Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Open your wallet or stand up and be heard!

We have talked about this before and I will keep talking about it until something is done about it. January 2011 is bringing the largest tax increase since World War II to our country. How? The Bush tax cuts are going to be allowed to expire. This will create a huge tax increase on the citizens of our country. Some more than others.

Obama talks about not raising the taxes on those making under $250,000 a year. Yet he is ready to allow that group of people to be hit the hardest by this tax increase. He says he is not raising taxes; it is just a change back to where taxes were previously before the wealthy were benefited by Bush's Tax cuts.

Here are some real facts for you to tell all of the wealth hating people you run into. The wealthiest were given the smallest cuts in the Bush tax cuts! If the cuts are allowed to expire like Obama, The LAME Duck Congress, the Democrats and the Marxist/Socialists that Obama has as economic advisors want, here are what the tax increases will be for a wide spectrum of the income scale:

Annual Income % Increase in taxes after January 2011

$ 10,000 /yr 16%
$ 20,000 18%
$ 30,000 14%
$ 40,000 11%
$ 50,000 10%
$ 75,000 11%
$100,000 11%
$125,000 11%
$150,000 11%
$250,000 11%
$500,000 10%
$750,000 10%
$999,000 10%

Now I may not be one of the world's great mathematicians, but I can certainly see who got the largest tax breaks and who didn't. Consequently, it also shows who is going to get the largest tax increase after the first of the year. Those who can least afford it! If you make under $40,000 per year, you are going to take on the largest of the tax increases. Sounds fair? This is also the group that has had the worst employment numbers over the last two years.

What will this tax increase do? The Obama administration says it will make the wealthiest pay more of their fair share and allow the government to spend more of their money towards social programs that will benefit the middle and lower class. Is this true? NO! What this will do is cripple the economy. When we are finally beginning to get our feet back underneath us from the devastating collapse of our economy in 2008 and 2009, the rug is being yanked out from underneath us again with a tax increase from the tax cut expiration, an increase in costs due to Obamacare and all of the cute little extras jammed into the bill by our dear elected representatives, and worst of all, a slew of new fees, taxes, costs and massive increased spending from just a few of the bills that are on the agenda for our LAME Duck Congress after the elections. Just a preview of a couple of the bills that are to come:

Cap and Trade (Not the name they are using now but still what it is): Will run the costs of energy for each household in the country up by about $3,200 per year so that the Chicago Climate Exchange and the government can make money off from trading of carbon credits. This is worse than anything Enron ever dreamed of. The trading literally brings no decrease in any kind of greenhouse gases or other so called causes of climate change. It just lets there be profits made from trading absolutely nothing other than something that was dreamed up that makes people think they are helping?

Amnesty/Dream Act: A way to allow illegal aliens to become legal status residents in our country. Meaning they will now get full benefit of all of the government programs including Social Security. The cost will be hundreds of billions of dollars per year! The biggest problem I see from this? You will now have a group of low income workers in our country that will quickly become the largest organized labor pool we have ever seen in our country. La Raza and S.E.I.U. will be quickly organizing and recruiting members from what was once the illegal worker pool. Now they will have unions backing their wage requests, demanding benefits, retirement, pensions, work rules etc. You will see a multiplication factor of five to seven times the cost to employers for the same workers that were once illegal aliens. This will create an inflationary era in labor costs in our manufacturing and service industries like we have not seen in the history of our country. If they are replaced by other workers, they will just go on government support programs costing us more than they are already taking! This will become an organized labor nightmare for the employers in our country. The easiest solution? Hire illegal aliens to do the jobs! Right back where we were before the Amnesty! You will see hundreds of thousands of illegals come pouring across our borders to get jobs that the old illegal aliens are too expensive for! No secured borders mean an ongoing illegal alien crisis in our country. The old illegals will be on our unemployment rolls while the new illegals will take the jobs at the old costs again.

The other bills that are on the agenda are ones they haven't been able to get through without causing serious conflict for the Democratic members of Congress also. If they try and pass them before the elections and they vote for them, they won't get re-elected. The easiest solution was to stall them, do nothing, and take them up after the elections when they can blame the bills on the LAME Duck Congress. We, the dumb citizens of this country have short memories on what our elected officials voted for and after all, it is a long time until re-election. We won't remember by the next time to vote for them.

We are being played as idiots! We get told lies and believe them. We get influenced by false claims and we make false judgments on the evils of capitalism. We are given the solution to the crisis by allowing the government to take control of the evils created by the greed of capitalism and conservatism. The government can make these evil things not happen anymore, level the playing field, allow all to be equal in status and through this great social engineering project our country can regain respectability in the world market and allow us to take our place as part of the great global economy and help all of those in the world with less than us so that we can all be equal in status in the world.

Welcome to world Marxism/Socialism and the stepping down as a great power in the world. If you are ready to have your hard earned rewards spread out equally to all of those with less and many of them who don't want to work or support themselves; do what we have done in the past and let the system run as usual. Don't worry about voting. Don't worry about getting involved. The government will take care of us and all will be happy because we will all be the same.

OR, you can take up the cause, vote for restoring, stand tall and firm and pronounce the truth to all who can hear, send the power hungry bums home and show our Heavenly Father that we recognize His hand in the development of this great republic. Show Him that we are grateful for what He has blessed us with and that we stand for and live the principles of Faith, Hope and Charity as individuals and children of God and NOT as servants of an evil design to destroy our country and what our government was meant to be and should be.

May God Bless us and America!

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