Told By: Howard C. Norton
1776 had not been a good year for the ragtag army of the colonies. After the short lived success of driving the British back from Concord and their ability to hold at Bunker Hill, the British had been forced to abandon Boston. This was about all that had gone well for the American forces. They were after all an undisciplined and untrained army that had been pulled from the workshops and farms of New England. The strain of these factors had given rise to a great deal of desertion and scattering. George Washington had been put in charge of the army and had collected as many of the colonies militias to New York to begin his war against the British. Reports from northern New York were not good and the British seemed to be advancing from the lakes area of New York also. Fighting stubbornly through the summer and autumn of 1776, Washington and his army had to abandon Long Island and flee to Manhattan. On Manhattan they gathered at Fort Washington and tried to regather themselves to defend against the hard advancing British and Hessian armies.
Unfortunately, Washington soon realized that the fort called by his name could not stop the enemy’s vessels from passing up the Hudson River and decided it would be best to abandon it. He urged General Greene the New York commander to give up the fort but left the ultimate decision to him while he went to check on General Heath at West Point. The Continental Congress convinced General Greene to not give up Fort Washington and that turned into a serious mistake. The British closed around the fort and launched a full attack on it on November 17th. The fort, three thousand men, a great quantity of cannon, muskets and military stores were lost to the British. On November 21st, General Greene and the entire remaining army at New York also had to abandon Fort Lee on the New Jersey side of the Hudson. This was done so quickly that the British found the American’s cannon and pots of stew still at the fort left behind.
Washington now had less than six thousand men left from the retreat. Before December 1st, 2,026 demoralized men had their enlistments run out and refused to reenlist and returned to their homes. Messages were sent to General Lee and his seven thousand troops at North Castle, NY to come join Washington but he refused. Washington began a quick retreat across New Jersey fleeing from General Cornwallis and the British armies. Repeatedly, Washington sent messengers to General Lee urging him to come join him with all possible hast but they were answered with arguments, excuses, pretenses of misunderstandings and refusals. Little did Washington know at the time, that General Lee was actually trying to position himself to become dictator and takeover as commander of the American armies. He had been writing governors of the colonies and to members of the Continental Congress and many of those whom Washington had counted as trusted colleagues. He was trying to convince them that the setbacks the armies were having was because of Washington’s incompetence and they began to conspire against him and talk poorly of the job he was doing.
Half of the army was fleeing for their lives across New Jersey while hundreds of its members were leaving for their homes giving up on the cause as a loss. The traitor, General Lee, about a hundred miles away was holding the other half of the army hostage. When Lee finally began to move his army, the British did the American’s a great favor by capturing General Lee at a village tavern on the night of December 13th, while he was enjoying a leisurely evening away from the troops. His army was then quickly sent to rejoin Washington and the rest of the army. General Washington wrote, “Unless we are absolutely forced into, we shall avoid a large battle. With the fate of America at stake, our job is to prolong this war as much as possible.” General Howe and the British armies fully intended to catch Washington in West New Jersey against the Delaware River. But he was extremely surprised to find that Washington and his fleeing army had already crossed the river in retreat. A wise General Washington had sent ahead a group of soldiers and had commandeered or destroyed every boat on the Delaware River for seventy miles so that his retreat would be controlled by him and leave the British on the New Jersey side of the river. The Continental Congress was becoming very excited about the British being so close to Philadelphia and on December 12th they packed up and left for Baltimore, MD. British General Howe believed that the war was over and that the armies of the Americans had collapsed. He retired to New York while his commander General Cornwallis was preparing to return to England for the winter. The British army of twenty five thousand controlled all of New York and New Jersey with the small three thousand man battered American army using the Delaware River as protection for the winter. Washington admitted in a letter “that the game was about up.”
Colonel Sullivan and the army that General Lee had held up arrived, another new five hundred soldiers from Philadelphia arrived and two thousand men from upper New York retreated to his position. On December 24th, the American armies finally numbered between five and six thousand scattered between Philadelphia and Bristol, PA. The light of dawn was approaching the darkness that the American army had been engulfed in. But there was still the problem of deserters and those whose enlistment was running out. For you see, the soldiers of the army had been enlisted for only six months as ordered by the Continental Congress. There enlistment ran out on December 31st. With little money for payment, food that was hard to come by, shelter and warmth a problem and after defeat after defeat, the army looked like it would fall apart on January 1st. There would only be fifteen hundred left in the whole army! The dream of freedom would come to an end and the new country would fall under oppression again.
It was time to put into place the plan that Washington had conceived. The town of Trenton was occupied by fifteen hundred Hessian troops. These were the German mercenaries who had been hired by the British to help fight the war. The American army on Christmas Day would recross the Delaware River using the fleet of iron ore and freight boats that he had commandeered for their retreat, and capture the army of Hessians in Trenton while they slept after their Christmas celebrations.
All of the plans were made and each of the five divisions of the army was to do a specific assignment. Everything was thought out and planned for. Nothing was overlooked or omitted. But then, for some reason or another, nothing went as planned. Every one of the division commanders failed to do his part. Gates the commander in Bristol, disapproved of the plan and was on his way to tell congress of the mistake, his second in command, Cadwalader and his two thousand men from Bristol never crossed the river. He thought that it was too dangerous with the ice flows and speed of the water and gave it up as too desperate. Griffin the head of the New Jersey militia fled before the British at Burlington. Putnam the commander in charge of the troops at Philadelphia never left Philadelphia. Ewing the commander directly across from Trenton made no effort to cross the river. Washington, thinking all were doing what they should set out with his twenty four hundred worn out soldiers.
At 2:00PM on Christmas day 1776, Washington began marching his army towards his crossing point on the Delaware River at Mackonkey’s Ferry. Arriving after dark, they began to cross the river that was swollen with ice and rushing water. At 11:00 PM it started snowing. By 3:00 AM they had finally finished crossing the river. At 4:00 AM they begin their nine-mile march towards Trenton. It was bitter cold, snowing, hailing and sleeting for their march. The wind was driving the snow and sleet sharply into the faces of the troops. An officer on Washington’s staff wrote in his diary, “It will be a terrible night for the soldiers who have no shoes. Some of them have tied old rags around their feet; others are barefoot, but I have not heard a man complain. They are ready to suffer any hardship and die rather than give up their liberty.” Indeed the reports of those who were there said that anyone could have followed the trail of the army that night. Their marching left a solid trail of red from the blood left in the snow. Men were so cold that they became numb and collapsed in the snow and had to be helped along by their fellow soldiers. The determination of the men in Washington’s plan was even more emphasized by the password they used to identify themselves for this mission: “Victory or Death!”
They split into two columns four miles north of Trenton. General Sullivan, who led the second column, sent word to Washington that the arms of the soldiers were wet. Washington replied, “Tell your general to use the bayonet, for the town must be taken!” At 8:00 AM with the snowstorm still raging, Washington encountered the first sentries north of Trenton. Five minutes later, at 8:05 AM, the second column encountered sentries on the west side of Trenton. After driving the Hessians from their barracks and through the streets of Trenton, the Hessians tried to regroup in the apple orchards. At 9:30 AM the battle ended when the remaining Hessians surrendered. By 12:00 PM on December 27th, Washington and his troops were back in their camp in Pennsylvania. By the end of the day on December 27th, over 1,000, almost half of the army had reported as ill.
Of the Hessians, 22 were killed, 98 wounded, 200 escaped south past where one of the American divisions was supposed to be and 948 were captured as prisoners. The American army of 2,400 had 4 wounded and no dead from combat. Two froze to death and none were captured. They seized six cannon, twelve hundred muskets and the winter stores including a large supply of blankets from the Hessian troops in Trenton. The victory at Trenton astonished everyone; Washington had guarded his secret plans so well. As the news spread through the country, the rejoicing was loud and joyous. A larger and more hopeful army was built and re enlistments were common. Washington’s reputation as a military leader was restored. Cornwallis on hearing of the defeat of his troops put off his return to England and marched on Trenton with 8,000 of his best troops. Washington recrossed the Delaware River on December 30th and after outmaneuvering General Cornwallis, defeated his rear guard at Princeton on January 3rd. The war had finally turned around. Washington never denied the Provident help that he and his troops received in defeating the much larger, better equipped and better trained British armies during the war.
A Christmas gift was given to us that day for all of us to enjoy for centuries to come. Sacrifice, the willingness to lay down their lives for us and the love of their country made it a Christmas gift that would be remembered forever and make us grateful for their bravery.
For over two centuries the members of our armed forces have continued to sacrifice for this great nation to continue on. As we sit with our families and friends this Christmas, remember all of those who protect us, our freedoms and our country! Many of them will be standing guard away from their families this year, say a prayer for them and their families and may they all return safely to their families soon!
May the Joy of Christmas and the love of our Savior Jesus Christ fill all of your homes!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Blue Bloods, not a liberal state!
Have you ever watched a television show, wondered why you kept it on, watched it all the way to the end and then thought about how much of the content in the show probably shouldn't be there?
Let me explain.
A few months back, I decided to watch Blue Bloods one Friday night on CBS. I have recorded every episode since and watch every one of them. Typical "cop" show? Not hardly. Why do I like it? It makes me feel good and I see that there are others that have good morals and standards too. Otherwise this show would not still be on television! It breaks almost every "new" standard for TV shows! No sex, no cheating on spouses, no gay/lesbian agenda being passed off as the norm, strong family ties, religious people and a determination to do what is right. Wow, how did the network folks let this one on the schedule and then not notice it was everything but what they normally push anymore?
So here is a rundown of what the program is about. Tom Selleck stars as Frank Reagan, the Chief of Police in New York City. His father played by Len Cariou, was a previous Chief of Police. His oldest son Danny, played by Donnie Wahlburg, is a detective in the NYPD. Danny is the farthest stretch from the straight line there is in this family. He likes to push the envelope when necessary in his police work to get results to keep the population safe. When he does, he makes sure he is right first! The second son was a policeman and was killed a few years earlier in the line of duty. The youngest son Jamie, played by Will Estes, was a Harvard Law School graduate lawyer and gave it up to join the force as all of the Reagan men have and at the expense of losing a fiancé for doing so. His daughter Erin Reagan played by Bridget Moynahan, is an Assistant District Attorney in New York City. The Reagan's take on the bad guys and almost always win! Truth, justice and safety, the Reagan way.
Many times there are heated discussions and stands by members of the family about methods, laws and rules, but always, they come to an agreement in the end and back each other up in making sure justice prevails.
One of the most common scenes of the show is the whole family, including daughter-in-law and grandkids gathered around the dining room table at Frank Reagan's home, having Sunday dinner or a special dinner in celebration of some family event. Now comes the part that I still have a hard time believing that they allow this to happen on TV, the family says "grace" before every meal, on screen! Wow! Then comes the family discussion of problems they are facing or just general discussions about what is right and what is wrong. The strong family unit teaching their own family responsibility and not expecting others to do it for them.
Am I one of a select few that watch this show? How has this show not been attacked by all of those who are trying so desperately to destroy these things in our society? How has this show slid by under the radar? Seriously! It seems like anytime there is something that promotes real justice (NOT Social Justice!), strong morals, the family unit, self responsibility in the family, high expectations, and religious faith and strength, it becomes attacked by the press and every strange group you can think of that are for all of the things that these don't represent!
I watch the show. I like the show. I respect what they are teaching in the show. I tell others about the show. I endorse the show. Watch it just once. I think you will be amazed and continue to watch it also. I just hope it stays the same and does not get changed by pressures from the opposition. If it does allow the corruption of the world to slip into it, I will stop watching it like so many other shows that started good but were pulled down into the gutter later on. To the writers and producers of Blue Bloods, please leave it a good show, okay?
May God Bless America and all of us! We need it!
Let me explain.
A few months back, I decided to watch Blue Bloods one Friday night on CBS. I have recorded every episode since and watch every one of them. Typical "cop" show? Not hardly. Why do I like it? It makes me feel good and I see that there are others that have good morals and standards too. Otherwise this show would not still be on television! It breaks almost every "new" standard for TV shows! No sex, no cheating on spouses, no gay/lesbian agenda being passed off as the norm, strong family ties, religious people and a determination to do what is right. Wow, how did the network folks let this one on the schedule and then not notice it was everything but what they normally push anymore?
So here is a rundown of what the program is about. Tom Selleck stars as Frank Reagan, the Chief of Police in New York City. His father played by Len Cariou, was a previous Chief of Police. His oldest son Danny, played by Donnie Wahlburg, is a detective in the NYPD. Danny is the farthest stretch from the straight line there is in this family. He likes to push the envelope when necessary in his police work to get results to keep the population safe. When he does, he makes sure he is right first! The second son was a policeman and was killed a few years earlier in the line of duty. The youngest son Jamie, played by Will Estes, was a Harvard Law School graduate lawyer and gave it up to join the force as all of the Reagan men have and at the expense of losing a fiancé for doing so. His daughter Erin Reagan played by Bridget Moynahan, is an Assistant District Attorney in New York City. The Reagan's take on the bad guys and almost always win! Truth, justice and safety, the Reagan way.
Many times there are heated discussions and stands by members of the family about methods, laws and rules, but always, they come to an agreement in the end and back each other up in making sure justice prevails.
One of the most common scenes of the show is the whole family, including daughter-in-law and grandkids gathered around the dining room table at Frank Reagan's home, having Sunday dinner or a special dinner in celebration of some family event. Now comes the part that I still have a hard time believing that they allow this to happen on TV, the family says "grace" before every meal, on screen! Wow! Then comes the family discussion of problems they are facing or just general discussions about what is right and what is wrong. The strong family unit teaching their own family responsibility and not expecting others to do it for them.
Am I one of a select few that watch this show? How has this show not been attacked by all of those who are trying so desperately to destroy these things in our society? How has this show slid by under the radar? Seriously! It seems like anytime there is something that promotes real justice (NOT Social Justice!), strong morals, the family unit, self responsibility in the family, high expectations, and religious faith and strength, it becomes attacked by the press and every strange group you can think of that are for all of the things that these don't represent!
I watch the show. I like the show. I respect what they are teaching in the show. I tell others about the show. I endorse the show. Watch it just once. I think you will be amazed and continue to watch it also. I just hope it stays the same and does not get changed by pressures from the opposition. If it does allow the corruption of the world to slip into it, I will stop watching it like so many other shows that started good but were pulled down into the gutter later on. To the writers and producers of Blue Bloods, please leave it a good show, okay?
May God Bless America and all of us! We need it!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
What do we have to look forward to anymore?
Our economy is going to take decades to be healed. We have allowed our government to spend us into debt that was inconceivable just a few years back!
Our industries are going to be struggling for decades trying to recover from our exporting of our manufacturing overseas. We will be fighting the low cost of foreign imports made with cheap foreign labor because of our allowing the labor unions, N.L.R.B. and courts to take control of or impair our industries.
Or political process is going to be embattled for decades trying to maintain the standards and procedures set in place by our Constitution and Founding Fathers. Too many are trying to show us a better way that rings very close to Communism. Name one country that has ever been successful with Communist or Socialist control.
Our morals look closer to the input pipes at the sewage treatment plants thanks to the polluting and desensitizing of our minds. We have allowed the introduction into our homes of pornography and filth through cable television, satellite television, radio, satellite radio, publishing and the Internet. What used to be kept at a distance in rundown portions of our cities is now in our family rooms. Lifestyles that were considered sinful are now glorified in our media and being protected in our courts by the justices who legislate from the bench.
The lives of many of our youth and younger adults are being sacrificed by our collapse of the family unit in our communities. Drugs, gangs and crime have become too much of a replacement for the absence of parental influence in their lives.
Our schools are more concerned about hurting someone's feelings than teaching the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, patriotism, history, reading, writing, arithmetic, science, art and physical education. We are more concerned with sex education, Socialism, noncompetitive grading and free environments that won't inhibit the free spirit in any of our children regardless of how disgusting their exhibitions may be, unless of course it is a show of patriotism!
We have borders that are wide open and controlled by drug cartels that feed off from the business that the degradation of our society has offered them without much opposition.
We watch as the convenience and productivity of our society has been severely dampened because of those who preach environmentalism and conservatism, while those same ones who preach it ironically do not live it themselves. Admit it; don't you trust each state in our country to be able to decide if an industry is harming our environment beyond the benefit of their products or services? There are thousands of watchdogs in every state that will ring the alarm if someone decides that greed is more important than safety.
So what do we have to look forward to?
Our youth.
I just spent two wonderful days in the mountains with 33 of the most incredible youth you have ever met. These are all young men and women from the ages of 14 - 18 from our church. They are also only a portion of the total group we have at our church. The others could not get time off from work, athletics, and family vacations to go with us to this Youth Conference we held. They have faith, hope and charity in their lives. They see what has happened and continues to happen to their world and they still look to their future with excitement and plans for making this a better world. They see and recognize the truth and cling to it with all of their might. They look to each other as their brothers and sisters in the long road ahead and as the help they will need in their efforts to make this a better world. They look at deception, contention, addictive influences, and immorality as the things to avoid at all costs. They recognize and acknowledge that they are children of a loving Heavenly Father who will help them in their righteous efforts.
They are our future! The time will come when they will be our leaders in business, government, society and church. I look forward to that time. They are preparing themselves well for what lies ahead and they are more prepared than we ever were. I look forward with excitement to their leadership times also, knowing that they will do what is right and will allow us in our older years to relax and turn over the controls to a better and more prepared generation.
I spend many hours every week with these youth. I consider it an investment in my future. Anything to help them be more prepared and better individuals than us will be well worth whatever it took from my life.
We must continue in our efforts to not let our society slip anymore than it already has and do what we can to repair the damage we have allowed to take place. And if you have the opportunity to help nurture and work with the youth of our world in any way that will be beneficial to them, do so. The rewards will be well worth the effort. Maybe we will be around long enough to see what they accomplish and enjoy the rewards from their strength and goodness.
May God Bless America and us, we need it!
Our economy is going to take decades to be healed. We have allowed our government to spend us into debt that was inconceivable just a few years back!
Our industries are going to be struggling for decades trying to recover from our exporting of our manufacturing overseas. We will be fighting the low cost of foreign imports made with cheap foreign labor because of our allowing the labor unions, N.L.R.B. and courts to take control of or impair our industries.
Or political process is going to be embattled for decades trying to maintain the standards and procedures set in place by our Constitution and Founding Fathers. Too many are trying to show us a better way that rings very close to Communism. Name one country that has ever been successful with Communist or Socialist control.
Our morals look closer to the input pipes at the sewage treatment plants thanks to the polluting and desensitizing of our minds. We have allowed the introduction into our homes of pornography and filth through cable television, satellite television, radio, satellite radio, publishing and the Internet. What used to be kept at a distance in rundown portions of our cities is now in our family rooms. Lifestyles that were considered sinful are now glorified in our media and being protected in our courts by the justices who legislate from the bench.
The lives of many of our youth and younger adults are being sacrificed by our collapse of the family unit in our communities. Drugs, gangs and crime have become too much of a replacement for the absence of parental influence in their lives.
Our schools are more concerned about hurting someone's feelings than teaching the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, patriotism, history, reading, writing, arithmetic, science, art and physical education. We are more concerned with sex education, Socialism, noncompetitive grading and free environments that won't inhibit the free spirit in any of our children regardless of how disgusting their exhibitions may be, unless of course it is a show of patriotism!
We have borders that are wide open and controlled by drug cartels that feed off from the business that the degradation of our society has offered them without much opposition.
We watch as the convenience and productivity of our society has been severely dampened because of those who preach environmentalism and conservatism, while those same ones who preach it ironically do not live it themselves. Admit it; don't you trust each state in our country to be able to decide if an industry is harming our environment beyond the benefit of their products or services? There are thousands of watchdogs in every state that will ring the alarm if someone decides that greed is more important than safety.
So what do we have to look forward to?
Our youth.
I just spent two wonderful days in the mountains with 33 of the most incredible youth you have ever met. These are all young men and women from the ages of 14 - 18 from our church. They are also only a portion of the total group we have at our church. The others could not get time off from work, athletics, and family vacations to go with us to this Youth Conference we held. They have faith, hope and charity in their lives. They see what has happened and continues to happen to their world and they still look to their future with excitement and plans for making this a better world. They see and recognize the truth and cling to it with all of their might. They look to each other as their brothers and sisters in the long road ahead and as the help they will need in their efforts to make this a better world. They look at deception, contention, addictive influences, and immorality as the things to avoid at all costs. They recognize and acknowledge that they are children of a loving Heavenly Father who will help them in their righteous efforts.
They are our future! The time will come when they will be our leaders in business, government, society and church. I look forward to that time. They are preparing themselves well for what lies ahead and they are more prepared than we ever were. I look forward with excitement to their leadership times also, knowing that they will do what is right and will allow us in our older years to relax and turn over the controls to a better and more prepared generation.
I spend many hours every week with these youth. I consider it an investment in my future. Anything to help them be more prepared and better individuals than us will be well worth whatever it took from my life.
We must continue in our efforts to not let our society slip anymore than it already has and do what we can to repair the damage we have allowed to take place. And if you have the opportunity to help nurture and work with the youth of our world in any way that will be beneficial to them, do so. The rewards will be well worth the effort. Maybe we will be around long enough to see what they accomplish and enjoy the rewards from their strength and goodness.
May God Bless America and us, we need it!
Friday, April 15, 2011
HAPPY TAX DAY... What, it's not?
Happy Tax Day! What? It's not Tax Day? It's April 15th! It's Friday, It's not a holiday... huh? What holiday? A federal holiday? Emancipation Day? Would someone mind telling me why we are now celebrating a holiday at the federal government for Emancipation Day? There is only one HUGE PROBLEM! We are not free anymore. We are now all slaves to the federal government and its out of control spending that has no sign of it coming to an end or even slowing up.
Now before you start telling me about how we just got a new budget bill passed and how there are spending cuts in it, let me make sure you fully understand what just happened with that bill, WE ALL GOT FAKED OUT AND LIED TO BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS! It is still business as usual in Washington DC. The freshmen congressmen were all told to "shut up and sit down in the front row so we can publicly humiliate you and call you all sorts of fun names and blame the Apocalypse and every other evil thing coming to us in the future on you!" We the citizens were told to "go back to sleep, the government is in control and all is well."
You see, the $100 BILLION budget cuts that we were promised by our newly elected House of Representatives was put in the dryer for too long and it shrunk down to a $68 BILLION budget bill that was passed by the House and then compromised down to a huge $38 BILLION bill that Congress could agree on with all kinds of back slapping and smiles because they got to work and came to a compromise to keep the lights on at the government. Isn't that nice, a $32 BILLION slip and then a $30 BILLION slip and then a $37.628 BILLION fib because the Congressional Budget Office told the truth and said that it really only saved $372 MILLION instead of the $38 BILLION they were all lying to us about. But then we now find out that if we count the extra money we are spending this year fighting three wars instead of two from last year, we are actually spending $3.3 BILLION more than we spent last year? If I lost you, just trust me, we all got lied to the extent of $103.3 BILLION! Doesn't this just seem like the good old days again?
I don't know about you, but I am mad. No, irate. No I can't even see straight, there is blood in my eyes and it is a good thing Washington DC is as far away as it is or I would throw "Slushies" on every one of them! Sorry "Glee" I know I don't fit your standards for copying your show.
58% of Americans wanted the GOP to stand firm and demand the full reduction in the spending. 68% of the TEA Party members wanted the GOP to stand firm and demand the full reduction in spending. Does anyone notice how close the numbers are these days? I think the TEA Party has either grown massively or they now have a huge number of ex "thought we were progressives but I guess we're not" people siding with them.
So they passed the budget bill, with a projected $1.65 TRILLION deficit larger than last year's $1.29 TRILLION budget and larger than the year prior to that of $1.42 TRILLION deficit. Yes for all of you that don't have your calculator at your side, this wonderful new administration has orchestrated a deficit to the tune of $4.36 TRILLION so far. More than 30% of the total debt accumulated in the history of our 235 year old country in just three years! Congratulations all of you in Washington! You win the total idiot prizes of the millennium! And we thought the Greeks, Brazilians and France were messed up in their economies!
So if it takes you one day before you get to read this, just remember the government used that same time wisely and only spent $10.49 BILLION in that day. How lucky are we to have such wonderful people watching over OUR money and the future of our all of us so well.
Sorry I just got sick!
May God Bless America and us. We really, really, really need it!
Preview for the next blog:
Debt, wealth, inflation and taxes.
Now before you start telling me about how we just got a new budget bill passed and how there are spending cuts in it, let me make sure you fully understand what just happened with that bill, WE ALL GOT FAKED OUT AND LIED TO BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS! It is still business as usual in Washington DC. The freshmen congressmen were all told to "shut up and sit down in the front row so we can publicly humiliate you and call you all sorts of fun names and blame the Apocalypse and every other evil thing coming to us in the future on you!" We the citizens were told to "go back to sleep, the government is in control and all is well."
You see, the $100 BILLION budget cuts that we were promised by our newly elected House of Representatives was put in the dryer for too long and it shrunk down to a $68 BILLION budget bill that was passed by the House and then compromised down to a huge $38 BILLION bill that Congress could agree on with all kinds of back slapping and smiles because they got to work and came to a compromise to keep the lights on at the government. Isn't that nice, a $32 BILLION slip and then a $30 BILLION slip and then a $37.628 BILLION fib because the Congressional Budget Office told the truth and said that it really only saved $372 MILLION instead of the $38 BILLION they were all lying to us about. But then we now find out that if we count the extra money we are spending this year fighting three wars instead of two from last year, we are actually spending $3.3 BILLION more than we spent last year? If I lost you, just trust me, we all got lied to the extent of $103.3 BILLION! Doesn't this just seem like the good old days again?
I don't know about you, but I am mad. No, irate. No I can't even see straight, there is blood in my eyes and it is a good thing Washington DC is as far away as it is or I would throw "Slushies" on every one of them! Sorry "Glee" I know I don't fit your standards for copying your show.
58% of Americans wanted the GOP to stand firm and demand the full reduction in the spending. 68% of the TEA Party members wanted the GOP to stand firm and demand the full reduction in spending. Does anyone notice how close the numbers are these days? I think the TEA Party has either grown massively or they now have a huge number of ex "thought we were progressives but I guess we're not" people siding with them.
So they passed the budget bill, with a projected $1.65 TRILLION deficit larger than last year's $1.29 TRILLION budget and larger than the year prior to that of $1.42 TRILLION deficit. Yes for all of you that don't have your calculator at your side, this wonderful new administration has orchestrated a deficit to the tune of $4.36 TRILLION so far. More than 30% of the total debt accumulated in the history of our 235 year old country in just three years! Congratulations all of you in Washington! You win the total idiot prizes of the millennium! And we thought the Greeks, Brazilians and France were messed up in their economies!
So if it takes you one day before you get to read this, just remember the government used that same time wisely and only spent $10.49 BILLION in that day. How lucky are we to have such wonderful people watching over OUR money and the future of our all of us so well.
Sorry I just got sick!
May God Bless America and us. We really, really, really need it!
Preview for the next blog:
Debt, wealth, inflation and taxes.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Who are you?
I am having problems posting to my blog. I can't do it from my regular ip address. From another ip address it works? What does this mean? Maybe I am being blocked? Who knows.
As I write this, Obamao has taken off on another of his little excursions on Air Force One heating up the campaign trail. Wait, he said he was going to be available 24 hours a day until the budget fight was resolved and Congress got a budget passed that he could live with. Oh, well maybe he has his staff there available? Can someone count the heads coming off Air Force One at its two stops in the Northeast today and let us know if it is close to the number of his staff? He wouldn't walk out on Congress at this important time would he? He certainly doesn't want to see a shutdown of the government does he? Or maybe that is exactly what he wants so he can fill up the campaign wheel barrel with Republican hate speech, because they really just want to hurt the poor and elderly in this country! Stay tuned for more from our new soap opera, the "Barack's Redistribution of Keystone Economies"! (BROKE)
So I decided to look to see who is viewing my blog. My post on March 31, 2011, "He's Back!" has some very interesting statistics to it. Here they are as of April 6, 2011, one week later:
Number of views: 188
Browsers used to view my post:
Internet Explorer 45%
Firefox 26%
Apple-PubSub 14%
Safari 9%
Chrome 2%
Opera 1%
Mobile 1%
Other 2%
Views by Country:
United States 133
Iran 18
Poland 10
Russia 9
Slovenia 6
France 5
United Kingdom 2
Poland 2
Czech Republic 1
Germany 1
Italy 1
Wow, I never would have dreamed that 25% of my views would be international! Then as I looked at it more, I began to wonder if I should be concerned?
I normally get views from these countries:
United States
United Kingdom
New this week are Czech Republic and Iran. The Czech Republic was one view this week only. Iran was 18 views this week only. What? 18 views?
With that number, I am going to venture onto the wild side and make the claim that I have triggered a watch by some sort of Iranian Intelligence agency. Why would they be interested in my blog you ask? I guess I got a little too close to home for them. I would venture to say that my theory that we are watching a potential disruption of the oil production in the Mideast from the unrest being triggered in numerous countries that are surrounding the largest oil production areas in the world is getting very close to the real situation there. Specifically, I think I might have hit the source of this unrest with the number of views suddenly appearing originating in Iran.
Go back and read my post from March 31, 2011, "He's Back!". It may have some very important observations for what we are about to see happen in the Mideast.
As a final note, I would love to see some comments from the international visitors to my blog. Please feel free to leave a comment, even if it is anonymous. Tell us why you come to read a blog written by a not very well known American writer.
Thank you to all that follow my ventings. I will continue to spill my frustrations and insight into this blog. If the Iranian views continue to increase, I may start looking over my shoulder a little more often.
May God Bless America and us! We need it!
As I write this, Obamao has taken off on another of his little excursions on Air Force One heating up the campaign trail. Wait, he said he was going to be available 24 hours a day until the budget fight was resolved and Congress got a budget passed that he could live with. Oh, well maybe he has his staff there available? Can someone count the heads coming off Air Force One at its two stops in the Northeast today and let us know if it is close to the number of his staff? He wouldn't walk out on Congress at this important time would he? He certainly doesn't want to see a shutdown of the government does he? Or maybe that is exactly what he wants so he can fill up the campaign wheel barrel with Republican hate speech, because they really just want to hurt the poor and elderly in this country! Stay tuned for more from our new soap opera, the "Barack's Redistribution of Keystone Economies"! (BROKE)
So I decided to look to see who is viewing my blog. My post on March 31, 2011, "He's Back!" has some very interesting statistics to it. Here they are as of April 6, 2011, one week later:
Number of views: 188
Browsers used to view my post:
Internet Explorer 45%
Firefox 26%
Apple-PubSub 14%
Safari 9%
Chrome 2%
Opera 1%
Mobile 1%
Other 2%
Views by Country:
United States 133
Iran 18
Poland 10
Russia 9
Slovenia 6
France 5
United Kingdom 2
Poland 2
Czech Republic 1
Germany 1
Italy 1
Wow, I never would have dreamed that 25% of my views would be international! Then as I looked at it more, I began to wonder if I should be concerned?
I normally get views from these countries:
United States
United Kingdom
New this week are Czech Republic and Iran. The Czech Republic was one view this week only. Iran was 18 views this week only. What? 18 views?
With that number, I am going to venture onto the wild side and make the claim that I have triggered a watch by some sort of Iranian Intelligence agency. Why would they be interested in my blog you ask? I guess I got a little too close to home for them. I would venture to say that my theory that we are watching a potential disruption of the oil production in the Mideast from the unrest being triggered in numerous countries that are surrounding the largest oil production areas in the world is getting very close to the real situation there. Specifically, I think I might have hit the source of this unrest with the number of views suddenly appearing originating in Iran.
Go back and read my post from March 31, 2011, "He's Back!". It may have some very important observations for what we are about to see happen in the Mideast.
As a final note, I would love to see some comments from the international visitors to my blog. Please feel free to leave a comment, even if it is anonymous. Tell us why you come to read a blog written by a not very well known American writer.
Thank you to all that follow my ventings. I will continue to spill my frustrations and insight into this blog. If the Iranian views continue to increase, I may start looking over my shoulder a little more often.
May God Bless America and us! We need it!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
We Are One in your local schools now! This is where you go to get the teaching kit for the "We Are One" events. This is where there are scheduled events. This is the link to the website where you can connect to the web broadcast on April 5th. One of our very favorites is speaking, Frances Fox Piven! Remember her? She is the one that wants to literally destroy our country through economic chaos. This is the website for the April 4th rallies across the world.
So now we have the unions teaching our kids about what is right and wrong in our schools and universities. If this happened at one of your kids schools, ask for the resignation of those who allowed it to happen. Union propaganda is not for our schools or our kids! Teaching this without opposing views is very selective teaching and basically brainwashing.
I have told you before about the evil forces behind the unions, community organizing committees and terrorists around the world today. They are not the same ideals that helped the oppressed workers of yester year! They are now trying to introduce their agenda as a topic in our schools. It is a topic of socialism, new world order and anti-capitalism. Life as we know it would come to an abrupt end under their tutelage!
Now is the time to be very observant of what goes on with the schooling of your kids, your grandkids and your neighbor's kids. Being silent will mean the success of the evil forces trying to take over.
May God bless the United States of America and us. We need it! This is where there are scheduled events. This is the link to the website where you can connect to the web broadcast on April 5th. One of our very favorites is speaking, Frances Fox Piven! Remember her? She is the one that wants to literally destroy our country through economic chaos. This is the website for the April 4th rallies across the world.
So now we have the unions teaching our kids about what is right and wrong in our schools and universities. If this happened at one of your kids schools, ask for the resignation of those who allowed it to happen. Union propaganda is not for our schools or our kids! Teaching this without opposing views is very selective teaching and basically brainwashing.
I have told you before about the evil forces behind the unions, community organizing committees and terrorists around the world today. They are not the same ideals that helped the oppressed workers of yester year! They are now trying to introduce their agenda as a topic in our schools. It is a topic of socialism, new world order and anti-capitalism. Life as we know it would come to an abrupt end under their tutelage!
Now is the time to be very observant of what goes on with the schooling of your kids, your grandkids and your neighbor's kids. Being silent will mean the success of the evil forces trying to take over.
May God bless the United States of America and us. We need it!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
He's Back!
Okay, so it has been three months since I last vented on this page. My daughter came home from BYU for the Holidays and we began preparing to send her on a mission for our Church. She is going to be serving in Malaysia in the Singapore Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "The Mormons". She has been at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT since March 2nd and will be there until May 5th learning Malay and how to teach in Malay. This will be good for her, she already knows Mandarin Chinese and will now be able to communicate with over 3/4 of the people in Malaysia where she will be serving. She will be a great missionary.
Now you ask "why is he back now?" One guess. The absolute idiot in the White House who gets his strings pulled by George Soros! If you don't believe this and are offended by me saying it, you should really stop reading now. But when you have pulled the blinders off your eyes, the earplugs out of your ears and the clothespin off from your nose, please come back and begin reading my blog again. At that point you will be seeing, hearing and smelling the truth again!
Obamao is trying to help George Soros get his "new world order" in place by helping out in the Middle East. Has it bothered anyone that he took a stand against Iran's government, Egypt's government, Libya's government, Israel's government, Afghanistan's government, Pakistan's government but yet stayed out of the messes in Tunisia, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Ethiopia, Sudan, Lebanon, Georgia and Venezuela? At first it looked like Obamao was siding with the Sunnis in the Middle East, yet now he is backing and wanting to help the Shiites. Why is this an issue you ask? Because the Shiites and Sunnis hate each other and have for over 1350 years! If you don't know why, go back to the history books and read about how after the poisoning of Mohammed, the Muslims could now decide who should rule. They split into two groups, the Sunnis and the Shiites and there has been bad blood ever since!
So what does it mean today? Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Pakistan are all run by Shiites. Egypt and Libya are being taken over by Shiite groups. The same goes for Yemen and Bahrain having Shiite uprisings. So we know the Shiites are trying everything they can do to take over the Middle East and disrupt the flow of oil to Europe and the United States. Somehow, we have placed ourselves on the wrong side in just about every country there when an uprising comes about.
I still haven't answered your question yet? That is because it hasn't been fully answered yet there either. But here is the best bet of what is going on and why we are in the middle of it. George Soros wants the world to become one big governing body and do away with the super powers, including the USA. He wants it all to be a part of a new world order with him at the power position. Why are we backing some governments, yet turning our backs on others? To cause total and complete unrest in the Middle East so that it can come under one governing power first. Did I mention Israel? I did, but they are just being ignored. As far as Soros, Obamao and the Muslims are concerned, it should just go away. They are just in the middle of things and they don't occupy any oil resources, so they don't matter or what happens to them. The Saudis? They better watch out. Their oil is now trapped in jeopardy at the Strait of Hormuz by the Iranian Shiites, the Gate of Tears by the Somali pirates and in the next little while the Yemen Shiites and now the Suez Canal by the new Shiite powers in Egypt. I wonder how long this is going to take?
So Obamao wants to aid the Libyan Rebels, even though they are filled with Al Qaeda members and Kaddafi is just another speed bump for a revenge move by Soros. Why revenge? Soros sponsored Kaddafi's son to the London School of Economics. Kaddafi's son then embarrassed Soros by plagiarizing his papers at school and got kicked out at the embarrassment of Soros. Two months ago, the US was using a public relations firm to promote the good relationship with Kaddafi and Libya as a good ally. My how things change quickly when someone gets mad. Still wonder if Soros is a part of this yet? In two months we go from best friends to bombing Kaddafi. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the military action we have been taking against our good friend Kaddafi was not even discussed with Congress, Obamao did not talk to the American people for nine days after it started, and then it was the same thing he literally screamed about George Bush doing with Congressional approval. Hmmmm.
We are in for a long energy squeeze because we can't use our own resources and the imports are going to continue to be disrupted, we have inflation flames flickering all over the horizon, an illegal alien amnesty being promised with well over 14,000,000 Americans out of work that WOULD do the work that many of the illegals are doing, more regulations, controls and bans spilling out of all sides of the administration and our debt at well over $14 TRILLION. Doesn't that just give you a warm fuzzy feeling? The exact feeling that you get right before you vomit!
Yes, we have an idiot for our president. An idiot that takes orders from a really evil guy. Just as bad, a Congress that is still having troubles tying their own shoes. What have we done?
May God Bless America and us. We need it.
Now you ask "why is he back now?" One guess. The absolute idiot in the White House who gets his strings pulled by George Soros! If you don't believe this and are offended by me saying it, you should really stop reading now. But when you have pulled the blinders off your eyes, the earplugs out of your ears and the clothespin off from your nose, please come back and begin reading my blog again. At that point you will be seeing, hearing and smelling the truth again!
Obamao is trying to help George Soros get his "new world order" in place by helping out in the Middle East. Has it bothered anyone that he took a stand against Iran's government, Egypt's government, Libya's government, Israel's government, Afghanistan's government, Pakistan's government but yet stayed out of the messes in Tunisia, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Ethiopia, Sudan, Lebanon, Georgia and Venezuela? At first it looked like Obamao was siding with the Sunnis in the Middle East, yet now he is backing and wanting to help the Shiites. Why is this an issue you ask? Because the Shiites and Sunnis hate each other and have for over 1350 years! If you don't know why, go back to the history books and read about how after the poisoning of Mohammed, the Muslims could now decide who should rule. They split into two groups, the Sunnis and the Shiites and there has been bad blood ever since!
So what does it mean today? Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Pakistan are all run by Shiites. Egypt and Libya are being taken over by Shiite groups. The same goes for Yemen and Bahrain having Shiite uprisings. So we know the Shiites are trying everything they can do to take over the Middle East and disrupt the flow of oil to Europe and the United States. Somehow, we have placed ourselves on the wrong side in just about every country there when an uprising comes about.
I still haven't answered your question yet? That is because it hasn't been fully answered yet there either. But here is the best bet of what is going on and why we are in the middle of it. George Soros wants the world to become one big governing body and do away with the super powers, including the USA. He wants it all to be a part of a new world order with him at the power position. Why are we backing some governments, yet turning our backs on others? To cause total and complete unrest in the Middle East so that it can come under one governing power first. Did I mention Israel? I did, but they are just being ignored. As far as Soros, Obamao and the Muslims are concerned, it should just go away. They are just in the middle of things and they don't occupy any oil resources, so they don't matter or what happens to them. The Saudis? They better watch out. Their oil is now trapped in jeopardy at the Strait of Hormuz by the Iranian Shiites, the Gate of Tears by the Somali pirates and in the next little while the Yemen Shiites and now the Suez Canal by the new Shiite powers in Egypt. I wonder how long this is going to take?
So Obamao wants to aid the Libyan Rebels, even though they are filled with Al Qaeda members and Kaddafi is just another speed bump for a revenge move by Soros. Why revenge? Soros sponsored Kaddafi's son to the London School of Economics. Kaddafi's son then embarrassed Soros by plagiarizing his papers at school and got kicked out at the embarrassment of Soros. Two months ago, the US was using a public relations firm to promote the good relationship with Kaddafi and Libya as a good ally. My how things change quickly when someone gets mad. Still wonder if Soros is a part of this yet? In two months we go from best friends to bombing Kaddafi. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the military action we have been taking against our good friend Kaddafi was not even discussed with Congress, Obamao did not talk to the American people for nine days after it started, and then it was the same thing he literally screamed about George Bush doing with Congressional approval. Hmmmm.
We are in for a long energy squeeze because we can't use our own resources and the imports are going to continue to be disrupted, we have inflation flames flickering all over the horizon, an illegal alien amnesty being promised with well over 14,000,000 Americans out of work that WOULD do the work that many of the illegals are doing, more regulations, controls and bans spilling out of all sides of the administration and our debt at well over $14 TRILLION. Doesn't that just give you a warm fuzzy feeling? The exact feeling that you get right before you vomit!
Yes, we have an idiot for our president. An idiot that takes orders from a really evil guy. Just as bad, a Congress that is still having troubles tying their own shoes. What have we done?
May God Bless America and us. We need it.
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