First, I apologize; I have not been able to get into my blog for a day. Interesting that the day before elections my blog says no service available on it and won't let me log in to post. Oh this could be a great conspiracy theory, but I will pass.
Save Our Utah Constitution is a group (?) that is running a lot of ads on the radio telling us to vote no on the amendments to the Utah Constitution. There is no website for the group, the two men listed as primary officers on the statement of organization submitted when the ad was placed — Robert Warner of Salt Lake City and K.J. Hoyt of West Valley City, won't respond to phone calls and there seems to be a big gap in knowledge about the motivation for this ad. Until now it has been all speculation. I will ad my take to the speculation.
The ad is written to get the attention of the conservative, TEA Party member, Constitutional follower in the state of Utah. It tugs on the heart strings of all Constitution lovers and makes them stop and ponder about what is being said. Now you can rip out the heart strings, drop your jaw and say “what?” and just get all around doubtful about what is trying to be slipped into your semi-conscious state of political awareness. You have just been taken to the mind cleaners by a group with a very definite agenda that has nothing to do with Constitution loving! Welcome to the world of Union power! The two idiots that are the front men for the group are nothing but puppets taking orders and money from the union powers to get people to not vote for Amendment A, the one that would kill the "Card Check" possibility in Utah.
This is the bill that is trying to get shoved through the federal congress that would make it so that unionization votes would no longer be done with a secret ballot but by signature on a list. No right to a secret ballot, no protection from bullying by union thugs if you don't want to be represented by the union and the privacy of your home and family falls game to the aggressiveness of the union thugs that are pushing the vote.
You ask “why would they do this?” It’s called a Ponzi scheme. Yes, the unions do it too. The pension funds of the unions are in big trouble. Their memberships are dwindling and the companies that they had strangle holds on are disappearing. This means fewer contributions to the pension funds for all of the members that were and still are members of the union. They need more members. The only way they can get more is to get rid of the secret ballot! This is a dying man's grasp at anyone to help him before he passes away. A death grip! There is a reason they are spending so much in politics anymore to get their candidates elected. Remember Obama telling us he owes the unions for his election? Well this is one of the paybacks. Unfortunately, the State of Utah and some others have recognized the power play and are putting up barriers to stop the aggression. Amendment A is one of those barriers. The unions hit it like a brick wall if it passes. Has anyone thought how strange it is for the massive amounts of money being spent on this radio campaign by a group that no one has ever heard of? How did they raise the money? They didn't, the unions gave it to them with the written ad and where they wanted it run (Isn't it curious that the ads are running on conservative leaning radio stations?) If Robert Warner of Salt Lake City and K.J. Hoyt of West Valley City are legitimately the ones behind the purchase of the ad campaign, I would bet that they are in very tight with the unions in some method or another.
So now they take a lot of those huge amounts of funds that they have at their disposal and come up with more deception to get the people of Utah to think they are going against all they have been taught about the sacredness of the Constitution and that by defeating all of the amendments, they can keep "A" from going into effect. It doesn't matter that "B, C and D" are okay and are not the problem; they can be sacrificed for the social collective betterment of society by defeating "A". Recognize the words, "social", "collective" and "betterment"? RUN! We are getting sucked into the progressive's game and they are great at deception! Let's see, isn't there somebody else who is great at deception? No, it couldn't be led by him could it?
Vote today. Don't worry about the Amendments destroying the Constitution, they are there to add protection to what was meant to be before the progressives turned our path around and tried to run us over the cliff.
Remember, the ones that are trying to change the country are not the ones that love the country. I am an American. I love America, the real America. I will vote to restore the real America, protect the intent of the Constitution from those that would change the rights protected by the Constitution and I will vote for common sense issues that do not challenge my rights or the rights of others.
May God BLESS us and America! See you at the polls!
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