Okay, so it has been three months since I last vented on this page. My daughter came home from BYU for the Holidays and we began preparing to send her on a mission for our Church. She is going to be serving in Malaysia in the Singapore Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "The Mormons". She has been at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT since March 2nd and will be there until May 5th learning Malay and how to teach in Malay. This will be good for her, she already knows Mandarin Chinese and will now be able to communicate with over 3/4 of the people in Malaysia where she will be serving. She will be a great missionary.
Now you ask "why is he back now?" One guess. The absolute idiot in the White House who gets his strings pulled by George Soros! If you don't believe this and are offended by me saying it, you should really stop reading now. But when you have pulled the blinders off your eyes, the earplugs out of your ears and the clothespin off from your nose, please come back and begin reading my blog again. At that point you will be seeing, hearing and smelling the truth again!
Obamao is trying to help George Soros get his "new world order" in place by helping out in the Middle East. Has it bothered anyone that he took a stand against Iran's government, Egypt's government, Libya's government, Israel's government, Afghanistan's government, Pakistan's government but yet stayed out of the messes in Tunisia, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Ethiopia, Sudan, Lebanon, Georgia and Venezuela? At first it looked like Obamao was siding with the Sunnis in the Middle East, yet now he is backing and wanting to help the Shiites. Why is this an issue you ask? Because the Shiites and Sunnis hate each other and have for over 1350 years! If you don't know why, go back to the history books and read about how after the poisoning of Mohammed, the Muslims could now decide who should rule. They split into two groups, the Sunnis and the Shiites and there has been bad blood ever since!
So what does it mean today? Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Pakistan are all run by Shiites. Egypt and Libya are being taken over by Shiite groups. The same goes for Yemen and Bahrain having Shiite uprisings. So we know the Shiites are trying everything they can do to take over the Middle East and disrupt the flow of oil to Europe and the United States. Somehow, we have placed ourselves on the wrong side in just about every country there when an uprising comes about.
I still haven't answered your question yet? That is because it hasn't been fully answered yet there either. But here is the best bet of what is going on and why we are in the middle of it. George Soros wants the world to become one big governing body and do away with the super powers, including the USA. He wants it all to be a part of a new world order with him at the power position. Why are we backing some governments, yet turning our backs on others? To cause total and complete unrest in the Middle East so that it can come under one governing power first. Did I mention Israel? I did, but they are just being ignored. As far as Soros, Obamao and the Muslims are concerned, it should just go away. They are just in the middle of things and they don't occupy any oil resources, so they don't matter or what happens to them. The Saudis? They better watch out. Their oil is now trapped in jeopardy at the Strait of Hormuz by the Iranian Shiites, the Gate of Tears by the Somali pirates and in the next little while the Yemen Shiites and now the Suez Canal by the new Shiite powers in Egypt. I wonder how long this is going to take?
So Obamao wants to aid the Libyan Rebels, even though they are filled with Al Qaeda members and Kaddafi is just another speed bump for a revenge move by Soros. Why revenge? Soros sponsored Kaddafi's son to the London School of Economics. Kaddafi's son then embarrassed Soros by plagiarizing his papers at school and got kicked out at the embarrassment of Soros. Two months ago, the US was using a public relations firm to promote the good relationship with Kaddafi and Libya as a good ally. My how things change quickly when someone gets mad. Still wonder if Soros is a part of this yet? In two months we go from best friends to bombing Kaddafi. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the military action we have been taking against our good friend Kaddafi was not even discussed with Congress, Obamao did not talk to the American people for nine days after it started, and then it was the same thing he literally screamed about George Bush doing with Congressional approval. Hmmmm.
We are in for a long energy squeeze because we can't use our own resources and the imports are going to continue to be disrupted, we have inflation flames flickering all over the horizon, an illegal alien amnesty being promised with well over 14,000,000 Americans out of work that WOULD do the work that many of the illegals are doing, more regulations, controls and bans spilling out of all sides of the administration and our debt at well over $14 TRILLION. Doesn't that just give you a warm fuzzy feeling? The exact feeling that you get right before you vomit!
Yes, we have an idiot for our president. An idiot that takes orders from a really evil guy. Just as bad, a Congress that is still having troubles tying their own shoes. What have we done?
May God Bless America and us. We need it.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
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