Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wow, I didn't see that one coming!

Okay, I missed the two big ones on Tuesday! Congratulations Santorum, you pulled a miracle off. Gingrich somehow lost what should have been his night for the taking. Romney had a setback in Alabama, he was looking for more. But I did get the others right and it came down as an all around win for Romney Tuesday Night, even though it was not a big win. According to the news, Santorum was the big winner, Romney was in third place and Gingrich took second with Paul falling to fourth. Let's see how they really did:

Delegates Won Tuesday
Romney 40
Santorum 37
Gingrich 21
Paul 3

Total Delegate Count
Romney 498
Santorum 239
Gingrich 139
Paul 69

Like I have said, the press is not telling the real story. Romney is 27.4 points ahead of Santorum, 38.0 points ahead of Gingrich and 45.4 points ahead of Paul.

Newt, the Romney camp should be thanking you for being so stubborn! Your stubbornness is keeping Romney well in the lead. No wonder Santorum wants him to quit! But even still, Romney has more delegates than all of the others combined by 5.4 points! That size of a spread is considered a landslide in a presidential election. There is no way Santorum is going to win if Romney keeps his same support going forward.

Romney in 2012 Believe in America!

May God Bless America, our troops in Afghanistan and us, we all need it!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Primary Predictions

Here are my GOP Primary/Caucus predictions. Now we will see if I am full of hot air or kind of know what I am talking about. Here goes:
Alabama - Romney by one or two points
American Samoa - Romney
Hawaii - Romney
Mississippi - Gingrich with Romney within two points
Puerto Rico - Romney
Illinois - Romney
Missouri - Santorum
Louisiana Primary - Gingrich
Maryland - Romney
Washington D.C. - Romney
Wisconsin - Romney
Connecticut - Romney
Delaware - Romney
New York - Romney
Pennsylvania - Santorum with Romney 8 points behind
Rhode Island - Romney
Louisiana Caucus - Gingrich
Indiana - Romney
North Carolina - Gingrich with Romney 6 points behind
West Virginia - Santorum
Oregon - Romney
Arkansas - Santorum
Kentucky - Santorum
Texas - Romney (I know this is a big leap, but they did elect Perry!)
California - Romney
New Jersey - Romney
New Mexico - Romney
South Dakota - Romney
Nebraska - Romney
Montana - Romney
Utah - Romney by over 35 points

This will put Romney over the top for the nomination with over 1200 delegates going into the convention.

If Gingrich drops out in April, then the delegate count will be easier to reach for Romney.

If Santorum drops out in April, The race is essentially over at his drop out day. This could possibly happen because of money problems. If Santorum does not win more than Missouri during the remainder of March and he shows low in his win in Pennsylvania on April 24, he will have to drop out of the race or seriously curtail his campaigning. He will not have the money to continue on into the other races in May where he had a chance of winning.

Paul... He's like the Eveready Battery Bunny, he just keeps on going. He will not drop out and he will not make an independent run. He will keep up his percentages that he has been accumulating. His supporters are just like him, they don't give up.

The final nomination will be Romney and someone that will add to his attractiveness for the general election. Then he will win by 4 points on November 6th. That will put an end to the Obamao regime, religions other than Islamic based sects will be able to relax again and we can start to get America back on track. That will also be the beginning of "Change" that we can stomach!

May God Bless America and us, we need it! Believe in America!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Politics and the media. Which is worse? PAC's. These things are really starting to drive me crazy. We all know that they are just a front for the candidates so megabucks can flow to the campaign coffers and attack ads can be blamed on some unknown group "that just happen to like me"! I really have not many people who like these other than rich control freaks and politicians. It is time they go away. They are interfering in local politics way too often and they get much too "attackish" (new word) in the campaign process. Clips are used out of context, the full sentence is always edited to make a point and the real facts are so far away from the end product that it becomes a very effective way to pull down an opponent. This is not the way to run political campaigns and elections in a country as great as ours. If you ever get the chance to vote against them, please do so.

Now on to the main topic. Mitt Romney. I am for him. I don't think he is perfect. But he is by far the most electable of the group. He is by far the best opponent to get rid of the Marxist sitting in the White House. He is by far the most capable of turning the economy switch back on and making sure that regulations are not used to massage the business sector into submission for agendas that seem to be so prevalent these days. If you have not read the book "No Apology", you need to so you can understand his whole program. It works, we have seen it all work at various times and in different places, just maybe, it might get put together all at once and in the same place!

As for Super Tuesday: It was a home run for Romney! I am getting very tired of listening to the media turn victories into just squeaking by the awesome Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich and the very persistent Ron Paul. Okay, I will admit, Ron Paul is very persistent! He is like the Eveready Battery Bunny, he just keeps on going. But rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich have had their butts handed to them on a silver platter! Face it you two, Romney has out thought you, out gamed you and outperformed you!

23 Primary/Caucuses so far. Romney has won 14 of them, 60.9% of them. Santorum has won 7, 30.4%. Gingrich has won 2, 8.7%. The Eveready Battery Bunny has not won any.

Of the votes: Romney: 3,174,900 / 40.6%. Santorum: 1,944,880 / 24.8%. Gingrich: 1,821,920 / 23.3% Really? People, read about this guy, he is not what he says he is! He was a college professor, he is a progressive, he has a temper, he is not that honest of a guy, he was controlled by Clinton, and he has had as many wives as the other three combined!) Paul: 887,070 11.3%. He wins this by 15.8% points!

Of the Delegates: Romney 429 / 54.8%. Santorum 169 / 21.6%. Gingrich 118 / 15.1%. Paul 67 / 8.6%. He wins this by 33.2% points! He is 37.5% of the needed delegates to win.

And now, this is where he is kicking the competition into yesterday. He has won 100% of the Winner Take All Primary/Caucuses so far! 14 out of 14! He is 100% points ahead of everyone else in this category.

Does this sound like a nice statistic or do you think we have the smartest guy in the race out campaigning as the ex-governor of Massachusetts? He has put all of his heavy resources into the states with winner take all races and in the states that are key states in the general election. This guy is in it to win and knows how to do it! There are no states being missed by his campaign because of missed deadlines, shortage of signatures or just stupid slip ups. There is not much wasted time by the heavy hitters in the campaign and there is certainly an appetite for results in this organization. Wow, that kind of sounds like what we want for a Chief Executive of our country isn't it?

But then there are the shortcoming that he has. Let's review them. He donates way too much of his time without pay. Two years as a missionary when he was 19. Numerous years in local church leadership positions. Governor of Massachusetts. CEO of the Salt Lake Olympic Games.

He only pays what he owes in taxes! Can you believe this? Why doesn't he pay more than he owes. A simple calculator will show that he paid full taxes, mostly capital gains tax. Only rich guys do that! I hate it when people are successful and then pay the taxes they owe on what they earned.

He spends way too much money! He gave out about 15% of his income in contributions to charitable organizations! Why I bet he and his wife even donate a lot of their time doing charitable work and volunteer work also. They probably taught all of their sons this same trait also. Watch out for those conservatives, they like to pass their way of life down through the generations.

He is happy! The guy smiles way too much! No one can be that happy can they? Why does he try and act happy all of the time?

He is successful. Ooooooooooh, that really makes me angry! How can anyone be successful without cheating? He has to be cheating. No one is successful by outthinking the competition, working harder than the other guy and refusing to accept anything but best effort.

See. He has all kinds of flaws. He has no history that anyone has been able to dig up dirt in. He has a spine. No one pushes him around. He has shown that he won't tolerate being accused of something that is not him. He has character that best selling self improvement books are written about. He has compassion, look at all of the money he gives a way! He has determination. Look at his success record. Coaches would give anything for his win/loss record. And he is a nice guy. He has conviction about what is right and wrong. He is very religious and expects everyone to be able to have the same religious freedoms as his own and will protect others when theirs are being infringed on.

Seriously, please read his book "No Apology". It covers education, energy, business, foreign affairs, military, government, the economy, welfare, healthcare reform, regulatory reform, taxes, spending, judicial appointments, illegal immigration, border securement, religion, transportation... Kind of like the Ragu bottle, it's in there.

Romney 2012. A return to the America that we loved and used to know. Believe In America!

May God Bless us and America, we need it!