I have two predictions for this post title.
GOP Presidential candidate: Mitt Romney
GOP Vice-President candidate: Paul Ryan
The first is an easy prediction at this time. It was a much more difficult prediction a few months back when I predicted it. But the "Winner Take All" theory I had has definitely come to play out as the strategy of the Romney campaign. And I might add, a very wise strategy it was. Maybe it takes a practice run before the real run for President. It seems the 2nd time around is magic for the GOP candidates for quite some time now. The first attempt is to figure out how it's done, the support they offer the party nationwide after they fail in their first attempt and then the run that is successful with the support earned from the GOP back room power holders.
Why Paul Ryan?
Marco Rubio is an excellent possibility, but he won't bring that much to the table that is needed right now. He is a first generation from Cuba immigrant descendant, born in Miami. With only 3.5% of the Hispanic population in the country being from Cuba, Rubio carries a large southern Florida following but not much beyond that when it is time to bring votes to the booth. Historically, the Hispanic vote in the national elections follows in groups of ancestral origin. They don't necessarily follow Hispanic candidates by just being Hispanic. Rubio does not bring a large female following with him either. He will definitely be a possibility for future campaigns, but for now, the economy is the tune of the day. Look for Rubio to be a close advisor and supporter this time and he will have his talents drawn on for Congressional support and influence after the election.
Chris Christie is not a likely person for the job. He declined a run for the presidential ticket which makes him not one showing a desire to be there. New Jersey will do well having him stay there and continue to help bring that state's problems back under control.
The same issue, no desire to make the run falls on the heads of Mike Pence, John Thune, Mitch Daniels, Nikki Haley, Susana Martinez, etc. They were looked to and asked, but declined.
Jon Huntsman, Tim Pawlenty, Herman Cain, Michelle Bachman. All no's. They didn't carry anything into the race in the first place. They could not bring anything to the voting booth that would be of benefit to the campaign ticket.
Sarah Palin. Hmmmmm. I don't think so. She was too vocal against Romney. Too supportive of Newt? I still don't understand that one at all! She has obviously had a talking to by someone of great influence and told to get behind the candidate or risk banishment back to Wasilla forever! But she has run out of fuel in the large spectrum. Look for her to stay at FOX News as a commentator and expert. It is more money than she could make anywhere else for quite some time and she does bring a certain amount of knowledge to their network.
Rick Santorum. Same problem as Sarah, he attacked too hard and has been whining too much. When you take your practice run, you don't attack the others with a vengeance and with hard feelings. His whining about a successful guy running for President and out spending him has not gone over well. There is still a large group of voters in this country that still believe that being conservative, religious and successful is something to be looked up to. Especially when that person has honor, integrity, truthfulness, morals and hope has major characteristics. Rick maybe the candidate who goes away never to be heard from again.
Newt Gingrich. Sorry Newt, you were way too attackish and spent a bundle on ads that tore down the reputation and record of someone by twisting around small clips of speeches and stretching the truth of issues to make Romney look like the guy who is already in the White House. Your Super Pac got way too aggressive and questionable in their tactics. It backfired on you and people wondered who you really were? The guy at the debates that seemed like the expert in everything or the guy willing to do anything to get to the White House no matter what the method was. Desperate guys scare people. They wonder what the agenda is behind the push. Those who have studied Newt's history and background have no doubt, he is a progressive.
Ron Paul. Ron is the Eveready Battery Bunny. He just keeps on going. He carries his "Paulists" with him wherever he goes. They are like zealots, they don't look to anything other than the words from his mouth. Ron could be a great help, but he is like Joe Biden. You wouldn't dare let him near a microphone, because even when he knows it is live, he says what comes to mind. With foreign affairs, you couldn't have Ron Paul as a possibility without wondering when he would start an international incident with one of his remarks. Look for Ron to be a huge strength in getting the fiscal matters back in order in Congress. Also look for his strong support of the ticket after the convention also. He is too old to try this again, and he certainly wants to get things done before he leaves Washington. He will jump on the wagon and use the momentum and his "Paulist" support to get things done in a way that he can smile about.
Paul Ryan. The guy who has worked with Romney on a few legislative amendments and changes to try and get key issues handled in Congress. The guy who endorsed Romney last week going into the Wisconsin Primary. The guy who has come out as the shining star in budget issues and fiscal items in Congress. He has potential, he has experience in the fiscal issues and he is one that could be looked to for further carrying the GOP torch beyond Romney in 2020. Romney also likes and endorses his budget proposals. Ryan is after all called the "budget master" by some in Congress.
You have my take on the race and the choosing of the 2nd seat on the ticket. Now we get to wait and see if it comes true or if Romney pulls a name out of the hat that shocks us all and gets us scrambling to find out who they really are like McCain did with Palin in 2008. But I don't see that happening. Romney is focused. He goes with the ones that have real known potential and can bring a profit to the table in a reasonable timetable. After all, it is the bottom line that counts.
May God Bless America and us! We need it!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
It's Time To Stop The Waaaaaaaaaaaah!
Gingrich, Santorum; it's time to stop the waaaaaaaah! Seriously, Newt? He has to earn the nomination? Why don't we recap the delegate count right now. Romney - 655 Santorum - 278 Gingrich - 135 Paul - 51 Let's see, if my calculator in my head still works, Romney has more delegates than all of the rest of the candidates added together! Okay, I will get specific: Romney - 655 All the rest of them - 464 Satisfied? I would say that 58.53% of the delegates as of today means he has earned the nomination. In another way, that is a 17 point lead in percentages!
To officially have the nomination, he needs to win an additional 489 delegates. That is only 41.94% of the remaining delegates out there. Have you other candidates looked at the remaining state primaries to be held? My prediction is that Romney will win over 75% of them and will take somewhere in the neighborhood of an additional 685 delegates yet. The ones that you other guys had a chance in have mostly been held already.
If Sarah Palin can go on the NBC Today Show and be congenial towards Mitt Romney, then the rest of you can too. It is time to get on with kicking the free-loader out of the White House and get back to being the America that we once were. Now we need to consolidate the conservative voters, Republican voters, TEA Party voters, disillusioned Democrat voters and the youth voters. We have a candidate who can beat Obamao if we all get behind him. There will not be any "oh crap"'s after Romney is elected. He is not going to try and pull off a personal agenda or an agenda that has been launched in backrooms dating back to the communist organization in our country. We have a legitimate conservative, pro-capitalism, smart and focused candidate willing to sacrifice the next eight years of his life to get America back on the right track.
Now is the time to get behind him.
Believe In America! Romney in 2012!
May God Bless American and us, we need it!
To officially have the nomination, he needs to win an additional 489 delegates. That is only 41.94% of the remaining delegates out there. Have you other candidates looked at the remaining state primaries to be held? My prediction is that Romney will win over 75% of them and will take somewhere in the neighborhood of an additional 685 delegates yet. The ones that you other guys had a chance in have mostly been held already.
If Sarah Palin can go on the NBC Today Show and be congenial towards Mitt Romney, then the rest of you can too. It is time to get on with kicking the free-loader out of the White House and get back to being the America that we once were. Now we need to consolidate the conservative voters, Republican voters, TEA Party voters, disillusioned Democrat voters and the youth voters. We have a candidate who can beat Obamao if we all get behind him. There will not be any "oh crap"'s after Romney is elected. He is not going to try and pull off a personal agenda or an agenda that has been launched in backrooms dating back to the communist organization in our country. We have a legitimate conservative, pro-capitalism, smart and focused candidate willing to sacrifice the next eight years of his life to get America back on the right track.
Now is the time to get behind him.
Believe In America! Romney in 2012!
May God Bless American and us, we need it!
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