. I love America, the real America. I will vote to restore the real America, protect the intent of the Constitution from those that would change the rights protected by the Constitution and I will vote for common sense issues that do not challenge my rights or the rights of others.
May God BLESS us and America! See you at the polls!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Is it bad to want to be great?
We are hearing all kinds of tales, really, really, tall tales about how good things are. Stay the course; don't make changes in leadership, etc.
If we do as they tell us, we will come to an end, the end of our great country.
There is no chance for survival if we don't restore things to what they should be. Following the Constitution as it was meant to be by our Founding Fathers. Reducing the size of government. Reducing the intrusion of government into our daily lives. Reducing the tax burden to all. Cutting spending. Sending more powers back to the states on local matters. Making sure that our judicial system is interpreting law not creating law by legislating from the bench. Making the lands within a state's boundaries the responsibility of the state and not the property of the federal government with the exception of the National Park System. Education is a local issue. Welfare is a local issue. Freeing up our energy resources so we can become independent of international trade imbalances. Allowing all of our resources to be used in a responsible manner. Protecting our borders and limiting immigration to a level that is controlled by our economy and not by the border crashers. Allowing states to be responsible for healthcare and the availability of it. Allowing health insurance companies to market nationally. Setting guidelines and rules for safety and environmental protection without destroying responsible business practices.
Unfortunately we have a federal government that wants to control everything and be responsible for everyone. Many states are following in their "big brother's" footsteps also.
Tuesday November 2nd is trash day. It is time to throw out the trash. Those who are part of the problem and those who have let the problem grow. It is time to replace the trash with those who love our country as it was meant to be, those who want to restore our country to its greatness and those who will not sell their souls when they get to Washington D.C.
Read, listen, study and find the TRUTH. Don't fall for what is being told to you, study it out and pray about it. Then vote for those that fit your ideas of where we should be heading. The important thing is to vote!
I want the America that I knew growing up to be the one that my children and grandchildren experience. An America that is great and doesn't apologize for being so.
May God Bless us and America!
If we do as they tell us, we will come to an end, the end of our great country.
There is no chance for survival if we don't restore things to what they should be. Following the Constitution as it was meant to be by our Founding Fathers. Reducing the size of government. Reducing the intrusion of government into our daily lives. Reducing the tax burden to all. Cutting spending. Sending more powers back to the states on local matters. Making sure that our judicial system is interpreting law not creating law by legislating from the bench. Making the lands within a state's boundaries the responsibility of the state and not the property of the federal government with the exception of the National Park System. Education is a local issue. Welfare is a local issue. Freeing up our energy resources so we can become independent of international trade imbalances. Allowing all of our resources to be used in a responsible manner. Protecting our borders and limiting immigration to a level that is controlled by our economy and not by the border crashers. Allowing states to be responsible for healthcare and the availability of it. Allowing health insurance companies to market nationally. Setting guidelines and rules for safety and environmental protection without destroying responsible business practices.
Unfortunately we have a federal government that wants to control everything and be responsible for everyone. Many states are following in their "big brother's" footsteps also.
Tuesday November 2nd is trash day. It is time to throw out the trash. Those who are part of the problem and those who have let the problem grow. It is time to replace the trash with those who love our country as it was meant to be, those who want to restore our country to its greatness and those who will not sell their souls when they get to Washington D.C.
Read, listen, study and find the TRUTH. Don't fall for what is being told to you, study it out and pray about it. Then vote for those that fit your ideas of where we should be heading. The important thing is to vote!
I want the America that I knew growing up to be the one that my children and grandchildren experience. An America that is great and doesn't apologize for being so.
May God Bless us and America!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
America does it right!
Even though our country is in big trouble because of our government and current administration's idiotic policies, America, the real America still does it right!
We have some heroes from the U.S.A. in the Chilean Miner Rescue story. Too bad our country hasn't recognized what they did. The capsule was designed by a NASA engineer. The Drill was made by Schramm, Inc. from Pennsylvania. The Drill Bits were made by Center Rock, Inc. located in Berlin, Pennsylvania. The lead driller Jeff Hart ...and his team are from Denver, Colorado. They are on loan from the US Military in Afghanistan where they are drilling water wells for our Forward Operating Bases. They were called in because they are the best at what they do! So where are the White House ceremonies, the press, the parades and the celebrations for the heroes that saved the 33 miners? Oh, sorry, they are from industries that are being vilified by our current administration. Congratulations guys, you were incredible! We know what you did! Thank you from the real America!
Here is a link to more of the story.
It will make you feel proud to be an American!
Vote November 2nd for those that will restore our greatness.
May God bless us and America!
We have some heroes from the U.S.A. in the Chilean Miner Rescue story. Too bad our country hasn't recognized what they did. The capsule was designed by a NASA engineer. The Drill was made by Schramm, Inc. from Pennsylvania. The Drill Bits were made by Center Rock, Inc. located in Berlin, Pennsylvania. The lead driller Jeff Hart ...and his team are from Denver, Colorado. They are on loan from the US Military in Afghanistan where they are drilling water wells for our Forward Operating Bases. They were called in because they are the best at what they do! So where are the White House ceremonies, the press, the parades and the celebrations for the heroes that saved the 33 miners? Oh, sorry, they are from industries that are being vilified by our current administration. Congratulations guys, you were incredible! We know what you did! Thank you from the real America!
Here is a link to more of the story.
It will make you feel proud to be an American!
Vote November 2nd for those that will restore our greatness.
May God bless us and America!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Open your wallet or stand up and be heard!
We have talked about this before and I will keep talking about it until something is done about it. January 2011 is bringing the largest tax increase since World War II to our country. How? The Bush tax cuts are going to be allowed to expire. This will create a huge tax increase on the citizens of our country. Some more than others.
Obama talks about not raising the taxes on those making under $250,000 a year. Yet he is ready to allow that group of people to be hit the hardest by this tax increase. He says he is not raising taxes; it is just a change back to where taxes were previously before the wealthy were benefited by Bush's Tax cuts.
Here are some real facts for you to tell all of the wealth hating people you run into. The wealthiest were given the smallest cuts in the Bush tax cuts! If the cuts are allowed to expire like Obama, The LAME Duck Congress, the Democrats and the Marxist/Socialists that Obama has as economic advisors want, here are what the tax increases will be for a wide spectrum of the income scale:
Annual Income % Increase in taxes after January 2011
$ 10,000 /yr 16%
$ 20,000 18%
$ 30,000 14%
$ 40,000 11%
$ 50,000 10%
$ 75,000 11%
$100,000 11%
$125,000 11%
$150,000 11%
$250,000 11%
$500,000 10%
$750,000 10%
$999,000 10%
Now I may not be one of the world's great mathematicians, but I can certainly see who got the largest tax breaks and who didn't. Consequently, it also shows who is going to get the largest tax increase after the first of the year. Those who can least afford it! If you make under $40,000 per year, you are going to take on the largest of the tax increases. Sounds fair? This is also the group that has had the worst employment numbers over the last two years.
What will this tax increase do? The Obama administration says it will make the wealthiest pay more of their fair share and allow the government to spend more of their money towards social programs that will benefit the middle and lower class. Is this true? NO! What this will do is cripple the economy. When we are finally beginning to get our feet back underneath us from the devastating collapse of our economy in 2008 and 2009, the rug is being yanked out from underneath us again with a tax increase from the tax cut expiration, an increase in costs due to Obamacare and all of the cute little extras jammed into the bill by our dear elected representatives, and worst of all, a slew of new fees, taxes, costs and massive increased spending from just a few of the bills that are on the agenda for our LAME Duck Congress after the elections. Just a preview of a couple of the bills that are to come:
Cap and Trade (Not the name they are using now but still what it is): Will run the costs of energy for each household in the country up by about $3,200 per year so that the Chicago Climate Exchange and the government can make money off from trading of carbon credits. This is worse than anything Enron ever dreamed of. The trading literally brings no decrease in any kind of greenhouse gases or other so called causes of climate change. It just lets there be profits made from trading absolutely nothing other than something that was dreamed up that makes people think they are helping?
Amnesty/Dream Act: A way to allow illegal aliens to become legal status residents in our country. Meaning they will now get full benefit of all of the government programs including Social Security. The cost will be hundreds of billions of dollars per year! The biggest problem I see from this? You will now have a group of low income workers in our country that will quickly become the largest organized labor pool we have ever seen in our country. La Raza and S.E.I.U. will be quickly organizing and recruiting members from what was once the illegal worker pool. Now they will have unions backing their wage requests, demanding benefits, retirement, pensions, work rules etc. You will see a multiplication factor of five to seven times the cost to employers for the same workers that were once illegal aliens. This will create an inflationary era in labor costs in our manufacturing and service industries like we have not seen in the history of our country. If they are replaced by other workers, they will just go on government support programs costing us more than they are already taking! This will become an organized labor nightmare for the employers in our country. The easiest solution? Hire illegal aliens to do the jobs! Right back where we were before the Amnesty! You will see hundreds of thousands of illegals come pouring across our borders to get jobs that the old illegal aliens are too expensive for! No secured borders mean an ongoing illegal alien crisis in our country. The old illegals will be on our unemployment rolls while the new illegals will take the jobs at the old costs again.
The other bills that are on the agenda are ones they haven't been able to get through without causing serious conflict for the Democratic members of Congress also. If they try and pass them before the elections and they vote for them, they won't get re-elected. The easiest solution was to stall them, do nothing, and take them up after the elections when they can blame the bills on the LAME Duck Congress. We, the dumb citizens of this country have short memories on what our elected officials voted for and after all, it is a long time until re-election. We won't remember by the next time to vote for them.
We are being played as idiots! We get told lies and believe them. We get influenced by false claims and we make false judgments on the evils of capitalism. We are given the solution to the crisis by allowing the government to take control of the evils created by the greed of capitalism and conservatism. The government can make these evil things not happen anymore, level the playing field, allow all to be equal in status and through this great social engineering project our country can regain respectability in the world market and allow us to take our place as part of the great global economy and help all of those in the world with less than us so that we can all be equal in status in the world.
Welcome to world Marxism/Socialism and the stepping down as a great power in the world. If you are ready to have your hard earned rewards spread out equally to all of those with less and many of them who don't want to work or support themselves; do what we have done in the past and let the system run as usual. Don't worry about voting. Don't worry about getting involved. The government will take care of us and all will be happy because we will all be the same.
OR, you can take up the cause, vote for restoring, stand tall and firm and pronounce the truth to all who can hear, send the power hungry bums home and show our Heavenly Father that we recognize His hand in the development of this great republic. Show Him that we are grateful for what He has blessed us with and that we stand for and live the principles of Faith, Hope and Charity as individuals and children of God and NOT as servants of an evil design to destroy our country and what our government was meant to be and should be.
May God Bless us and America!
Obama talks about not raising the taxes on those making under $250,000 a year. Yet he is ready to allow that group of people to be hit the hardest by this tax increase. He says he is not raising taxes; it is just a change back to where taxes were previously before the wealthy were benefited by Bush's Tax cuts.
Here are some real facts for you to tell all of the wealth hating people you run into. The wealthiest were given the smallest cuts in the Bush tax cuts! If the cuts are allowed to expire like Obama, The LAME Duck Congress, the Democrats and the Marxist/Socialists that Obama has as economic advisors want, here are what the tax increases will be for a wide spectrum of the income scale:
Annual Income % Increase in taxes after January 2011
$ 10,000 /yr 16%
$ 20,000 18%
$ 30,000 14%
$ 40,000 11%
$ 50,000 10%
$ 75,000 11%
$100,000 11%
$125,000 11%
$150,000 11%
$250,000 11%
$500,000 10%
$750,000 10%
$999,000 10%
Now I may not be one of the world's great mathematicians, but I can certainly see who got the largest tax breaks and who didn't. Consequently, it also shows who is going to get the largest tax increase after the first of the year. Those who can least afford it! If you make under $40,000 per year, you are going to take on the largest of the tax increases. Sounds fair? This is also the group that has had the worst employment numbers over the last two years.
What will this tax increase do? The Obama administration says it will make the wealthiest pay more of their fair share and allow the government to spend more of their money towards social programs that will benefit the middle and lower class. Is this true? NO! What this will do is cripple the economy. When we are finally beginning to get our feet back underneath us from the devastating collapse of our economy in 2008 and 2009, the rug is being yanked out from underneath us again with a tax increase from the tax cut expiration, an increase in costs due to Obamacare and all of the cute little extras jammed into the bill by our dear elected representatives, and worst of all, a slew of new fees, taxes, costs and massive increased spending from just a few of the bills that are on the agenda for our LAME Duck Congress after the elections. Just a preview of a couple of the bills that are to come:
Cap and Trade (Not the name they are using now but still what it is): Will run the costs of energy for each household in the country up by about $3,200 per year so that the Chicago Climate Exchange and the government can make money off from trading of carbon credits. This is worse than anything Enron ever dreamed of. The trading literally brings no decrease in any kind of greenhouse gases or other so called causes of climate change. It just lets there be profits made from trading absolutely nothing other than something that was dreamed up that makes people think they are helping?
Amnesty/Dream Act: A way to allow illegal aliens to become legal status residents in our country. Meaning they will now get full benefit of all of the government programs including Social Security. The cost will be hundreds of billions of dollars per year! The biggest problem I see from this? You will now have a group of low income workers in our country that will quickly become the largest organized labor pool we have ever seen in our country. La Raza and S.E.I.U. will be quickly organizing and recruiting members from what was once the illegal worker pool. Now they will have unions backing their wage requests, demanding benefits, retirement, pensions, work rules etc. You will see a multiplication factor of five to seven times the cost to employers for the same workers that were once illegal aliens. This will create an inflationary era in labor costs in our manufacturing and service industries like we have not seen in the history of our country. If they are replaced by other workers, they will just go on government support programs costing us more than they are already taking! This will become an organized labor nightmare for the employers in our country. The easiest solution? Hire illegal aliens to do the jobs! Right back where we were before the Amnesty! You will see hundreds of thousands of illegals come pouring across our borders to get jobs that the old illegal aliens are too expensive for! No secured borders mean an ongoing illegal alien crisis in our country. The old illegals will be on our unemployment rolls while the new illegals will take the jobs at the old costs again.
The other bills that are on the agenda are ones they haven't been able to get through without causing serious conflict for the Democratic members of Congress also. If they try and pass them before the elections and they vote for them, they won't get re-elected. The easiest solution was to stall them, do nothing, and take them up after the elections when they can blame the bills on the LAME Duck Congress. We, the dumb citizens of this country have short memories on what our elected officials voted for and after all, it is a long time until re-election. We won't remember by the next time to vote for them.
We are being played as idiots! We get told lies and believe them. We get influenced by false claims and we make false judgments on the evils of capitalism. We are given the solution to the crisis by allowing the government to take control of the evils created by the greed of capitalism and conservatism. The government can make these evil things not happen anymore, level the playing field, allow all to be equal in status and through this great social engineering project our country can regain respectability in the world market and allow us to take our place as part of the great global economy and help all of those in the world with less than us so that we can all be equal in status in the world.
Welcome to world Marxism/Socialism and the stepping down as a great power in the world. If you are ready to have your hard earned rewards spread out equally to all of those with less and many of them who don't want to work or support themselves; do what we have done in the past and let the system run as usual. Don't worry about voting. Don't worry about getting involved. The government will take care of us and all will be happy because we will all be the same.
OR, you can take up the cause, vote for restoring, stand tall and firm and pronounce the truth to all who can hear, send the power hungry bums home and show our Heavenly Father that we recognize His hand in the development of this great republic. Show Him that we are grateful for what He has blessed us with and that we stand for and live the principles of Faith, Hope and Charity as individuals and children of God and NOT as servants of an evil design to destroy our country and what our government was meant to be and should be.
May God Bless us and America!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
So hundreds of thousands of New York servicemen and women have not received their vote by mail ballots as part of the new law that requires states to send the ballots to their servicemen and women so they can vote in time for the elections. This is in pure violation of the new law and they are giving the finger to it. Thank you New York for your effort. I hope those involved in this travesty of rights by our men and women in the services get tried convicted and sentenced to some really long, hard time in prison! Seriously! Why is there a TEA Party movement in this country? This is one of the reasons! Our government officials mostly stink to high heaven! They are rotten, dirty, conniving, power hungry, evil twits. If they haven't signed on to the TEA Party principles and values, they must be sent home ASAP! Am I passionate about this? You should be also!
We are lacking something really important in our country, CONVICTION! Too many go with the crowd, bend with the wind, follow the leader (not good being that most leaders anymore are not worth the toilet paper they use.) and give in to the public opinion.
What has happened when old morals and standards are no longer looked at as necessary because they hurt the feelings of those who don't like them? Religious people who hold their beliefs are now challenged as "phobics" against those who like to practice the sins or transgressions. And because they are not tolerant and preach against sins, transgressions and bad choices in living, they are accused as the bad people and the ones that should be looked down on.
This reminds me of people who owe my business money on delinquent accounts. Because we aggressively try and collect and sometimes sue for payment, my company becomes the bad guy! Why does being in the right make us the bad guys anymore?
I have a bumper sticker on my car that says "Why does my being right make me extreme?" Anyone else want one? I have some more!
We need to look deep into our inner beings and decide who we are, what we stand for, what we believe in and how strongly we feel about those things. Then we need to stand up, state our beliefs, live them, practice them and show that we are not going to give in to the masses who want to turn the table on us and make us out to being the bad person!
This goes for religion, business, politics, neighborhoods, family, friends, communities, etc. This means standards in behavior, morals, principles and beliefs. We must not be afraid to stand for what we believe! We must not be afraid to speak out against what is wrong, regardless of what it is. And most importantly, we must not ever give into public pressure meant to have us weaken our resolve in our beliefs.
The attacks on those looking to restore our government to what it was meant to be have intensified during this past month. Radicals, extremists, hate mongers, "phobics" wackos, etc. That is what we are. I can live with being called that. So can you. Just follow what you have been taught all of these years and do what is right. What the others call us doesn't matter if we do what is right and show the world that we live our beliefs. Example is greater than words.
Twenty-three days until our time. Make sure you are registered to vote, vote and vote for those who believe as you do. Don't take the words of the media as truth. Research, study, and pray about who would be the best person to represent you and your beliefs. Then vote to restore.
May God Bless us and America!
We are lacking something really important in our country, CONVICTION! Too many go with the crowd, bend with the wind, follow the leader (not good being that most leaders anymore are not worth the toilet paper they use.) and give in to the public opinion.
What has happened when old morals and standards are no longer looked at as necessary because they hurt the feelings of those who don't like them? Religious people who hold their beliefs are now challenged as "phobics" against those who like to practice the sins or transgressions. And because they are not tolerant and preach against sins, transgressions and bad choices in living, they are accused as the bad people and the ones that should be looked down on.
This reminds me of people who owe my business money on delinquent accounts. Because we aggressively try and collect and sometimes sue for payment, my company becomes the bad guy! Why does being in the right make us the bad guys anymore?
I have a bumper sticker on my car that says "Why does my being right make me extreme?" Anyone else want one? I have some more!
We need to look deep into our inner beings and decide who we are, what we stand for, what we believe in and how strongly we feel about those things. Then we need to stand up, state our beliefs, live them, practice them and show that we are not going to give in to the masses who want to turn the table on us and make us out to being the bad person!
This goes for religion, business, politics, neighborhoods, family, friends, communities, etc. This means standards in behavior, morals, principles and beliefs. We must not be afraid to stand for what we believe! We must not be afraid to speak out against what is wrong, regardless of what it is. And most importantly, we must not ever give into public pressure meant to have us weaken our resolve in our beliefs.
The attacks on those looking to restore our government to what it was meant to be have intensified during this past month. Radicals, extremists, hate mongers, "phobics" wackos, etc. That is what we are. I can live with being called that. So can you. Just follow what you have been taught all of these years and do what is right. What the others call us doesn't matter if we do what is right and show the world that we live our beliefs. Example is greater than words.
Twenty-three days until our time. Make sure you are registered to vote, vote and vote for those who believe as you do. Don't take the words of the media as truth. Research, study, and pray about who would be the best person to represent you and your beliefs. Then vote to restore.
May God Bless us and America!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Politics as usual in Washington DC!
Oh look, we have a new stimulus bill that will help small businesses and put a ton more regulations and strings attached to its use. Imagine that, strings attached from something from Washington. The problem is we still don't know what is in it. We have another bill that is longer than "War and Peace" and with pages that are not completed yet.
We have a Congress that is suddenly, too short of time to do anything other than go campaign. The bills to keep or remove the Bush Tax Cuts are all suddenly too much to try and pass before the elections! Uh oh! That means we are getting the tax cuts jerked out from underneath us and a whole new level of taxes for all of us that will literally kill the economy! These tax cuts removed will increase taxes for everyone! Not just the rich as BO likes to tell you but everyone! Great time to raise taxes! Oh, I'm sorry I forgot, the National Board of Economic Research declared that the recession was over in June of 2009! How forgetful of me! The recession is over, pass it on! I loved their timing of declaring the recession was over fifteen months after it supposedly ended and right before elections. OOOOOOOOOH! What is that smell, did somebody step in something? No, it is just Washington DC at work.
So now that the federal budget is passed and we can get on with... What? The budget isn't passed yet? But they have had it forever! Who hasn't brought it for a vote? The Democratic leadership? But they want it to go through so that their spending can stimulate the economy! They are trying to shutdown the government? Why would they want to shutdown the government? You mean they are really trying to shutdown the government and blame it on the Republicans right before elections? But that will hurt many of their spending programs and their friends in the government and unions! So, what you are saying is that everyone is expendable when they have an agenda set. Everyone including the American people.
How many other bills are being held up because they don't want you to know what the result of the voting on the bills will be until after the elections? Try fourteen. Simple bills that would enrage the voters if they knew what was going to be passed. But don't worry, it won't cost any of them anything, they will do it in the lame duck session and blame it on those going out in January. Then those that are left in January with the new elected seats can just shrug their shoulders and say it wasn't their fault, the lame duckers did it!
Very few incumbents that are running for re-election are worth saving. The power hungry game of Washington DC has affected too many of them. This is why we need to replace anyone that has fallen into the power game and forgot why they are there.
Register to vote. Get your family, friends, relatives, neighbors, associates to register to vote. Research the issues and discuss them with anyone that will listen. Then get everyone out to vote on November 2nd. If we don't we will be faced with two more years of people that will feel enabled because they were re-elected. If you think the last two years were bad, just wait till you see what they come up with if they think we like what they are doing!
May God bless all of us and may God Bless America!
We have a Congress that is suddenly, too short of time to do anything other than go campaign. The bills to keep or remove the Bush Tax Cuts are all suddenly too much to try and pass before the elections! Uh oh! That means we are getting the tax cuts jerked out from underneath us and a whole new level of taxes for all of us that will literally kill the economy! These tax cuts removed will increase taxes for everyone! Not just the rich as BO likes to tell you but everyone! Great time to raise taxes! Oh, I'm sorry I forgot, the National Board of Economic Research declared that the recession was over in June of 2009! How forgetful of me! The recession is over, pass it on! I loved their timing of declaring the recession was over fifteen months after it supposedly ended and right before elections. OOOOOOOOOH! What is that smell, did somebody step in something? No, it is just Washington DC at work.
So now that the federal budget is passed and we can get on with... What? The budget isn't passed yet? But they have had it forever! Who hasn't brought it for a vote? The Democratic leadership? But they want it to go through so that their spending can stimulate the economy! They are trying to shutdown the government? Why would they want to shutdown the government? You mean they are really trying to shutdown the government and blame it on the Republicans right before elections? But that will hurt many of their spending programs and their friends in the government and unions! So, what you are saying is that everyone is expendable when they have an agenda set. Everyone including the American people.
How many other bills are being held up because they don't want you to know what the result of the voting on the bills will be until after the elections? Try fourteen. Simple bills that would enrage the voters if they knew what was going to be passed. But don't worry, it won't cost any of them anything, they will do it in the lame duck session and blame it on those going out in January. Then those that are left in January with the new elected seats can just shrug their shoulders and say it wasn't their fault, the lame duckers did it!
Very few incumbents that are running for re-election are worth saving. The power hungry game of Washington DC has affected too many of them. This is why we need to replace anyone that has fallen into the power game and forgot why they are there.
Register to vote. Get your family, friends, relatives, neighbors, associates to register to vote. Research the issues and discuss them with anyone that will listen. Then get everyone out to vote on November 2nd. If we don't we will be faced with two more years of people that will feel enabled because they were re-elected. If you think the last two years were bad, just wait till you see what they come up with if they think we like what they are doing!
May God bless all of us and may God Bless America!
Monday, September 20, 2010
What have I done?
Have you ever been sitting contemplating life, your achievements, where you are in completing your goals, etc. and realized that you are asking yourself, "what have I done?" I was doing this the other day.
First, I thought, I have made it through this recession so far! I am a small business owner. I rent semi-trailers for a living. I rent to trucking operations, construction companies, distribution companies, manufacturers, and people who have sold their home and their new home is not ready. Wow, could I pick a group of customers that have been hit harder than these? My books tell me no. I can't tell you how many customers I have lost to bankruptcy or going out of business in the last three years. Yet I am still here. I have been blessed, even though it doesn't look like it some times. Heavenly Father has helped me; my being in business today proves that point.
Second, I thought, I took on a new role as a political activist in the early part of this century. The year 2000 brought new meaning to "what the government can do for me". I realized what that saying should really say is "what the government can do to me!"
After reading a lengthy article about the illegal immigration invasion in our country and the financial crisis it has created in many of our states, I got involved in the illegal immigration issue in 2002. This led to getting more involved in the role government was taking and the role it was ignoring that it should have been involved with. This brought on a realization that our government "of the people, by the people and for the people" had perished from the earth. Abraham Lincoln had not been correct, we had failed our forefathers. This was not something that I took very well. I got angry and started letting my elected representatives know this. If I walked up to any of our elected officials today and said hi to them, most would not know me. When I introduce myself, there is an immediate look of recognition on their faces. I am the name at the top and bottom of many of those letters they have received over the last seven years. Some supportive, many reminding them that they were not carrying out the role they had been elected to by the voters.
Third, I thought, how did I become a TEA Party member? Who started it all? The person who did a blog post, the one who goes by the user name of Gmack. He posted on January, 19th 2009 an article with the title: Mail a Teabag to Congress and Senate. This was the first known date of the modern TEA Party beginning. I heard the discussion on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 on the Glenn Beck Show talking about starting a nationwide movement of the TEA Party. Then Beck's 9-12 Project and We Surround Them grew and sparked attention. April 15, 2009, I made the trip to the Federal Building in downtown Salt Lake City and joined my very first protest rally at the ripe old age of 50 something. I was not going to let the government destroy our country any longer. I was joined there by thousands others with the same thought and we shook the foundation of the federal government that day in the rain, sleet and snow. We were not taken seriously by the media or the government. We were just a bunch of right wing extremists that were trying to instigate violence according to them.
Fourth, I thought, we needed to send a message to the country, we had to let Congress and the White House know that the old gentlemen's club in Washington DC was going to come to an end and we were going to send representatives that had the interests of the voters and our country at the top of their priority list and not what would get them more power. As Glenn Beck puts it, "those who would not lose their soul" when they got there. I ran as a delegate for the state Republican convention with the goal of removing Bob Bennett from his Senate seat. I was one of hundreds with the same goal. We cast the vote that was heard around the world that day, it was not going to be business as usual anymore, the voters were taking back the government from the progressives, socialists, Marxists, Communists, and so called conservatives that would not stand up and stand their ground. Bob Bennett was voted out at the convention and our movement roared forward to other states with the same results.
Fifth, I thought, does my joining Glenn Beck's "restoring honor" movement and his call for us to have "Faith, Hope and Charity" solve all of the problems of the country? No, but it will sure get us back on the right path.
So "What have I done?"
I have thought about this a lot and I feel pretty good about what I have done. I have survived the recession so far. I have become a voice on the watchtower calling out the threats that I see. I have become another voice in the throng that has demanded change. I have taken action and stood my ground demanding that what is right be the norm and that those pushing for change to what's right be taken from power. I have looked to where my blessings come from and reconfirmed my faith that this country was created by God and not man.
I have done a lot. You have done a lot. We all have done a lot. We have regained position in the country. We have made those who want to destroy our country take notice. We have had the press react to us. They are wrong in what we have done. They don't understand what we have done. But we do.
We should all be happy with our accomplishments. We have created a wave that is going to have a dramatic affect for the good on our country. It is time to accept that this change we have brought about is good. We have accomplished something that is so large, they cannot understand it. It is okay to look at this and smile; we are doing what we should be doing. We should all have a feeling of great accomplishment!
Now we must finish! If we let off, our gains will be lost. If continue to press forward, we will restore the greatness to our country. November 2nd is not far off. Make sure that you, your family, your relatives, your friends, and your associates are all registered to vote. Then vote for who will be good for America!
The University of Utah marching band has been playing "God Bess America" and then the "Star Spangled Banner" with representatives of our armed forces and/or police and fire fighters acting as the color guard for our flag at every home football game since 9/11/2001. It brings chills to me every time I hear these songs and see our flag. This is what we are doing this for, so that our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can experience the same thrill and love for our country that we do. May God bless us and America!
First, I thought, I have made it through this recession so far! I am a small business owner. I rent semi-trailers for a living. I rent to trucking operations, construction companies, distribution companies, manufacturers, and people who have sold their home and their new home is not ready. Wow, could I pick a group of customers that have been hit harder than these? My books tell me no. I can't tell you how many customers I have lost to bankruptcy or going out of business in the last three years. Yet I am still here. I have been blessed, even though it doesn't look like it some times. Heavenly Father has helped me; my being in business today proves that point.
Second, I thought, I took on a new role as a political activist in the early part of this century. The year 2000 brought new meaning to "what the government can do for me". I realized what that saying should really say is "what the government can do to me!"
After reading a lengthy article about the illegal immigration invasion in our country and the financial crisis it has created in many of our states, I got involved in the illegal immigration issue in 2002. This led to getting more involved in the role government was taking and the role it was ignoring that it should have been involved with. This brought on a realization that our government "of the people, by the people and for the people" had perished from the earth. Abraham Lincoln had not been correct, we had failed our forefathers. This was not something that I took very well. I got angry and started letting my elected representatives know this. If I walked up to any of our elected officials today and said hi to them, most would not know me. When I introduce myself, there is an immediate look of recognition on their faces. I am the name at the top and bottom of many of those letters they have received over the last seven years. Some supportive, many reminding them that they were not carrying out the role they had been elected to by the voters.
Third, I thought, how did I become a TEA Party member? Who started it all? The person who did a blog post, the one who goes by the user name of Gmack. He posted on January, 19th 2009 an article with the title: Mail a Teabag to Congress and Senate. This was the first known date of the modern TEA Party beginning. I heard the discussion on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 on the Glenn Beck Show talking about starting a nationwide movement of the TEA Party. Then Beck's 9-12 Project and We Surround Them grew and sparked attention. April 15, 2009, I made the trip to the Federal Building in downtown Salt Lake City and joined my very first protest rally at the ripe old age of 50 something. I was not going to let the government destroy our country any longer. I was joined there by thousands others with the same thought and we shook the foundation of the federal government that day in the rain, sleet and snow. We were not taken seriously by the media or the government. We were just a bunch of right wing extremists that were trying to instigate violence according to them.
Fourth, I thought, we needed to send a message to the country, we had to let Congress and the White House know that the old gentlemen's club in Washington DC was going to come to an end and we were going to send representatives that had the interests of the voters and our country at the top of their priority list and not what would get them more power. As Glenn Beck puts it, "those who would not lose their soul" when they got there. I ran as a delegate for the state Republican convention with the goal of removing Bob Bennett from his Senate seat. I was one of hundreds with the same goal. We cast the vote that was heard around the world that day, it was not going to be business as usual anymore, the voters were taking back the government from the progressives, socialists, Marxists, Communists, and so called conservatives that would not stand up and stand their ground. Bob Bennett was voted out at the convention and our movement roared forward to other states with the same results.
Fifth, I thought, does my joining Glenn Beck's "restoring honor" movement and his call for us to have "Faith, Hope and Charity" solve all of the problems of the country? No, but it will sure get us back on the right path.
So "What have I done?"
I have thought about this a lot and I feel pretty good about what I have done. I have survived the recession so far. I have become a voice on the watchtower calling out the threats that I see. I have become another voice in the throng that has demanded change. I have taken action and stood my ground demanding that what is right be the norm and that those pushing for change to what's right be taken from power. I have looked to where my blessings come from and reconfirmed my faith that this country was created by God and not man.
I have done a lot. You have done a lot. We all have done a lot. We have regained position in the country. We have made those who want to destroy our country take notice. We have had the press react to us. They are wrong in what we have done. They don't understand what we have done. But we do.
We should all be happy with our accomplishments. We have created a wave that is going to have a dramatic affect for the good on our country. It is time to accept that this change we have brought about is good. We have accomplished something that is so large, they cannot understand it. It is okay to look at this and smile; we are doing what we should be doing. We should all have a feeling of great accomplishment!
Now we must finish! If we let off, our gains will be lost. If continue to press forward, we will restore the greatness to our country. November 2nd is not far off. Make sure that you, your family, your relatives, your friends, and your associates are all registered to vote. Then vote for who will be good for America!
The University of Utah marching band has been playing "God Bess America" and then the "Star Spangled Banner" with representatives of our armed forces and/or police and fire fighters acting as the color guard for our flag at every home football game since 9/11/2001. It brings chills to me every time I hear these songs and see our flag. This is what we are doing this for, so that our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can experience the same thrill and love for our country that we do. May God bless us and America!
Monday, September 13, 2010
They don't understand what we are doing!
A friend sent me this quote today.
"Indeed, some people now claim that the Founding Fathers’ worst fear in connection with religion has been realized; that we have, in fact, a state-sponsored religion in America today. This new religion, adopted by many, does not have an identifiable name, but it operates just like a church. It exists in the form of doctrines and beliefs, where morality is whatever a person wants it to be, and where freedom is derived from the ideas of man and not the laws of God. Many people adhere to this concept of morality with religious zeal and fervor, and courts and legislatures tend to support it.
While you may think I am stretching the point a bit to say that amorality could be a new state-sponsored religion, I believe you would agree that we do not have to look far to find horrifying evidence of rampant immorality that is permitted if not encouraged by our laws. From the plague of pornography to the devastation caused by addiction to drugs, illicit sex, and gambling, wickedness rears its ugly head everywhere, often gaining its foothold in society by invoking the powers of constitutional privilege.
We see a sad reality of contemporary life when many of the same people who defend the right of a pornographer to distribute exploitive films and photos would deny freedom of expression to people of faith because of an alleged fear of what might happen from religious influence on government or public meetings. While much of society has allowed gambling to wash over its communities, leaving broken families and individuals in its soul-destroying wake, it reserves its harshest ridicule for those who advocate obedience to God’s commandments and uniform, inspired standards of right and wrong."
(M. Russell Ballard, “Religion in a Free Society,” Ensign, Oct 1992, 64)
October 1992! I would love to ask him what he thinks now and to update this comment to today's status.
November 2, 2010 is now 50 days away. This is the first official battle of Restoring America. The changing of a large percentage of Congress will only be the beginning of the long effort that it will take to win.
The victory on that day is looking good, but it will only happen if all of us, our families, our friends, our neighbors, our relatives and associates: register to vote, study the candidates and then vote for those candidates that want to restore America, have smaller government, adhere to the Constitution, increase state's and personal responsibility, will not lose their soul in Washington D.C. and will uphold principles and values in their service.
Many rallies have taken place during the last few weeks. The press, the White House administration and the old way incumbents laugh at them and talk about how ineffective they are and how disorganized, hateful, racist and radical they have been. They don't understand why there has been such a waste of time, resources and effort to put on these events.
Remember what I said about the parables a couple of weeks ago and how the enemies of Christ couldn't understand them. We are witnessing the modern day version of the same thing. Not that Christ is teaching! But those that know the truth and are teaching it are not being understood by those that hate the truth. They can't see how anyone is at risk of not being reelected; the old rule is the incumbent doesn't lose!
The elections will be a great win with our votes.
The lame duck session will be a great loss to our country and the Constitution. We will see more evil intentions and agendas transpire in one and a half months than we have seen in the last 18 years! Not all by Congress, administrative and executive rulings will be a large part of the evil to come.
Our efforts will need to be sustained for many years to stop and reverse the damage that has been done to our great country. Take a deep breath and get ready to work hard.
Our children, grand children and great-grand children will thank us and probably many more generations after. Returning this country to what it once was is our responsibility, we are the ones that let it drift so far from where it should be.
Ask for help from your Heavenly Father, stand firm where you should be and in your convictions, speak your mind, demand the truth and remember:
May God Bless America!
"Indeed, some people now claim that the Founding Fathers’ worst fear in connection with religion has been realized; that we have, in fact, a state-sponsored religion in America today. This new religion, adopted by many, does not have an identifiable name, but it operates just like a church. It exists in the form of doctrines and beliefs, where morality is whatever a person wants it to be, and where freedom is derived from the ideas of man and not the laws of God. Many people adhere to this concept of morality with religious zeal and fervor, and courts and legislatures tend to support it.
While you may think I am stretching the point a bit to say that amorality could be a new state-sponsored religion, I believe you would agree that we do not have to look far to find horrifying evidence of rampant immorality that is permitted if not encouraged by our laws. From the plague of pornography to the devastation caused by addiction to drugs, illicit sex, and gambling, wickedness rears its ugly head everywhere, often gaining its foothold in society by invoking the powers of constitutional privilege.
We see a sad reality of contemporary life when many of the same people who defend the right of a pornographer to distribute exploitive films and photos would deny freedom of expression to people of faith because of an alleged fear of what might happen from religious influence on government or public meetings. While much of society has allowed gambling to wash over its communities, leaving broken families and individuals in its soul-destroying wake, it reserves its harshest ridicule for those who advocate obedience to God’s commandments and uniform, inspired standards of right and wrong."
(M. Russell Ballard, “Religion in a Free Society,” Ensign, Oct 1992, 64)
October 1992! I would love to ask him what he thinks now and to update this comment to today's status.
November 2, 2010 is now 50 days away. This is the first official battle of Restoring America. The changing of a large percentage of Congress will only be the beginning of the long effort that it will take to win.
The victory on that day is looking good, but it will only happen if all of us, our families, our friends, our neighbors, our relatives and associates: register to vote, study the candidates and then vote for those candidates that want to restore America, have smaller government, adhere to the Constitution, increase state's and personal responsibility, will not lose their soul in Washington D.C. and will uphold principles and values in their service.
Many rallies have taken place during the last few weeks. The press, the White House administration and the old way incumbents laugh at them and talk about how ineffective they are and how disorganized, hateful, racist and radical they have been. They don't understand why there has been such a waste of time, resources and effort to put on these events.
Remember what I said about the parables a couple of weeks ago and how the enemies of Christ couldn't understand them. We are witnessing the modern day version of the same thing. Not that Christ is teaching! But those that know the truth and are teaching it are not being understood by those that hate the truth. They can't see how anyone is at risk of not being reelected; the old rule is the incumbent doesn't lose!
The elections will be a great win with our votes.
The lame duck session will be a great loss to our country and the Constitution. We will see more evil intentions and agendas transpire in one and a half months than we have seen in the last 18 years! Not all by Congress, administrative and executive rulings will be a large part of the evil to come.
Our efforts will need to be sustained for many years to stop and reverse the damage that has been done to our great country. Take a deep breath and get ready to work hard.
Our children, grand children and great-grand children will thank us and probably many more generations after. Returning this country to what it once was is our responsibility, we are the ones that let it drift so far from where it should be.
Ask for help from your Heavenly Father, stand firm where you should be and in your convictions, speak your mind, demand the truth and remember:
May God Bless America!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
The end of summer is associated with this weekend. This weekend, may your labor be fun, your fun be safe and may you have a memorable time with family and friends.
It is normal to display the flag on holidays, this being no exception. There is another day coming soon that we have been asked to fly the flag for, September 11th. Let's see the streets of our country lined with the flag of our great country on Labor Day and on September 11th. It will be a fine way of showing thanks and respect for those that keep our economy running with their labors and remembering a dark day in our history nine years ago. A dark day that emerged into an America that was re-awakened and is now ready to be restored again to retake it's place as history's greatest nation and civilization again. With Heavenly Father's help and us taking His side again, we will do just that.
May God Bless America and may we all be thankful citizens and good stewards of this great nation!
It is normal to display the flag on holidays, this being no exception. There is another day coming soon that we have been asked to fly the flag for, September 11th. Let's see the streets of our country lined with the flag of our great country on Labor Day and on September 11th. It will be a fine way of showing thanks and respect for those that keep our economy running with their labors and remembering a dark day in our history nine years ago. A dark day that emerged into an America that was re-awakened and is now ready to be restored again to retake it's place as history's greatest nation and civilization again. With Heavenly Father's help and us taking His side again, we will do just that.
May God Bless America and may we all be thankful citizens and good stewards of this great nation!
Monday, August 30, 2010
A battle we cannot win on our own.
I haven't written for awhile. I have not been happy about what is going on in our country and the world. I was feeling hopeless. As soon as the commonsense holders of America would stop some idiotic, insane plan that the Progressives had taken from their agenda and were trying to force through into law, they would do a flip and let an administrative executive order, an amendment to a bill that would get them in the door of their agenda or get a Federal Department to issue new rules sidestepping the need for legislation that you and I could help stop.
We the voters have been made useless until our day in the booths on November 2, 2010. Whatever the Progressives want, they twist things around until they get it. We are helpless. Or are we?
Did you get the chance to watch any of the Glenn Beck rally in Washington D.C. on August 27th and 28th? The Progressives did, that I am sure of. They looked out their windows and saw hundreds of thousands of American citizens come to restore honor to our country. These weren't angry mobs, TEA Party groups, right-wing extremists, militias, political protestors or angry Republicans. They represented America! These were men, women, and children that were searching for a way, any way to bring back honor to our country.
They were offered a way, a very peaceful but forceful way by Glenn Beck and his numerous guests; returning God to America. Restoring Faith, Hope and Charity as the ideals that we follow.
The critics of this rally were expecting political messages, angry protestors, typical extremists, and mostly Republican and TEA Party members. They only expected a few thousand to attend.
I doubt if the Democrats, Leftists, Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals and all of the other similar groups know what to make of what happened. I guarantee you though that they are nervous! Hundreds of thousands of Americans came together to join in resolution that we as a nation are not done. Though they have been successful in removing God from "official" America, they have not removed Him from our hearts. To have the Washington Mall packed to capacity with Americans who come from every political party, every religion, every economic class, every color and race, and all with one purpose; to restore America to its greatness was nothing short of a miracle. Politics were not discussed, religion was not discussed, and economics were not discussed. The importance of God in our lives and us pledging to do His will and recognize Him as our Creator, our Ruler and the way to our Salvation was discussed. By having Faith, Hope and Charity, our paths would become the same and we would be united in our efforts to save our country from ruin and bondage.
The critics don't understand. Christ taught with parables to His disciples. Many wondered what He meant in His teachings. The true followers knew and received joy in their understanding of what He wanted us to do.
The parable of the talents is similar to our situation today. We were given a gift of a nation with a Constitution that was founded by His inspiration and will. What we do with it is what will happen to us. Unfortunately, we have ignored the gift and we are suffering because we have. The freedoms and privileges that were given to us by Divine Providence are in jeopardy today because of our apathy towards them. We have allowed evil take over the guardianship of those gifts. The freedoms that came with the gifts are being taken by those who have taken over managing the gifts.
If we look to the gifts that we received and use them wisely, cultivate them, expand on them, share them and most of all show gratitude for them, we will be blessed beyond our comprehension. We will see the freedoms that came with those gifts returned, the evil that has taken them over defeated and the country, our children and grand children removed from bondage.
We cannot do this alone. We need Heavenly Father's help. We need to stand where we are and declare that He is important in our lives, our society and our nation. We need to follow the teachings we have been given by Him and refuse to give in to those things that go against those teachings. We all know who we should be, what we should do and to whom we should give thanks and ask for guidance and help. We need to prove that we are worthy of His help in restoring the nation and Constitution that He gave us. If we ask Him, He will give us the help we need if we are worthy of His Help. That help comes with a price tag; Gratitude, Appreciation and True Thankfulness for those gifts He has given us. With that gratitude and thankfulness we will care for and be better stewards of what gifts we have received.
May God Bless America and us in this battle.
We the voters have been made useless until our day in the booths on November 2, 2010. Whatever the Progressives want, they twist things around until they get it. We are helpless. Or are we?
Did you get the chance to watch any of the Glenn Beck rally in Washington D.C. on August 27th and 28th? The Progressives did, that I am sure of. They looked out their windows and saw hundreds of thousands of American citizens come to restore honor to our country. These weren't angry mobs, TEA Party groups, right-wing extremists, militias, political protestors or angry Republicans. They represented America! These were men, women, and children that were searching for a way, any way to bring back honor to our country.
They were offered a way, a very peaceful but forceful way by Glenn Beck and his numerous guests; returning God to America. Restoring Faith, Hope and Charity as the ideals that we follow.
The critics of this rally were expecting political messages, angry protestors, typical extremists, and mostly Republican and TEA Party members. They only expected a few thousand to attend.
I doubt if the Democrats, Leftists, Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals and all of the other similar groups know what to make of what happened. I guarantee you though that they are nervous! Hundreds of thousands of Americans came together to join in resolution that we as a nation are not done. Though they have been successful in removing God from "official" America, they have not removed Him from our hearts. To have the Washington Mall packed to capacity with Americans who come from every political party, every religion, every economic class, every color and race, and all with one purpose; to restore America to its greatness was nothing short of a miracle. Politics were not discussed, religion was not discussed, and economics were not discussed. The importance of God in our lives and us pledging to do His will and recognize Him as our Creator, our Ruler and the way to our Salvation was discussed. By having Faith, Hope and Charity, our paths would become the same and we would be united in our efforts to save our country from ruin and bondage.
The critics don't understand. Christ taught with parables to His disciples. Many wondered what He meant in His teachings. The true followers knew and received joy in their understanding of what He wanted us to do.
The parable of the talents is similar to our situation today. We were given a gift of a nation with a Constitution that was founded by His inspiration and will. What we do with it is what will happen to us. Unfortunately, we have ignored the gift and we are suffering because we have. The freedoms and privileges that were given to us by Divine Providence are in jeopardy today because of our apathy towards them. We have allowed evil take over the guardianship of those gifts. The freedoms that came with the gifts are being taken by those who have taken over managing the gifts.
If we look to the gifts that we received and use them wisely, cultivate them, expand on them, share them and most of all show gratitude for them, we will be blessed beyond our comprehension. We will see the freedoms that came with those gifts returned, the evil that has taken them over defeated and the country, our children and grand children removed from bondage.
We cannot do this alone. We need Heavenly Father's help. We need to stand where we are and declare that He is important in our lives, our society and our nation. We need to follow the teachings we have been given by Him and refuse to give in to those things that go against those teachings. We all know who we should be, what we should do and to whom we should give thanks and ask for guidance and help. We need to prove that we are worthy of His help in restoring the nation and Constitution that He gave us. If we ask Him, He will give us the help we need if we are worthy of His Help. That help comes with a price tag; Gratitude, Appreciation and True Thankfulness for those gifts He has given us. With that gratitude and thankfulness we will care for and be better stewards of what gifts we have received.
May God Bless America and us in this battle.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Recession is over, pass it on! Oooooops. Sorry, my bad. This is the link to an article that talks about the increase in new unemployment claims for this week. The government was surprised at the increase. They thought it would go down a little bit.
That is about as good as you are going to get from this administration and this congress.
Obamacare, the worst health legislation ever passed in this country. It is going to bankrupt the country if not reversed or neutralized by the states.
Financial Reform Act just passed. It gives the government all kinds of new power and abilities to tell the citizens of this country to be quiet and that we don't know what is good for us. The government will take care of it for us and all will be fine. Trust me! I am from the government and I am here to help you!
We still have Government Motors in the portfolio. Don't worry about those political contributions that they are forking out all over the place with those taxpayer funded accounts. Any ex-shareholders out there that think they got a fair deal? The unions and the government are the only ones that came out in this piracy!
Speaking of unions, did you know that the pension plans for almost all of the unions are ready to take a dive? So what are we going to do? Don’t worry; Superobamao is here to save the day. There is work going on right now for a program to bailout the pension plans of the unions! Don’t worry, be happy! Wrong song. Just imagine what that will do to the federal deficit! Somehow I think that will be one of the numerous agenda programs on the “lame duck” session of congress after the elections. Yes, all of that control over the congress will still be there until January 2011 and is there ever a wish list for Christmas! You think you are upset over what we have already seen, wait till they get down to business because they know that it is now or never!
Amnesty. They are going to shove that down our throats whether they can get the votes for it or not. They have an administrative executive order all ready in case congress won't go along with the White House in declaring amnesty for all of the illegal aliens in the country. I still think that each president for quite some time now has been paid under the table through a Swiss bank account to keep the border open and allow the unemployed of Mexico to become our problem and not Mexico’s or Central America’s. One check to a Swiss bank account is a lot cheaper than dealing with their own unemployment issues! It would sure explain a $2 Million wedding for a daughter of one of the previous presidents! They weren’t that wealthy during their term!
Obamao has nominated a person to the Supreme Court that is not a judge, has never been a judge, has been proven to having committed perjury before the Supreme Court, has proven to have radical personal agendas she wants to see legislated from the bench and is not interested in ruling by the law of the Constitution, she knows that the document changes over time from changing moral and social pressures and not what it was originally written for.
Arizona is feeling picked on. They should! The government sued them so that they couldn't do what the feds are refusing to do.
Californians are feeling picked on. A judge told them that their bill about marriage is unconstitutional even though the tenth amendment of the Constitution gives them the right to create a law because the Constitution does not deal with the subject. Yet a judge that should have recused himself from the case because he is gay and has a definite personal interest in the outcome, legislated from the bench and forgot to read the Constitution before he ruled.
We have federal spending completely out of control with the federal debt over $14 Trillion now and no sign of congress or the White House backing off spending.
Our economy cannot sustain this level of debt increase without a huge jump in our GDP. Our GDP is not going up until our government puts the checkbook away!
So here is my prediction of the economy and what will cause any changes.
The economy will show a defined recovery in April of 2012. This will come about from the House of Representatives having a majority of Republican members after the November 2010 elections. The House will not have the capability of reversing much of the damage from Obamao and his Socialist/Marxist takeover of the U.S.S.A., but they will be able to stop him from doing anymore. The states will become the ones that neutralize the bills that have been passed like Obamao's Healthcare bill. They will keep it from allowing the government to take over the healthcare industry completely. The senate will continue to do whatever the White House asks for, but it will be a much harder effort for them to do so because they will lose their 60 Democrat strangle hold leadership. Not by much, but the 60 vote days are going to be gone. This all equates into a very large battle over spending for 2011. This equates to reduced spending. This equates to consumers and businesses relaxing more and being more willing to put forth expansion and spending again. But all of this will be tempered by the huge tax increases that are going to happen in January 2011 when the Bush tax cuts expire and nothing was done to reinstate them. This is also why 2011 will not become the year of the comeback. Less spending matched with larger taxes still has a definite leveling factor on the GDP.
Why April of 2012? Presidential election year. Obamao is going to make every effort to show that his efforts are driving the upswing in the economy so he can be re-elected. Springtime, always a good time to create an upswing in the GDP. Congress will still have the spending under better control. The consumers will have been able to adjust their thoughts and lifestyle to match to the economic recession of the previous years. Hence April 2012.
Now the one factor that adds to my rational thought about April 2012: City Creek Plaza in downtown Salt Lake City will be opening that spring. I have yet to see the leadership of the LDS Church make an error in development planning and spending. These guys are one of the best barometers for the economy. If they build it for 2012, the customers will be there.
Remember, the key to this recovery is taking the control of the checkbook out of Obamao's hands in November. Register to vote; make sure your family, friends, neighbors, and associates have also. Then all of us must vote!
That is about as good as you are going to get from this administration and this congress.
Obamacare, the worst health legislation ever passed in this country. It is going to bankrupt the country if not reversed or neutralized by the states.
Financial Reform Act just passed. It gives the government all kinds of new power and abilities to tell the citizens of this country to be quiet and that we don't know what is good for us. The government will take care of it for us and all will be fine. Trust me! I am from the government and I am here to help you!
We still have Government Motors in the portfolio. Don't worry about those political contributions that they are forking out all over the place with those taxpayer funded accounts. Any ex-shareholders out there that think they got a fair deal? The unions and the government are the only ones that came out in this piracy!
Speaking of unions, did you know that the pension plans for almost all of the unions are ready to take a dive? So what are we going to do? Don’t worry; Superobamao is here to save the day. There is work going on right now for a program to bailout the pension plans of the unions! Don’t worry, be happy! Wrong song. Just imagine what that will do to the federal deficit! Somehow I think that will be one of the numerous agenda programs on the “lame duck” session of congress after the elections. Yes, all of that control over the congress will still be there until January 2011 and is there ever a wish list for Christmas! You think you are upset over what we have already seen, wait till they get down to business because they know that it is now or never!
Amnesty. They are going to shove that down our throats whether they can get the votes for it or not. They have an administrative executive order all ready in case congress won't go along with the White House in declaring amnesty for all of the illegal aliens in the country. I still think that each president for quite some time now has been paid under the table through a Swiss bank account to keep the border open and allow the unemployed of Mexico to become our problem and not Mexico’s or Central America’s. One check to a Swiss bank account is a lot cheaper than dealing with their own unemployment issues! It would sure explain a $2 Million wedding for a daughter of one of the previous presidents! They weren’t that wealthy during their term!
Obamao has nominated a person to the Supreme Court that is not a judge, has never been a judge, has been proven to having committed perjury before the Supreme Court, has proven to have radical personal agendas she wants to see legislated from the bench and is not interested in ruling by the law of the Constitution, she knows that the document changes over time from changing moral and social pressures and not what it was originally written for.
Arizona is feeling picked on. They should! The government sued them so that they couldn't do what the feds are refusing to do.
Californians are feeling picked on. A judge told them that their bill about marriage is unconstitutional even though the tenth amendment of the Constitution gives them the right to create a law because the Constitution does not deal with the subject. Yet a judge that should have recused himself from the case because he is gay and has a definite personal interest in the outcome, legislated from the bench and forgot to read the Constitution before he ruled.
We have federal spending completely out of control with the federal debt over $14 Trillion now and no sign of congress or the White House backing off spending.
Our economy cannot sustain this level of debt increase without a huge jump in our GDP. Our GDP is not going up until our government puts the checkbook away!
So here is my prediction of the economy and what will cause any changes.
The economy will show a defined recovery in April of 2012. This will come about from the House of Representatives having a majority of Republican members after the November 2010 elections. The House will not have the capability of reversing much of the damage from Obamao and his Socialist/Marxist takeover of the U.S.S.A., but they will be able to stop him from doing anymore. The states will become the ones that neutralize the bills that have been passed like Obamao's Healthcare bill. They will keep it from allowing the government to take over the healthcare industry completely. The senate will continue to do whatever the White House asks for, but it will be a much harder effort for them to do so because they will lose their 60 Democrat strangle hold leadership. Not by much, but the 60 vote days are going to be gone. This all equates into a very large battle over spending for 2011. This equates to reduced spending. This equates to consumers and businesses relaxing more and being more willing to put forth expansion and spending again. But all of this will be tempered by the huge tax increases that are going to happen in January 2011 when the Bush tax cuts expire and nothing was done to reinstate them. This is also why 2011 will not become the year of the comeback. Less spending matched with larger taxes still has a definite leveling factor on the GDP.
Why April of 2012? Presidential election year. Obamao is going to make every effort to show that his efforts are driving the upswing in the economy so he can be re-elected. Springtime, always a good time to create an upswing in the GDP. Congress will still have the spending under better control. The consumers will have been able to adjust their thoughts and lifestyle to match to the economic recession of the previous years. Hence April 2012.
Now the one factor that adds to my rational thought about April 2012: City Creek Plaza in downtown Salt Lake City will be opening that spring. I have yet to see the leadership of the LDS Church make an error in development planning and spending. These guys are one of the best barometers for the economy. If they build it for 2012, the customers will be there.
Remember, the key to this recovery is taking the control of the checkbook out of Obamao's hands in November. Register to vote; make sure your family, friends, neighbors, and associates have also. Then all of us must vote!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Socialized and Satanized!
“The way to make government responsible is to hold it accountable. The way to make government accountable is to make it transparent so the American people can know exactly what decisions are being made, how they are being made and whether their interests are being well served.” – Barrack Obamao
AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! I hate being lied to! Guess what all of you citizens of the United Socialist States of America, we have been lied to, deceived and manipulated like you can never imagine. And congratulations all of us, we did it to ourselves! The next time we have a candidate for any office in Washington D.C. that appears out of nowhere, has a full semi-truck full of baggage following them, and talks like he is going to be the new savior to the world, we need to remind ourselves of being stupid idiots that fell for this act before and send them on their merry way to anywhere other than an office of responsibility and power!
You really have no idea how mad I am today! We have become the victims of some of the greatest injustices to American freedoms that have ever occurred. They are so bad that we have gone and fought wars in the past over equivalent actions in other countries!
If you are in the military and overseas protecting what is left of our freedoms, you do not have the full right to vote! The Department of Justice is notifying states to use waivers to bypass the new Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act. This law enacted last October was supposed to ensure servicemen and women overseas that they would have ample time to get their absentee ballots so they could vote. The MOVE Act requires states to send absentee ballots to overseas military troops 45 days before an election, but a state can apply for a waiver if it can prove a specific “undue hardship” in enforcing it. In other words, sorry oversea military, your vote is not important, even though many of you will die protecting that simple right. Thank you Eric Holden and Barrack Obamao! You are true Socialists and Progressives. I do not mean that in a kind fashion either! If someone ever called me that and meant it, they would be testing out our new healthcare program in this country! Here is the link to read all about the program that is taking the right to vote away from our overseas military.
Remember that new Financial Reform Bill that was passed and signed in the last couple of weeks? You remember, the one that is 2,300 pages long! The one that Congressman John Conyers D-MI talked about by saying “Read the bill! What good is reading the bill if it’s a 1,000 pages long and you don’t have 2 days and 2 lawyers to find out what it means after you’ve read the bill?” Shows you how much he knew about the bill, he thought it was 1,000 pages when it was actually 2,300 pages! This wonderful little 2,300 page bill has a sneaky little clause in it that states that the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) no longer has to comply with requests for information releases from the public including those filed under the Freedom of Information Act. Because the SEC is a regulatory agency, they can deny any requests for info that they want to. Transparency? Accountability? Responsibility? Not anymore! You can go to this link and scroll to the bottom and read the clause they are using to not be accountable for their actions anymore. Thank you Barrack Obamao and your Socialist state that needs to answer to no one!
Anyone else getting mad yet? It doesn’t stop here!
The EPA has just released a 55 page “guidance” to help its employees “ADVANCE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE” for low-income and minority communities. “Achieving environmental justice is an Agency priority and should be factored into every decision” the document says. The EPA defines environmental justice as the “fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, particularly minority, low-income, and indigenous populations, and tribes, in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.”
The guide states “in the process of developing rules, policy statements, risk assessments, and other regulatory actions -- EPA managers and staffers must first ask themselves, “Does this action involve a topic that is likely to be of particular interest to or have particular impact upon minority, low-income, or indigenous populations, or tribes?”
If the answer is yes, the rule-writers must reach out to the affected minority and/or low-income communities. One section of the guide explains how EPA rule-writers may have to make “special efforts” to connect with people who may be uneducated or non-English-speaking.
“It will likely be necessary to tailor outreach materials to be concise, understandable, and readily accessible to the communities you are trying to reach,” the guide says.
"Historically, the low-income and minority communities that carry the greatest environmental burdens haven't had a voice in our policy development or rulemaking,” said EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson in announcing the release of the guide. Thank you Barrack Obamao and your statement that you would not stand in the way of any of the EPA’s new rulemaking. Brace yourself everyone! We haven’t even begun to see the results of this group yet! One of their new rules about cleaning up the air in many states will cut sulfur dioxide emissions by 71% from the 2005 levels by 2014 and nitrogen oxide emissions by 52% in the same time. That will be a very hard thing to do and is going to drastically run up the costs of the country to do so. But, if you live in Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine… not a problem, it doesn’t apply to these four states!?!?!?!?!? Are you kidding me? Who cut this sweet deal for these guys and how much did that cost and who is paying that bill?
Still not through!
Back to our simple little 2,300 page Financial Reform Act. Zions Bank did us all a favor and sent us a basic recap of the bill and what the major features are:
A 10-member council of regulators led by the Treasury secretary would monitor threats to the financial system. It would decide which companies were so big or interconnected that their failures could upend the financial system. Those companies would be subject to tougher regulation.
If such a company teetered, the government could liquidate it. The costs of taking such a company down would be borne by its industry peers.
The council could overturn new rules proposed by the consumer protection agency. That’s supposed to happen only to rules deemed a threat to the financial system.
A new independent office would oversee financial products and services such as mortgages, credit cards and short-term loans. The office would be housed in the Fed.
Auto dealers, pawn brokers and others would be exempt from the bureau’s enforcement. For community banks, the new rules would be enforced by existing regulators.
The oversight council could block rules proposed by the consumer agency, but only if they determine the regulations would threaten the system.
Currently, consumer protection is spread among various bank regulators.
The Federal Reserve would lead the oversight of big, interconnected companies whose failures could threaten the system. Those companies would be identified by the council of regulators.
The Fed’s relationships with banks would face more scrutiny from the Government Accountability Office, Congress’ investigative arm. The GAO could audit emergency lending the Fed made after the 2008 financial crisis emerged. It also could audit the Fed’s low-cost loans to banks, and the Fed’s buying and selling of securities to implement interest-rate policy.
The Fed also would have to set lower limits on the fees that banks charge merchants who accept debit cards.
Big banks would have to reserve as much money as small banks do to protect against future losses. But big banks would have to replace hybrid forms of capital called trust preferred securities with common stock or other securities. Banks with under $15 billion in assets wouldn’t have to replace those securities, but could not add more to their reserve funds.
Derivatives are financial instruments whose values change based on the price of some underlying investment. They were used for speculation, fueling the financial crisis. Under current law, they have been traded out of the sight of regulators. The new law would force many of those trades onto more transparent exchanges.
Banks will continue trading derivatives related to interest rates, foreign exchanges, gold and silver. Those deals earn big profits for a handful of Wall Street titans.
But riskier derivatives could not be traded by banks. Those deals would run through affiliated companies with segregated finances. The goal is to protect taxpayers, since bank deposits are guaranteed by the government.
Companies that own commercial banks could no longer make speculative bets for their own profits.
A related provision would have banned banks from investing in private equity and hedge funds. The final compromise scaled that back. Banks will be allowed to invest up to 3 percent of their capital in private equity and hedge funds.
Shareholders would vote on executive pay packages. But the votes wouldn’t be binding. Companies could ignore them.
The Fed would oversee executive compensation to make sure it does not encourage excessive risk-taking. The Fed would issue broad guidelines but no specific rules. If a payout appeared to promote risky business practices, the Fed could intervene to block it.
Credit rating agencies that give recklessly bad advice could be legally liable for investor losses. They would have to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Regulators would study the conflict of interest at the heart of the rating system: Credit raters are paid by the banks that issue the securities they rate. Before the crisis, they bowed to pressure from the banks, lawmakers say. That’s why the agencies gave strong ratings to mortgage investments that were basically worthless.
Lenders would have to make sure mortgage borrowers could afford to repay.
Lenders would have to disclose the highest payment borrowers could face on their adjustable-rate mortgages. Mortgage brokers could no longer receive bonuses for pushing people into high-cost loans.
The bill would be paid in part with $11 billion generated by ending the unpopular Troubled Asset Relief Program, the $700 billion bank bailout created in the fall of 2008 at the height of the financial scare. It would cover additional costs by increasing premium rates paid by commercial banks to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to insure bank deposits. The increase would not affect banks with assets under $10 billion.
WOW! Guess what, the feds now run the financial industry in our country!
So these statements that have become so famous from members of congress:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi - “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy.” “Fog of the controversy”? Nancy, the only fog I see is in your brain!
Congresswoman Maxine Waters said, “And guess what this liberal will be all about, this liberal will be all about socializing,… um, will be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.” Not much to wonder about that, is there?
Ready for another one? A federal court judge in Arizona gutted the Immigration Bill that was supposed to go into effect on July 29. It now will drag into a long drawn out legal battle in the courts and will probably end up in the U.S. Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the federal government still refuses to do anything about the illegal alien crisis in Arizona that is causing huge crime increases, huge costs to the state, unemployment problems, and a lawless strip of land along the southern border. The decision was not based on law, it was not based on the will of the majority and not based on the will of the electoral process in our country. In other words, it was based on agendas, by select illegal groups and an administration that has a solution to the illegal alien crisis: Amnesty, coming to your congress soon. Thank you Obamao! How much have Obamao, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton taken in bribes from the Mexican government to keep the borders open and a steady flow of people illegally entering our country across the porous southern border? I am dead serious! Only huge amounts of money could create such an insane situation with no federal action!
Last one for today. A woman has just lost her lawsuit against Eastern Michigan University for being kicked out of the Counseling program because of her Christian religious beliefs about homosexuals and her refusal to accept the schools insistence on her changing her views to stay in the program against her religious beliefs! Another woman in Georgia is getting ready to file a suit against a public college there for the same basic problem! Freedom of religion, only if you tolerate the new rules about morality in our society setup by Satan himself! Here is the link to this unbelievable decision taking away your religious freedoms:
Are you getting the picture? We have been Socialized and Satanized! Not working at it, but been done! We are no longer the free country with high moral standards that we once were. We are having our freedoms slipped away from us bill by bill and our morals degraded agenda by agenda and we haven’t put a stop to it!
Remember, “Satan will gently lead you away!”
Talk, write, post, register, vote, tell others to vote, don’t back down from the Progressives that want to make you sound like a racist, hate monger, or wacko. You are the sane one. You are the one that recognizes the work of Satan and you are the one that needs to call out from the watchtower and warn your friends, neighbors, family and associates.
November can not come fast enough. Pray for God to Bless America and then defend God and help Him do it!
AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! I hate being lied to! Guess what all of you citizens of the United Socialist States of America, we have been lied to, deceived and manipulated like you can never imagine. And congratulations all of us, we did it to ourselves! The next time we have a candidate for any office in Washington D.C. that appears out of nowhere, has a full semi-truck full of baggage following them, and talks like he is going to be the new savior to the world, we need to remind ourselves of being stupid idiots that fell for this act before and send them on their merry way to anywhere other than an office of responsibility and power!
You really have no idea how mad I am today! We have become the victims of some of the greatest injustices to American freedoms that have ever occurred. They are so bad that we have gone and fought wars in the past over equivalent actions in other countries!
If you are in the military and overseas protecting what is left of our freedoms, you do not have the full right to vote! The Department of Justice is notifying states to use waivers to bypass the new Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act. This law enacted last October was supposed to ensure servicemen and women overseas that they would have ample time to get their absentee ballots so they could vote. The MOVE Act requires states to send absentee ballots to overseas military troops 45 days before an election, but a state can apply for a waiver if it can prove a specific “undue hardship” in enforcing it. In other words, sorry oversea military, your vote is not important, even though many of you will die protecting that simple right. Thank you Eric Holden and Barrack Obamao! You are true Socialists and Progressives. I do not mean that in a kind fashion either! If someone ever called me that and meant it, they would be testing out our new healthcare program in this country! Here is the link to read all about the program that is taking the right to vote away from our overseas military.
Remember that new Financial Reform Bill that was passed and signed in the last couple of weeks? You remember, the one that is 2,300 pages long! The one that Congressman John Conyers D-MI talked about by saying “Read the bill! What good is reading the bill if it’s a 1,000 pages long and you don’t have 2 days and 2 lawyers to find out what it means after you’ve read the bill?” Shows you how much he knew about the bill, he thought it was 1,000 pages when it was actually 2,300 pages! This wonderful little 2,300 page bill has a sneaky little clause in it that states that the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) no longer has to comply with requests for information releases from the public including those filed under the Freedom of Information Act. Because the SEC is a regulatory agency, they can deny any requests for info that they want to. Transparency? Accountability? Responsibility? Not anymore! You can go to this link and scroll to the bottom and read the clause they are using to not be accountable for their actions anymore. Thank you Barrack Obamao and your Socialist state that needs to answer to no one!
Anyone else getting mad yet? It doesn’t stop here!
The EPA has just released a 55 page “guidance” to help its employees “ADVANCE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE” for low-income and minority communities. “Achieving environmental justice is an Agency priority and should be factored into every decision” the document says. The EPA defines environmental justice as the “fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, particularly minority, low-income, and indigenous populations, and tribes, in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.”
The guide states “in the process of developing rules, policy statements, risk assessments, and other regulatory actions -- EPA managers and staffers must first ask themselves, “Does this action involve a topic that is likely to be of particular interest to or have particular impact upon minority, low-income, or indigenous populations, or tribes?”
If the answer is yes, the rule-writers must reach out to the affected minority and/or low-income communities. One section of the guide explains how EPA rule-writers may have to make “special efforts” to connect with people who may be uneducated or non-English-speaking.
“It will likely be necessary to tailor outreach materials to be concise, understandable, and readily accessible to the communities you are trying to reach,” the guide says.
"Historically, the low-income and minority communities that carry the greatest environmental burdens haven't had a voice in our policy development or rulemaking,” said EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson in announcing the release of the guide. Thank you Barrack Obamao and your statement that you would not stand in the way of any of the EPA’s new rulemaking. Brace yourself everyone! We haven’t even begun to see the results of this group yet! One of their new rules about cleaning up the air in many states will cut sulfur dioxide emissions by 71% from the 2005 levels by 2014 and nitrogen oxide emissions by 52% in the same time. That will be a very hard thing to do and is going to drastically run up the costs of the country to do so. But, if you live in Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine… not a problem, it doesn’t apply to these four states!?!?!?!?!? Are you kidding me? Who cut this sweet deal for these guys and how much did that cost and who is paying that bill?
Still not through!
Back to our simple little 2,300 page Financial Reform Act. Zions Bank did us all a favor and sent us a basic recap of the bill and what the major features are:
A 10-member council of regulators led by the Treasury secretary would monitor threats to the financial system. It would decide which companies were so big or interconnected that their failures could upend the financial system. Those companies would be subject to tougher regulation.
If such a company teetered, the government could liquidate it. The costs of taking such a company down would be borne by its industry peers.
The council could overturn new rules proposed by the consumer protection agency. That’s supposed to happen only to rules deemed a threat to the financial system.
A new independent office would oversee financial products and services such as mortgages, credit cards and short-term loans. The office would be housed in the Fed.
Auto dealers, pawn brokers and others would be exempt from the bureau’s enforcement. For community banks, the new rules would be enforced by existing regulators.
The oversight council could block rules proposed by the consumer agency, but only if they determine the regulations would threaten the system.
Currently, consumer protection is spread among various bank regulators.
The Federal Reserve would lead the oversight of big, interconnected companies whose failures could threaten the system. Those companies would be identified by the council of regulators.
The Fed’s relationships with banks would face more scrutiny from the Government Accountability Office, Congress’ investigative arm. The GAO could audit emergency lending the Fed made after the 2008 financial crisis emerged. It also could audit the Fed’s low-cost loans to banks, and the Fed’s buying and selling of securities to implement interest-rate policy.
The Fed also would have to set lower limits on the fees that banks charge merchants who accept debit cards.
Big banks would have to reserve as much money as small banks do to protect against future losses. But big banks would have to replace hybrid forms of capital called trust preferred securities with common stock or other securities. Banks with under $15 billion in assets wouldn’t have to replace those securities, but could not add more to their reserve funds.
Derivatives are financial instruments whose values change based on the price of some underlying investment. They were used for speculation, fueling the financial crisis. Under current law, they have been traded out of the sight of regulators. The new law would force many of those trades onto more transparent exchanges.
Banks will continue trading derivatives related to interest rates, foreign exchanges, gold and silver. Those deals earn big profits for a handful of Wall Street titans.
But riskier derivatives could not be traded by banks. Those deals would run through affiliated companies with segregated finances. The goal is to protect taxpayers, since bank deposits are guaranteed by the government.
Companies that own commercial banks could no longer make speculative bets for their own profits.
A related provision would have banned banks from investing in private equity and hedge funds. The final compromise scaled that back. Banks will be allowed to invest up to 3 percent of their capital in private equity and hedge funds.
Shareholders would vote on executive pay packages. But the votes wouldn’t be binding. Companies could ignore them.
The Fed would oversee executive compensation to make sure it does not encourage excessive risk-taking. The Fed would issue broad guidelines but no specific rules. If a payout appeared to promote risky business practices, the Fed could intervene to block it.
Credit rating agencies that give recklessly bad advice could be legally liable for investor losses. They would have to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Regulators would study the conflict of interest at the heart of the rating system: Credit raters are paid by the banks that issue the securities they rate. Before the crisis, they bowed to pressure from the banks, lawmakers say. That’s why the agencies gave strong ratings to mortgage investments that were basically worthless.
Lenders would have to make sure mortgage borrowers could afford to repay.
Lenders would have to disclose the highest payment borrowers could face on their adjustable-rate mortgages. Mortgage brokers could no longer receive bonuses for pushing people into high-cost loans.
The bill would be paid in part with $11 billion generated by ending the unpopular Troubled Asset Relief Program, the $700 billion bank bailout created in the fall of 2008 at the height of the financial scare. It would cover additional costs by increasing premium rates paid by commercial banks to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to insure bank deposits. The increase would not affect banks with assets under $10 billion.
WOW! Guess what, the feds now run the financial industry in our country!
So these statements that have become so famous from members of congress:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi - “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy.” “Fog of the controversy”? Nancy, the only fog I see is in your brain!
Congresswoman Maxine Waters said, “And guess what this liberal will be all about, this liberal will be all about socializing,… um, will be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.” Not much to wonder about that, is there?
Ready for another one? A federal court judge in Arizona gutted the Immigration Bill that was supposed to go into effect on July 29. It now will drag into a long drawn out legal battle in the courts and will probably end up in the U.S. Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the federal government still refuses to do anything about the illegal alien crisis in Arizona that is causing huge crime increases, huge costs to the state, unemployment problems, and a lawless strip of land along the southern border. The decision was not based on law, it was not based on the will of the majority and not based on the will of the electoral process in our country. In other words, it was based on agendas, by select illegal groups and an administration that has a solution to the illegal alien crisis: Amnesty, coming to your congress soon. Thank you Obamao! How much have Obamao, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton taken in bribes from the Mexican government to keep the borders open and a steady flow of people illegally entering our country across the porous southern border? I am dead serious! Only huge amounts of money could create such an insane situation with no federal action!
Last one for today. A woman has just lost her lawsuit against Eastern Michigan University for being kicked out of the Counseling program because of her Christian religious beliefs about homosexuals and her refusal to accept the schools insistence on her changing her views to stay in the program against her religious beliefs! Another woman in Georgia is getting ready to file a suit against a public college there for the same basic problem! Freedom of religion, only if you tolerate the new rules about morality in our society setup by Satan himself! Here is the link to this unbelievable decision taking away your religious freedoms:
Are you getting the picture? We have been Socialized and Satanized! Not working at it, but been done! We are no longer the free country with high moral standards that we once were. We are having our freedoms slipped away from us bill by bill and our morals degraded agenda by agenda and we haven’t put a stop to it!
Remember, “Satan will gently lead you away!”
Talk, write, post, register, vote, tell others to vote, don’t back down from the Progressives that want to make you sound like a racist, hate monger, or wacko. You are the sane one. You are the one that recognizes the work of Satan and you are the one that needs to call out from the watchtower and warn your friends, neighbors, family and associates.
November can not come fast enough. Pray for God to Bless America and then defend God and help Him do it!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Where did America go?
Last Saturday, Chris and I went to see Glenn Beck's American Revival tour in Salt Lake City. When it was over, we jumped on TRAX going the wrong direction, on purpose, to get out of the heat and road it to the Front Runner station and then back down and around to our car in Midvale. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. We didn't feel rushed, didn't have any worries and enjoyed the rest of our outing together.
So if you know Chris, you know this was a rare moment in time when she didn't feel rushed and was just relaxing, enjoying ourselves. So why were we like this? We had just spent from 10:30am to 5pm listening to Glenn Beck and his associates in describing Faith, Hope and Charity in America. We have serious problems here in our great country, but we can overcome them. After listening to them all day, we were educated, inspired and at peace with ourselves. Glenn has been accused of being a lot of things, but he tells the truth, he inspires you to think of your relationship with your Savior and Heavenly Father, he gives you hope for what we can be, and makes you want to share it with others and have love for others. I told Chris that it was as close to going to a great church meeting that leaves you excited about life as you can get without it being church. He also had David Barton, David Buckner and Judge Napolitano on the program with him.
So how does a meeting like this start? Like they should, with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Senator Orrin Hatch and a local Boy Scout troop presenting the flag and a word of prayer offered by Representative Jason Chaffetz. At the end of the program, David Barton an Evangelist offered the prayer.
We were taught true history about the faith and belief that the founding fathers had in God, the importance of having Him in our lives, how they expected Him to be a part of our government and how He influenced and inspired them in founding in our country. History books today like to fight these truths and claim that they were not religious men. How have we let our history be rewritten with lies?
We were told about Hope through telling us the truth about how things are right now and how they will be. Truth, not lies or deflections from the truth to get us thinking in a different path. How often do we see our country's leaders literally lie to us about things so that they can push an agenda that is not correct? How have we let our leadership become liars when we vote them in?
We were told about love and charity. How it is important to come together as faithful people of all religious beliefs to take care of one another, to love our neighbors, family and friends. To be charitable and help those in need and not expect the government to do this. Charity is freely giving without demand or expectation of return. It is through love. How have we allowed our government to become the caretakers of our country?
Glenn was talking yesterday about how one year ago, everyone was complaining about those of us that called Obamao and his associates Socialists and Marxists. Today, the vast majority of America recognizes that as truth. Now we wonder how far we are from a dictator ruling from the White House. Where do you put the line that says he has crossed over and become a dictator. He now controls over 75% of the economy through the White House with czars and directors that have not been approved through the normal senatorial approval process. 75%... maybe that line is already crossed.
A person is going to be voted on in the senate to take a seat on the Supreme Court. She has never been a judge, she is wildly liberal in her views, and she hates the military and proved it by banning the military recruiting at Harvard Law's recruiting office. She is also a very hardcore socialist that acknowledges that The Constitution of the United States of America is a writing in the making that changes with time.
The Justice Dept. is dismissing charges in cases that they have already won in court so that there is no penalty phase against voter harassment and intimidation by the New Black Panthers. Voter fraud has been approved by a memo that instructs there not to be prosecution but to remove the offending names from the voter rolls.
An election in Minnesota for a senate seat that was within a handful of votes and recounted to extreme measures now comes with knowledge that the votes that put Al Franken as the winner came from convicted felons illegally voting from prison with absentee ballots?
Our borders are purposely left open for human traffic and along with that drugs, slaves, felons, terrorists and whatever else wants to come across by crossing the desert. Cries to call for securing the borders, demanding hiring of legal workers and enforcement of existing laws that are knowingly being broken are answered with campaigns shouting racists, Nazis, bigots, and extremists. Yet hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year supporting the illegals that knowingly break our laws to come here in illegal methods, stay here illegally, work here illegally, steal identities from hundreds of thousands of law abiding citizens and claim that we are white, so that we should be the ones prosecuted not the browns trying to take back the land that we stole from them. When Arizona does something to try and protect its state because the federal government refuses to do so, they get sued by that same Justice Dept. that dismisses cases and looks the other way against fraud and intimidation in our voting process.
How did we let this get so far out of hand?
Apathy and laziness. We will be known as the generations that let a revolution happen without a single shot being fired. Yes, we have allowed America to be hijacked and we haven't stopped it.
"Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country."
June 25, 1962 was the start down this road. My opinion. The U.S. Supreme Court ordered that this prayer could not be recited in classrooms in New Hyde Park, NY. Subsequently it became the standard for the land and prayers were essentially banned from schools going forward.
Corresponding to this time, the SAT test scores from our schools started a grand decline that has not yet stopped. I am not kidding; this is the time that our SAT scores started plummeting!
I knew I had seen charts showing this in Mitt Romney's book "No Apology" so I thought I would Google it. The chart came from a study that David Barton, one of the speakers at Glenn Beck's American Revival had done. Here is a link to it: Not only does the study show a decline in test scores, but a serious degradation in the morals of our country also.
We say God Bless America all the time.
So why hasn't he blessed us more so that these things wouldn't happen? This is His chosen land right?
Because we haven't shown that we meant it. We said it but we didn't follow through with our part. He only helps those that ask for help and then show that they really want the help.
If we want God to bless America, we must pray for it, we say it and mean it, and we must show it by not being afraid to defend God! Can you believe that I just said we have to defend God? Where has America gone?
Today is the day to start. Everyone needs to pray on their knees at least once a day and thank Him for our blessings. Then we need to ask God to give us strength and to bless us, our families, our friends, our neighbors and our leaders to do the right things. Then ask him to bless America. It is then up to us to do the right things.
God Bless America. Please think about that and then do what is necessary so that He can.
So if you know Chris, you know this was a rare moment in time when she didn't feel rushed and was just relaxing, enjoying ourselves. So why were we like this? We had just spent from 10:30am to 5pm listening to Glenn Beck and his associates in describing Faith, Hope and Charity in America. We have serious problems here in our great country, but we can overcome them. After listening to them all day, we were educated, inspired and at peace with ourselves. Glenn has been accused of being a lot of things, but he tells the truth, he inspires you to think of your relationship with your Savior and Heavenly Father, he gives you hope for what we can be, and makes you want to share it with others and have love for others. I told Chris that it was as close to going to a great church meeting that leaves you excited about life as you can get without it being church. He also had David Barton, David Buckner and Judge Napolitano on the program with him.
So how does a meeting like this start? Like they should, with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Senator Orrin Hatch and a local Boy Scout troop presenting the flag and a word of prayer offered by Representative Jason Chaffetz. At the end of the program, David Barton an Evangelist offered the prayer.
We were taught true history about the faith and belief that the founding fathers had in God, the importance of having Him in our lives, how they expected Him to be a part of our government and how He influenced and inspired them in founding in our country. History books today like to fight these truths and claim that they were not religious men. How have we let our history be rewritten with lies?
We were told about Hope through telling us the truth about how things are right now and how they will be. Truth, not lies or deflections from the truth to get us thinking in a different path. How often do we see our country's leaders literally lie to us about things so that they can push an agenda that is not correct? How have we let our leadership become liars when we vote them in?
We were told about love and charity. How it is important to come together as faithful people of all religious beliefs to take care of one another, to love our neighbors, family and friends. To be charitable and help those in need and not expect the government to do this. Charity is freely giving without demand or expectation of return. It is through love. How have we allowed our government to become the caretakers of our country?
Glenn was talking yesterday about how one year ago, everyone was complaining about those of us that called Obamao and his associates Socialists and Marxists. Today, the vast majority of America recognizes that as truth. Now we wonder how far we are from a dictator ruling from the White House. Where do you put the line that says he has crossed over and become a dictator. He now controls over 75% of the economy through the White House with czars and directors that have not been approved through the normal senatorial approval process. 75%... maybe that line is already crossed.
A person is going to be voted on in the senate to take a seat on the Supreme Court. She has never been a judge, she is wildly liberal in her views, and she hates the military and proved it by banning the military recruiting at Harvard Law's recruiting office. She is also a very hardcore socialist that acknowledges that The Constitution of the United States of America is a writing in the making that changes with time.
The Justice Dept. is dismissing charges in cases that they have already won in court so that there is no penalty phase against voter harassment and intimidation by the New Black Panthers. Voter fraud has been approved by a memo that instructs there not to be prosecution but to remove the offending names from the voter rolls.
An election in Minnesota for a senate seat that was within a handful of votes and recounted to extreme measures now comes with knowledge that the votes that put Al Franken as the winner came from convicted felons illegally voting from prison with absentee ballots?
Our borders are purposely left open for human traffic and along with that drugs, slaves, felons, terrorists and whatever else wants to come across by crossing the desert. Cries to call for securing the borders, demanding hiring of legal workers and enforcement of existing laws that are knowingly being broken are answered with campaigns shouting racists, Nazis, bigots, and extremists. Yet hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year supporting the illegals that knowingly break our laws to come here in illegal methods, stay here illegally, work here illegally, steal identities from hundreds of thousands of law abiding citizens and claim that we are white, so that we should be the ones prosecuted not the browns trying to take back the land that we stole from them. When Arizona does something to try and protect its state because the federal government refuses to do so, they get sued by that same Justice Dept. that dismisses cases and looks the other way against fraud and intimidation in our voting process.
How did we let this get so far out of hand?
Apathy and laziness. We will be known as the generations that let a revolution happen without a single shot being fired. Yes, we have allowed America to be hijacked and we haven't stopped it.
"Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country."
June 25, 1962 was the start down this road. My opinion. The U.S. Supreme Court ordered that this prayer could not be recited in classrooms in New Hyde Park, NY. Subsequently it became the standard for the land and prayers were essentially banned from schools going forward.
Corresponding to this time, the SAT test scores from our schools started a grand decline that has not yet stopped. I am not kidding; this is the time that our SAT scores started plummeting!
I knew I had seen charts showing this in Mitt Romney's book "No Apology" so I thought I would Google it. The chart came from a study that David Barton, one of the speakers at Glenn Beck's American Revival had done. Here is a link to it: Not only does the study show a decline in test scores, but a serious degradation in the morals of our country also.
We say God Bless America all the time.
So why hasn't he blessed us more so that these things wouldn't happen? This is His chosen land right?
Because we haven't shown that we meant it. We said it but we didn't follow through with our part. He only helps those that ask for help and then show that they really want the help.
If we want God to bless America, we must pray for it, we say it and mean it, and we must show it by not being afraid to defend God! Can you believe that I just said we have to defend God? Where has America gone?
Today is the day to start. Everyone needs to pray on their knees at least once a day and thank Him for our blessings. Then we need to ask God to give us strength and to bless us, our families, our friends, our neighbors and our leaders to do the right things. Then ask him to bless America. It is then up to us to do the right things.
God Bless America. Please think about that and then do what is necessary so that He can.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Independence Day
If you have ever noticed the photo at the top of my blog, you realize that Independence Day is a big thing. Unfortunately, we have been taught to call the holiday the 4th of July instead of what it is, Independence Day.
On July 4, 1776, The United States of America had its birth. Fifty-six men risked everything by signing that document. With their signing, they became outlaws, traitors, revolutionaries, hunted and some of the bravest men on the earth. They knew that signing would likely bring about their deaths and the deaths of their family members. Yet the document contained things too valuable to let go of. Here is a link that will take you to the list of signers and a biography of each one of these brave men.
What was the difference between these men and the ones that later worked out and wrote the Constitution of The United States of America? They were all inspired by God to set apart and build a country that would allow the freedoms we were given by our Heavenly Father. They were wise men with a great deal of knowledge and common sense. With the inspiration they were given, both documents have lasted centuries and have been the greatest success on this earth in governments. Yet the ones that risked all on July 4, 1776 were selfless, and loving men that knew that their sacrifice must be made to allow the rest of us to enjoy the freedoms that they and two million, two hundred, twenty-five thousand more would sacrifice their lives to defend over the last 234 years.
Today I read an entry on FaceBook that made me need to write this post. A friend of mine said she was sad because her younger brother was shipping out for Iraq today.
How do you react to such a statement? This is a young man, just as brave as those who signed the Declaration of Independence 234 years ago. Now he goes out to defend that same document, The Constitution, our country, our flag and us.
My only thoughts are thank you, may Heavenly Father bless you and all of the others that serve with you, with safety and protection that you may return home safely to your families. To the families: thank you for your family member's sacrifice and your sacrifice while they are gone. May you be blessed also and may you know of our gratitude for this sacrifice.
We have seen The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of The United States of America and the history of our country and founding fathers warped and bent out of shape over many years. Much too far in the recent years. We owe all of the 56 and the 2.25 million more than this for their sacrifices to bring them to us and to protect them.
It is now up to us, all of us, to restore them to their original greatness, the truthfulness of who they were and what they risked. We don't take up arms to do so. We lift our hands and vote. Vote for those that understand the importance of these documents and histories, ones that will return us to them without needing to change them, and ones that are just as willing to sacrifice to do so as the 56, the 2.25 million and all of those who have served or are serving now. Not only is this the patriotic thing to do, but it is also the right thing to do. Heavenly Father gave us these blessings; we will loose them if we do not honor, sustain, treasure and love them just as he gave them to us.
We have four months until we will all be called to do our part. We need to study, register to vote; get our family, friends, neighbors and associates to do so also. Then on November 2, 2010, ALL of us need to put forth our effort to vote so that we don't lose these things that we were blessed with and watch our country die for laziness to protect it.
We need to be able to look in the eyes of those that serve in harms way and are willing to sacrifice all and be able to report that we carried out our part here at home, where we sleep well because they stand guard.
May God bless America and all of our troops and all those who serve to protect it! Happy Independence Day!
On July 4, 1776, The United States of America had its birth. Fifty-six men risked everything by signing that document. With their signing, they became outlaws, traitors, revolutionaries, hunted and some of the bravest men on the earth. They knew that signing would likely bring about their deaths and the deaths of their family members. Yet the document contained things too valuable to let go of. Here is a link that will take you to the list of signers and a biography of each one of these brave men.
What was the difference between these men and the ones that later worked out and wrote the Constitution of The United States of America? They were all inspired by God to set apart and build a country that would allow the freedoms we were given by our Heavenly Father. They were wise men with a great deal of knowledge and common sense. With the inspiration they were given, both documents have lasted centuries and have been the greatest success on this earth in governments. Yet the ones that risked all on July 4, 1776 were selfless, and loving men that knew that their sacrifice must be made to allow the rest of us to enjoy the freedoms that they and two million, two hundred, twenty-five thousand more would sacrifice their lives to defend over the last 234 years.
Today I read an entry on FaceBook that made me need to write this post. A friend of mine said she was sad because her younger brother was shipping out for Iraq today.
How do you react to such a statement? This is a young man, just as brave as those who signed the Declaration of Independence 234 years ago. Now he goes out to defend that same document, The Constitution, our country, our flag and us.
My only thoughts are thank you, may Heavenly Father bless you and all of the others that serve with you, with safety and protection that you may return home safely to your families. To the families: thank you for your family member's sacrifice and your sacrifice while they are gone. May you be blessed also and may you know of our gratitude for this sacrifice.
We have seen The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of The United States of America and the history of our country and founding fathers warped and bent out of shape over many years. Much too far in the recent years. We owe all of the 56 and the 2.25 million more than this for their sacrifices to bring them to us and to protect them.
It is now up to us, all of us, to restore them to their original greatness, the truthfulness of who they were and what they risked. We don't take up arms to do so. We lift our hands and vote. Vote for those that understand the importance of these documents and histories, ones that will return us to them without needing to change them, and ones that are just as willing to sacrifice to do so as the 56, the 2.25 million and all of those who have served or are serving now. Not only is this the patriotic thing to do, but it is also the right thing to do. Heavenly Father gave us these blessings; we will loose them if we do not honor, sustain, treasure and love them just as he gave them to us.
We have four months until we will all be called to do our part. We need to study, register to vote; get our family, friends, neighbors and associates to do so also. Then on November 2, 2010, ALL of us need to put forth our effort to vote so that we don't lose these things that we were blessed with and watch our country die for laziness to protect it.
We need to be able to look in the eyes of those that serve in harms way and are willing to sacrifice all and be able to report that we carried out our part here at home, where we sleep well because they stand guard.
May God bless America and all of our troops and all those who serve to protect it! Happy Independence Day!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Attack by the outside lobbyists!
So Utah, we are under full attack by an organization called Common Sense Issues. They are located at 8190-A Beechmont Ave. #103, Cincinnati, OH 45255-6117. Phone Number 719-216-6232. They are a 501c4 Social Welfare organization under the IRS Code.,,id=96178,00.html
For some reason, they have decided that Tim Bridgewater needs to loose the primary election and that Mike Lee needs to be the victor. Why? What part of Utah politics, Utah's candidates, and Utah’s Republican Primary does this organization feel the need to sway the outcome and have a specific candidate win? Who has asked them to spend a fortune in radio, TV, print and internet advertising to meddle in the outcome of a Utah election? Was it a candidate? Well we know it certainly wasn't Tim Bridgewater, unless of course he had a sudden desire to lose the race and impugn his own integrity and character! Was it Mike Lee? Was it Energy Solutions? Was it some other group that needs Mike Lee to be beholden to them? Good questions?
I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of outside influences sticking their noses into Utah politics. The same goes with other states. If you are not going to be a constituent of the candidate or you are not a resident of the state that they will be representing, get out of the campaign and stick with your own state! This is Washington DC politics at its worst and it is right here in Utah. Heavy outside influences, resources and money could very likely change the outcome of our primary election by persuading the voters to change their opinion because of extremely negative and misleading advertising. This is one of the very worst problems that are present in Congress today. Outside influence, lobbyists, huge contributions, PAC funding and advertising, and under the table payments of cash and services for paybacks through legislative assistance.
But when these powers are used against an individual candidate, they usually have an overpowering effect on the outcome because of the large amounts of advertising and negative press that they can buy with their huge war chests. In other words, a person in Ohio is trying to change the outcome of a Utah election so that the candidate he has an interest in wins, regardless of what the people of Utah thought they wanted through their own research and information gathering.
So who is this person pulling the strings in Utah from Ohio, who asked him to attack a candidate with every bit of dirt they can think up and some that is fabricated, who is paying the bill for this request, and what is the benefit to them if the attacks change the outcome of the election?
We should seriously consider whether we would want Mike Lee to represent us when he is using the things that he attacks in his campaign as the tools to win the election! Lobbyists and heavy political attacks to force an outcome other than what the people want.
Voters of Utah, a lawyer who acts like the politicians we are trying to remove from Washington DC or a businessman that uses every legal and promoted resource available to get a successful result in his businesses. Which do you want trying to correct the problems we are facing in this country?
Vote. It is your God given right to help decide the future you will have to live with and the one that we pass down to our children and grandchildren.
For some reason, they have decided that Tim Bridgewater needs to loose the primary election and that Mike Lee needs to be the victor. Why? What part of Utah politics, Utah's candidates, and Utah’s Republican Primary does this organization feel the need to sway the outcome and have a specific candidate win? Who has asked them to spend a fortune in radio, TV, print and internet advertising to meddle in the outcome of a Utah election? Was it a candidate? Well we know it certainly wasn't Tim Bridgewater, unless of course he had a sudden desire to lose the race and impugn his own integrity and character! Was it Mike Lee? Was it Energy Solutions? Was it some other group that needs Mike Lee to be beholden to them? Good questions?
I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of outside influences sticking their noses into Utah politics. The same goes with other states. If you are not going to be a constituent of the candidate or you are not a resident of the state that they will be representing, get out of the campaign and stick with your own state! This is Washington DC politics at its worst and it is right here in Utah. Heavy outside influences, resources and money could very likely change the outcome of our primary election by persuading the voters to change their opinion because of extremely negative and misleading advertising. This is one of the very worst problems that are present in Congress today. Outside influence, lobbyists, huge contributions, PAC funding and advertising, and under the table payments of cash and services for paybacks through legislative assistance.
But when these powers are used against an individual candidate, they usually have an overpowering effect on the outcome because of the large amounts of advertising and negative press that they can buy with their huge war chests. In other words, a person in Ohio is trying to change the outcome of a Utah election so that the candidate he has an interest in wins, regardless of what the people of Utah thought they wanted through their own research and information gathering.
So who is this person pulling the strings in Utah from Ohio, who asked him to attack a candidate with every bit of dirt they can think up and some that is fabricated, who is paying the bill for this request, and what is the benefit to them if the attacks change the outcome of the election?
We should seriously consider whether we would want Mike Lee to represent us when he is using the things that he attacks in his campaign as the tools to win the election! Lobbyists and heavy political attacks to force an outcome other than what the people want.
Voters of Utah, a lawyer who acts like the politicians we are trying to remove from Washington DC or a businessman that uses every legal and promoted resource available to get a successful result in his businesses. Which do you want trying to correct the problems we are facing in this country?
Vote. It is your God given right to help decide the future you will have to live with and the one that we pass down to our children and grandchildren.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
A sad day.
I don't know if you have noticed, but I had not put a new post on my blog for a little bit. I have wanted to write about many, many things but I hadn't because I was still formulating what my real thoughts were. I have seen some things take place in the last two weeks that have just amazed me at what was being done. This morning after listening to the radio and realizing what has happened, it triggered me to the keyboard.
A local radio talk show host was fired yesterday by his employer. His employer has a customer that did over $600,000 in advertising last year with the company that owns the station. The company that does the advertising has an attorney that it uses that is also a candidate for the senate seat in Utah. The talk show host had endorsed the other candidate, even though he was seriously involved in questioning his past as I had pointed out in my last post. So, coincidence? I think not. The company that pays for all of that advertising is also a heavy supporter of the attorney candidate and is extensively involved in lobbying trying to get legislations passed to help its operation and profits.
In Utah we have a senate primary race between Mike Lee, a Washington DC related attorney and Tim Bridgewater, a successful businessman that has used government programs to promote his businesses over the years. These were the two winners from the state convention in May. I had been rather pleased with the way the race was going, no negatives, focusing on strengths, and good hard debates that didn't really show a lot of difference in platform issues, just differences in vocation and background. Then about two weeks ago it turned. Outside interests started focusing large amounts of resources into the race. Negative ads started running on TV, radio, internet, and mailings. Tim Bridgewater was being attacked by Mike Lee's camp and outside non-Lee groups. Other groups started coming back at the Lee camp with some ads but Tim held out of the attacks on Mike. Then the temperature really started heating up on the Bridgewater attacks and it started getting ugly. Groups that are not the Lee campaign office started really attacking Bridgewater with radio, TV, internet and print. Attacks that as I mentioned in my last post were against him using every resource available in his business. We all do it, we didn't create the programs available, we just use them. Hard to find fault with that when you really think about it.
Then on Monday of this week, some individuals started claiming with press releases that the Utah TEA Party and 9-12 Project were endorsing Mike Lee. I actually got into some extensive discussion with some of the leaders about how they could envision the right to endorse a candidate in the name of the TEA Party and 9-12 Project. They argued back that they had a majority of their members wanting Lee and so they could do this. When I questioned them about the fact that I, a TEA Party member and 9-12 Project member had never heard of this polling and that I was for the other candidate, the discussion vaporized and went away. Funny how lack of authority being questioned makes people slip away.
The TEA Party is not a political party. It is a movement that you voluntarily join and participate in to advance the rejuvenation of our country, government and political ideals that the founding fathers had. There are no TEA Party candidates in reality. There is no TEA Party nominating convention, official endorsements, requirements for membership, laws or rules for maintaining membership, and not dues, means for contributions, official leadership etc. So how could the Utah TEA Party officially endorse Mike Lee? Seriously, think about this! Maybe some splinter groups could have a large number of members that favor Lee and the leaders of those groups could claim that, but the TEA Party cannot! Leaders of discussion groups do have the right as individuals or leaders of their individual groups to claim endorsement for themselves and their own groups but that is it.
The 9-12 Project is simply an awareness project to get people to demand the following of 9 Principles and 12 Values that our elected officials and leaders in this country should adhere to and follow. Same as the TEA Party, there is no official leadership, no elected officials, no endorsements, no candidates, etc. It is a movement to get people involved in politics, to demand accountability from our elected officials, a way to make sure that the candidates running are worthy of our vote and that those that are elected are worthy of holding office. It is a way to help individuals become educated and informed about their candidates so that they can make informed decisions about who to vote for. Many candidates publicly and officially claim to live by these principles and values and use this in their campaigning. Fine. Great! They get the importance of this project!
I ask that those who are overstepping their authority and using self-imposed power to endorse for these two great groups to stop and to remember their role is not to be leaders, but to involve others so that we the people will have the say, not those who want to take power. So that we the people will have candidates in the races that we may choose from as informed individuals. So that the candidates for office know the importance of the principles, values and ideals of these two groups.
Anyone is welcome as a member of the TEA Party! Anyone can join the 9-12 Project! There are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, non affiliated members of both groups. This is what is meant to be! No political party affiliation, just the citizens of this country who are concerned about the direction it is going coming together to use the united strength in these two groups to make accountability to our Constitution, our country and the patriot citizens of the country a priority for politicians.
I still endorse Tim Bridgewater as the best candidate. If for no other reason than the fact that we have enough lawyers in Washington DC! How many 2700+ page bills can we take and survive? Have you ever known a businessman that would draw up anything longer than 25 pages? NO! We don't have time to deal with legalese; we focus on the operations and the solutions! Remember the times of Honesty, Integrity and Truthfulness? H.I.T. Yes, part of the principles and values of the 9-12 Project!
Members of the TEA Party and 9-12 Project; do not let self-imposed leaders with personal ambition take over the groups. If these self-proclaimed leaders have an agenda other than building momentum in the movement of restoring the greatness to our country, educating and informing the public about the candidates so that we as individuals can make informed, educated choices, then they need to be ignored.
The TEA Party and the 9-12 Project have awakened the patriots of this country! The movements have brought an awareness of accountability back to politics and they have brought to the races, individuals who endorse, live and promote the principles and values needed to be the foundation of the restoring the importance of our Constitution, restricted government and the ideas of the founding fathers of our country back to our government.
Register to vote. Make sure your family members, friends, neighbors and associates are registered to vote. Then, we need to make sure that we all vote in the primaries and general elections. Apathy and laziness will hand control of our country over to those with evil intent. We have allowed this to happen too much so far. Let's not allow it to happen anymore. We can still turn this around and restore our country back to the greatness we once enjoyed.
May God bless America and all those who struggle in restoring, protecting and preserving it!
A local radio talk show host was fired yesterday by his employer. His employer has a customer that did over $600,000 in advertising last year with the company that owns the station. The company that does the advertising has an attorney that it uses that is also a candidate for the senate seat in Utah. The talk show host had endorsed the other candidate, even though he was seriously involved in questioning his past as I had pointed out in my last post. So, coincidence? I think not. The company that pays for all of that advertising is also a heavy supporter of the attorney candidate and is extensively involved in lobbying trying to get legislations passed to help its operation and profits.
In Utah we have a senate primary race between Mike Lee, a Washington DC related attorney and Tim Bridgewater, a successful businessman that has used government programs to promote his businesses over the years. These were the two winners from the state convention in May. I had been rather pleased with the way the race was going, no negatives, focusing on strengths, and good hard debates that didn't really show a lot of difference in platform issues, just differences in vocation and background. Then about two weeks ago it turned. Outside interests started focusing large amounts of resources into the race. Negative ads started running on TV, radio, internet, and mailings. Tim Bridgewater was being attacked by Mike Lee's camp and outside non-Lee groups. Other groups started coming back at the Lee camp with some ads but Tim held out of the attacks on Mike. Then the temperature really started heating up on the Bridgewater attacks and it started getting ugly. Groups that are not the Lee campaign office started really attacking Bridgewater with radio, TV, internet and print. Attacks that as I mentioned in my last post were against him using every resource available in his business. We all do it, we didn't create the programs available, we just use them. Hard to find fault with that when you really think about it.
Then on Monday of this week, some individuals started claiming with press releases that the Utah TEA Party and 9-12 Project were endorsing Mike Lee. I actually got into some extensive discussion with some of the leaders about how they could envision the right to endorse a candidate in the name of the TEA Party and 9-12 Project. They argued back that they had a majority of their members wanting Lee and so they could do this. When I questioned them about the fact that I, a TEA Party member and 9-12 Project member had never heard of this polling and that I was for the other candidate, the discussion vaporized and went away. Funny how lack of authority being questioned makes people slip away.
The TEA Party is not a political party. It is a movement that you voluntarily join and participate in to advance the rejuvenation of our country, government and political ideals that the founding fathers had. There are no TEA Party candidates in reality. There is no TEA Party nominating convention, official endorsements, requirements for membership, laws or rules for maintaining membership, and not dues, means for contributions, official leadership etc. So how could the Utah TEA Party officially endorse Mike Lee? Seriously, think about this! Maybe some splinter groups could have a large number of members that favor Lee and the leaders of those groups could claim that, but the TEA Party cannot! Leaders of discussion groups do have the right as individuals or leaders of their individual groups to claim endorsement for themselves and their own groups but that is it.
The 9-12 Project is simply an awareness project to get people to demand the following of 9 Principles and 12 Values that our elected officials and leaders in this country should adhere to and follow. Same as the TEA Party, there is no official leadership, no elected officials, no endorsements, no candidates, etc. It is a movement to get people involved in politics, to demand accountability from our elected officials, a way to make sure that the candidates running are worthy of our vote and that those that are elected are worthy of holding office. It is a way to help individuals become educated and informed about their candidates so that they can make informed decisions about who to vote for. Many candidates publicly and officially claim to live by these principles and values and use this in their campaigning. Fine. Great! They get the importance of this project!
I ask that those who are overstepping their authority and using self-imposed power to endorse for these two great groups to stop and to remember their role is not to be leaders, but to involve others so that we the people will have the say, not those who want to take power. So that we the people will have candidates in the races that we may choose from as informed individuals. So that the candidates for office know the importance of the principles, values and ideals of these two groups.
Anyone is welcome as a member of the TEA Party! Anyone can join the 9-12 Project! There are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, non affiliated members of both groups. This is what is meant to be! No political party affiliation, just the citizens of this country who are concerned about the direction it is going coming together to use the united strength in these two groups to make accountability to our Constitution, our country and the patriot citizens of the country a priority for politicians.
I still endorse Tim Bridgewater as the best candidate. If for no other reason than the fact that we have enough lawyers in Washington DC! How many 2700+ page bills can we take and survive? Have you ever known a businessman that would draw up anything longer than 25 pages? NO! We don't have time to deal with legalese; we focus on the operations and the solutions! Remember the times of Honesty, Integrity and Truthfulness? H.I.T. Yes, part of the principles and values of the 9-12 Project!
Members of the TEA Party and 9-12 Project; do not let self-imposed leaders with personal ambition take over the groups. If these self-proclaimed leaders have an agenda other than building momentum in the movement of restoring the greatness to our country, educating and informing the public about the candidates so that we as individuals can make informed, educated choices, then they need to be ignored.
The TEA Party and the 9-12 Project have awakened the patriots of this country! The movements have brought an awareness of accountability back to politics and they have brought to the races, individuals who endorse, live and promote the principles and values needed to be the foundation of the restoring the importance of our Constitution, restricted government and the ideas of the founding fathers of our country back to our government.
Register to vote. Make sure your family members, friends, neighbors and associates are registered to vote. Then, we need to make sure that we all vote in the primaries and general elections. Apathy and laziness will hand control of our country over to those with evil intent. We have allowed this to happen too much so far. Let's not allow it to happen anymore. We can still turn this around and restore our country back to the greatness we once enjoyed.
May God bless America and all those who struggle in restoring, protecting and preserving it!
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