Friday, May 24, 2013
Some of this is from a post on this blog I wrote a couple of years ago but is now updated to the outrageous actions and situation that this administration and most of congress have put us in today. Unfortunately, we are faced today with even more challenges and a bigger mess than before.
Yesterday, John McCain, a Republican senator from Arizona who is supposed to be an American hero fell from grace. I appreciate what he did for his country in the 60's and 70's, for the sacrifice and suffering that he experienced. But today he is part of "The Good Ole Boy Club" (TGOBC) in Washington DC that is made up of the leadership of both the Republican and Democrat Parties. TGOBC is a disgrace to this country. They have spent us into almost $17 TRLLION in DEBT! Now they want to raise that debt ceiling one more time and get on with their making themselves and their friends more wealthier and powerful by the same old act of over spending, giving out friendship grants and contracts and letting the lobbyists of the country buy their allegiance and support. Along come a few "TEA Party" senators who want to do what is right and bring the country back to some common sense ground and a controlled budget and what does TGOBC member John McCain do? He attacks Mike Lee and tells him that he doesn't know what he is doing, that TGOBC is doing things the way they have always done them and to sit down and be quiet. Ted Cruz stands up and tells the Senate that he doesn't trust either party anymore because the leadership of both parties are the ones that got us into this mess in the first place and that continuing on will just deepen the mess. The national debt has increased 60% since his five year old daughter was born. Let me repeat that: THE NATIONAL DEBT HAS INCREASED 60% SINCE HIS FIVE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER WAS BORN!
Some of you may remember a sticker that had a huge presence back in the early 70's "America, Love It or Leave It". The father of my best friend in high school, Carl Andersen, had a concrete company in Omaha. He had every truck in his fleet adorned with a large sticker that was about 18" wide that had the American flag on top and "Love It or Leave It" underneath the flag. I was lucky enough to get one from him. I still have that sticker today. I still treasure that sticker as much today as I did when I first obtained it. I still believe in the saying on that sticker today as much as I did back then and probably more so now. I really mean it when I say I miss the America I grew up in. The streets were safer, the schools were stricter, families meant something, and parents were responsible for their children. Friendships were important, outside activities were the norm instead of these new ways of entertaining yourself in front of some sort of electronic device. The only time we stayed inside to play with our road racing sets or our trains was when the weather was bad, and lots of times, that didn't stop us from bundling up and heading out to play. The bicycle was the main means of transportation, walking was next and last was getting a ride from your parents. Certainly we have made progress since then, but we have also let some of the good go away.
A couple of years ago I was reading an article about a thirteen year old boy from Denair, CA who was told to take the American Flag off from his bike that he had been riding to school for two months with. He did it because he wanted to be patriotic and honor veterans, including his own grandfather who is a veteran. The school said they were concerned with racial tensions and uprisings from him displaying the flag!?!?
WHAT??? THIS IS AMERICA! IF YOU CAN'T WAVE YOUR FLAG HERE, WHERE CAN YOU? This is not an isolated incident! How many times have we heard that the Pledge of Allegiance is no longer allowed, the displaying of the flag is no longer allowed, the wearing of patriotic clothing is no longer allowed, etc.
This weekend we recognize those who have given their lives for our flag and our country along with recognition of those veterans and active duty service men and women who have done or are risking their lives for the same. We should be grateful to each and every one of them for their sacrifices. Now comes the time that it is no longer acceptable to stay quiet. If you are sensitive to anger, you should probably leave the blog now. I am just going to get more and more angry as this goes on.
ABOUT TWO MILLION, TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND AMERICANS HAVE DIED FOR THE AMERICA! I REPEAT, ABOUT TWO MILLION, TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND AMERICANS HAVE DIED FOR AMERICA! Don't you dare tell someone they cannot fly that flag in a respectful manner, blood has been shed for centuries to protect that flag and the country that it stands for! If you can't live with that concept, you are not an American, you are a pinko-commie-socialist-capitalist hating-progressive-changeling-apologist-embarrassed-American hating piece of dung that I don't have time for! No apologies will be coming for that statement ever! If you don't love America, its flag, its freedoms, its Constitution, and its veterans, go away. We don't want you to change this country! You can improve it for the better, but don't change it!
Take your "touchy feely psychology" for dealing with people who are violent and criminal; "your make everyone feel good by not pointing out mistakes or declaring a winner" program; your "business is evil" attitude; your "don't be patriotic because we might hurt an illegal alien's feelings" rules; your "you make a really lot of money, so you need to be taxed more to make those who don't work equal to you" welfare system; your "all health insurance programs must be the same or we will penalize the better ones" Obamacare package; your "we apologize for being such an evil country" agenda; your George Soros funded American subversive organizations; your anti-2nd amendment gun hating agendas; and your all around I hate the real America attitudes and go someplace where they will appreciate you and your warped minds! Honestly, leave! The sooner the better! If you hate America so much, please leave! We want it to stay the same and get better. We want it the way the Founding Fathers envisioned it not the way the lunatic progressives are trying to change it and destroy it! TGOBC is right there with you, we don't want them anymore, all of you have done enough damage to last for generations to come! Our children, grand children, great grand children, great-great grandchildren and more will wonder forever what we were thinking allowing this to happen! We were idiots, all of us. It took the election and re-election of a hardcore progressive socialist for us to wake up and unfortunately many are still taking their "everything is fine" nap and sucking the life out of whatever they can and picking up whatever is free.
Mitt Romney said it best, "No Apologies". We must get rid of all of these cancerous attitudes, agendas, subversive themes and the people in leadership roles who push them. They need to be voted out, removed from positions, fired, made to resign or just plain ignored so that they have to go make a living like the rest of us and they have to quit sucking the life out of us by living off the public tax revenues. That is the worst part; these are people that are paid by our tax dollars! We have allowed them to set up shop on our dollar! How stupid and angry does that make you feel?
It is not time to sit back and relish in the warm fuzzy feeling that is told to us every time we get another press conference from our great administration! Remember, these are the same ones that sat back and watched for hours as four of our American citizens were killed in Benghazi when they could have done something to stop it and protect them. These are the same ones that used the IRS to harass the groups that they don't like so they could keep them from growing. These are the same ones that had the Justice Dept. seize the private records of numerous media and press people, phone lines, texts, emails, etc. of numerous media and press people. These are the same ones that will NOT put "extremist", "radical", "muslim", "jihad" or "islam" together in the same sentence because they refuse to let people know the truth of what is happening in the world today. These are the same ones that have allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to set up camp in the White House, the Pentagon, most of the federal agencies and wherever they feel like. There is a lot of work that needs to be done and unless we keep the pressure on, our common sense senators and representatives will be rough shod and kicked out of the way by the "elitist class" and TGOBC. We must continue to push to have a smaller government, NO MORE TYRANNY, less spending, fewer restrictions to growth, lower taxes, more accountability, less corruption and more patriotism.
This is America, Love It or Leave It. We are not going to let them "change" it anymore.
Have a good Memorial Day weekend and may God Bless America and us!
And remember, BELIEVE IN AMERICA, the America we love!
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