Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Is it bad to want to be great?

We are hearing all kinds of tales, really, really, tall tales about how good things are. Stay the course; don't make changes in leadership, etc.

If we do as they tell us, we will come to an end, the end of our great country.

There is no chance for survival if we don't restore things to what they should be. Following the Constitution as it was meant to be by our Founding Fathers. Reducing the size of government. Reducing the intrusion of government into our daily lives. Reducing the tax burden to all. Cutting spending. Sending more powers back to the states on local matters. Making sure that our judicial system is interpreting law not creating law by legislating from the bench. Making the lands within a state's boundaries the responsibility of the state and not the property of the federal government with the exception of the National Park System. Education is a local issue. Welfare is a local issue. Freeing up our energy resources so we can become independent of international trade imbalances. Allowing all of our resources to be used in a responsible manner. Protecting our borders and limiting immigration to a level that is controlled by our economy and not by the border crashers. Allowing states to be responsible for healthcare and the availability of it. Allowing health insurance companies to market nationally. Setting guidelines and rules for safety and environmental protection without destroying responsible business practices.

Unfortunately we have a federal government that wants to control everything and be responsible for everyone. Many states are following in their "big brother's" footsteps also.

Tuesday November 2nd is trash day. It is time to throw out the trash. Those who are part of the problem and those who have let the problem grow. It is time to replace the trash with those who love our country as it was meant to be, those who want to restore our country to its greatness and those who will not sell their souls when they get to Washington D.C.

Read, listen, study and find the TRUTH. Don't fall for what is being told to you, study it out and pray about it. Then vote for those that fit your ideas of where we should be heading. The important thing is to vote!

I want the America that I knew growing up to be the one that my children and grandchildren experience. An America that is great and doesn't apologize for being so.

May God Bless us and America!

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