Oh look, we have a new stimulus bill that will help small businesses and put a ton more regulations and strings attached to its use. Imagine that, strings attached from something from Washington. The problem is we still don't know what is in it. We have another bill that is longer than "War and Peace" and with pages that are not completed yet.
We have a Congress that is suddenly, too short of time to do anything other than go campaign. The bills to keep or remove the Bush Tax Cuts are all suddenly too much to try and pass before the elections! Uh oh! That means we are getting the tax cuts jerked out from underneath us and a whole new level of taxes for all of us that will literally kill the economy! These tax cuts removed will increase taxes for everyone! Not just the rich as BO likes to tell you but everyone! Great time to raise taxes! Oh, I'm sorry I forgot, the National Board of Economic Research declared that the recession was over in June of 2009! How forgetful of me! The recession is over, pass it on! I loved their timing of declaring the recession was over fifteen months after it supposedly ended and right before elections. OOOOOOOOOH! What is that smell, did somebody step in something? No, it is just Washington DC at work.
So now that the federal budget is passed and we can get on with... What? The budget isn't passed yet? But they have had it forever! Who hasn't brought it for a vote? The Democratic leadership? But they want it to go through so that their spending can stimulate the economy! They are trying to shutdown the government? Why would they want to shutdown the government? You mean they are really trying to shutdown the government and blame it on the Republicans right before elections? But that will hurt many of their spending programs and their friends in the government and unions! So, what you are saying is that everyone is expendable when they have an agenda set. Everyone including the American people.
How many other bills are being held up because they don't want you to know what the result of the voting on the bills will be until after the elections? Try fourteen. Simple bills that would enrage the voters if they knew what was going to be passed. But don't worry, it won't cost any of them anything, they will do it in the lame duck session and blame it on those going out in January. Then those that are left in January with the new elected seats can just shrug their shoulders and say it wasn't their fault, the lame duckers did it!
Very few incumbents that are running for re-election are worth saving. The power hungry game of Washington DC has affected too many of them. This is why we need to replace anyone that has fallen into the power game and forgot why they are there.
Register to vote. Get your family, friends, relatives, neighbors, associates to register to vote. Research the issues and discuss them with anyone that will listen. Then get everyone out to vote on November 2nd. If we don't we will be faced with two more years of people that will feel enabled because they were re-elected. If you think the last two years were bad, just wait till you see what they come up with if they think we like what they are doing!
May God bless all of us and may God Bless America!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
What have I done?
Have you ever been sitting contemplating life, your achievements, where you are in completing your goals, etc. and realized that you are asking yourself, "what have I done?" I was doing this the other day.
First, I thought, I have made it through this recession so far! I am a small business owner. I rent semi-trailers for a living. I rent to trucking operations, construction companies, distribution companies, manufacturers, and people who have sold their home and their new home is not ready. Wow, could I pick a group of customers that have been hit harder than these? My books tell me no. I can't tell you how many customers I have lost to bankruptcy or going out of business in the last three years. Yet I am still here. I have been blessed, even though it doesn't look like it some times. Heavenly Father has helped me; my being in business today proves that point.
Second, I thought, I took on a new role as a political activist in the early part of this century. The year 2000 brought new meaning to "what the government can do for me". I realized what that saying should really say is "what the government can do to me!"
After reading a lengthy article about the illegal immigration invasion in our country and the financial crisis it has created in many of our states, I got involved in the illegal immigration issue in 2002. This led to getting more involved in the role government was taking and the role it was ignoring that it should have been involved with. This brought on a realization that our government "of the people, by the people and for the people" had perished from the earth. Abraham Lincoln had not been correct, we had failed our forefathers. This was not something that I took very well. I got angry and started letting my elected representatives know this. If I walked up to any of our elected officials today and said hi to them, most would not know me. When I introduce myself, there is an immediate look of recognition on their faces. I am the name at the top and bottom of many of those letters they have received over the last seven years. Some supportive, many reminding them that they were not carrying out the role they had been elected to by the voters.
Third, I thought, how did I become a TEA Party member? Who started it all? The person who did a blog post, the one who goes by the user name of Gmack. He posted on January, 19th 2009 an article with the title: Mail a Teabag to Congress and Senate. This was the first known date of the modern TEA Party beginning. I heard the discussion on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 on the Glenn Beck Show talking about starting a nationwide movement of the TEA Party. Then Beck's 9-12 Project and We Surround Them grew and sparked attention. April 15, 2009, I made the trip to the Federal Building in downtown Salt Lake City and joined my very first protest rally at the ripe old age of 50 something. I was not going to let the government destroy our country any longer. I was joined there by thousands others with the same thought and we shook the foundation of the federal government that day in the rain, sleet and snow. We were not taken seriously by the media or the government. We were just a bunch of right wing extremists that were trying to instigate violence according to them.
Fourth, I thought, we needed to send a message to the country, we had to let Congress and the White House know that the old gentlemen's club in Washington DC was going to come to an end and we were going to send representatives that had the interests of the voters and our country at the top of their priority list and not what would get them more power. As Glenn Beck puts it, "those who would not lose their soul" when they got there. I ran as a delegate for the state Republican convention with the goal of removing Bob Bennett from his Senate seat. I was one of hundreds with the same goal. We cast the vote that was heard around the world that day, it was not going to be business as usual anymore, the voters were taking back the government from the progressives, socialists, Marxists, Communists, and so called conservatives that would not stand up and stand their ground. Bob Bennett was voted out at the convention and our movement roared forward to other states with the same results.
Fifth, I thought, does my joining Glenn Beck's "restoring honor" movement and his call for us to have "Faith, Hope and Charity" solve all of the problems of the country? No, but it will sure get us back on the right path.
So "What have I done?"
I have thought about this a lot and I feel pretty good about what I have done. I have survived the recession so far. I have become a voice on the watchtower calling out the threats that I see. I have become another voice in the throng that has demanded change. I have taken action and stood my ground demanding that what is right be the norm and that those pushing for change to what's right be taken from power. I have looked to where my blessings come from and reconfirmed my faith that this country was created by God and not man.
I have done a lot. You have done a lot. We all have done a lot. We have regained position in the country. We have made those who want to destroy our country take notice. We have had the press react to us. They are wrong in what we have done. They don't understand what we have done. But we do.
We should all be happy with our accomplishments. We have created a wave that is going to have a dramatic affect for the good on our country. It is time to accept that this change we have brought about is good. We have accomplished something that is so large, they cannot understand it. It is okay to look at this and smile; we are doing what we should be doing. We should all have a feeling of great accomplishment!
Now we must finish! If we let off, our gains will be lost. If continue to press forward, we will restore the greatness to our country. November 2nd is not far off. Make sure that you, your family, your relatives, your friends, and your associates are all registered to vote. Then vote for who will be good for America!
The University of Utah marching band has been playing "God Bess America" and then the "Star Spangled Banner" with representatives of our armed forces and/or police and fire fighters acting as the color guard for our flag at every home football game since 9/11/2001. It brings chills to me every time I hear these songs and see our flag. This is what we are doing this for, so that our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can experience the same thrill and love for our country that we do. May God bless us and America!
First, I thought, I have made it through this recession so far! I am a small business owner. I rent semi-trailers for a living. I rent to trucking operations, construction companies, distribution companies, manufacturers, and people who have sold their home and their new home is not ready. Wow, could I pick a group of customers that have been hit harder than these? My books tell me no. I can't tell you how many customers I have lost to bankruptcy or going out of business in the last three years. Yet I am still here. I have been blessed, even though it doesn't look like it some times. Heavenly Father has helped me; my being in business today proves that point.
Second, I thought, I took on a new role as a political activist in the early part of this century. The year 2000 brought new meaning to "what the government can do for me". I realized what that saying should really say is "what the government can do to me!"
After reading a lengthy article about the illegal immigration invasion in our country and the financial crisis it has created in many of our states, I got involved in the illegal immigration issue in 2002. This led to getting more involved in the role government was taking and the role it was ignoring that it should have been involved with. This brought on a realization that our government "of the people, by the people and for the people" had perished from the earth. Abraham Lincoln had not been correct, we had failed our forefathers. This was not something that I took very well. I got angry and started letting my elected representatives know this. If I walked up to any of our elected officials today and said hi to them, most would not know me. When I introduce myself, there is an immediate look of recognition on their faces. I am the name at the top and bottom of many of those letters they have received over the last seven years. Some supportive, many reminding them that they were not carrying out the role they had been elected to by the voters.
Third, I thought, how did I become a TEA Party member? Who started it all? The person who did a blog post, the one who goes by the user name of Gmack. He posted on January, 19th 2009 an article with the title: Mail a Teabag to Congress and Senate. This was the first known date of the modern TEA Party beginning. I heard the discussion on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 on the Glenn Beck Show talking about starting a nationwide movement of the TEA Party. Then Beck's 9-12 Project and We Surround Them grew and sparked attention. April 15, 2009, I made the trip to the Federal Building in downtown Salt Lake City and joined my very first protest rally at the ripe old age of 50 something. I was not going to let the government destroy our country any longer. I was joined there by thousands others with the same thought and we shook the foundation of the federal government that day in the rain, sleet and snow. We were not taken seriously by the media or the government. We were just a bunch of right wing extremists that were trying to instigate violence according to them.
Fourth, I thought, we needed to send a message to the country, we had to let Congress and the White House know that the old gentlemen's club in Washington DC was going to come to an end and we were going to send representatives that had the interests of the voters and our country at the top of their priority list and not what would get them more power. As Glenn Beck puts it, "those who would not lose their soul" when they got there. I ran as a delegate for the state Republican convention with the goal of removing Bob Bennett from his Senate seat. I was one of hundreds with the same goal. We cast the vote that was heard around the world that day, it was not going to be business as usual anymore, the voters were taking back the government from the progressives, socialists, Marxists, Communists, and so called conservatives that would not stand up and stand their ground. Bob Bennett was voted out at the convention and our movement roared forward to other states with the same results.
Fifth, I thought, does my joining Glenn Beck's "restoring honor" movement and his call for us to have "Faith, Hope and Charity" solve all of the problems of the country? No, but it will sure get us back on the right path.
So "What have I done?"
I have thought about this a lot and I feel pretty good about what I have done. I have survived the recession so far. I have become a voice on the watchtower calling out the threats that I see. I have become another voice in the throng that has demanded change. I have taken action and stood my ground demanding that what is right be the norm and that those pushing for change to what's right be taken from power. I have looked to where my blessings come from and reconfirmed my faith that this country was created by God and not man.
I have done a lot. You have done a lot. We all have done a lot. We have regained position in the country. We have made those who want to destroy our country take notice. We have had the press react to us. They are wrong in what we have done. They don't understand what we have done. But we do.
We should all be happy with our accomplishments. We have created a wave that is going to have a dramatic affect for the good on our country. It is time to accept that this change we have brought about is good. We have accomplished something that is so large, they cannot understand it. It is okay to look at this and smile; we are doing what we should be doing. We should all have a feeling of great accomplishment!
Now we must finish! If we let off, our gains will be lost. If continue to press forward, we will restore the greatness to our country. November 2nd is not far off. Make sure that you, your family, your relatives, your friends, and your associates are all registered to vote. Then vote for who will be good for America!
The University of Utah marching band has been playing "God Bess America" and then the "Star Spangled Banner" with representatives of our armed forces and/or police and fire fighters acting as the color guard for our flag at every home football game since 9/11/2001. It brings chills to me every time I hear these songs and see our flag. This is what we are doing this for, so that our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can experience the same thrill and love for our country that we do. May God bless us and America!
Monday, September 13, 2010
They don't understand what we are doing!
A friend sent me this quote today.
"Indeed, some people now claim that the Founding Fathers’ worst fear in connection with religion has been realized; that we have, in fact, a state-sponsored religion in America today. This new religion, adopted by many, does not have an identifiable name, but it operates just like a church. It exists in the form of doctrines and beliefs, where morality is whatever a person wants it to be, and where freedom is derived from the ideas of man and not the laws of God. Many people adhere to this concept of morality with religious zeal and fervor, and courts and legislatures tend to support it.
While you may think I am stretching the point a bit to say that amorality could be a new state-sponsored religion, I believe you would agree that we do not have to look far to find horrifying evidence of rampant immorality that is permitted if not encouraged by our laws. From the plague of pornography to the devastation caused by addiction to drugs, illicit sex, and gambling, wickedness rears its ugly head everywhere, often gaining its foothold in society by invoking the powers of constitutional privilege.
We see a sad reality of contemporary life when many of the same people who defend the right of a pornographer to distribute exploitive films and photos would deny freedom of expression to people of faith because of an alleged fear of what might happen from religious influence on government or public meetings. While much of society has allowed gambling to wash over its communities, leaving broken families and individuals in its soul-destroying wake, it reserves its harshest ridicule for those who advocate obedience to God’s commandments and uniform, inspired standards of right and wrong."
(M. Russell Ballard, “Religion in a Free Society,” Ensign, Oct 1992, 64)
October 1992! I would love to ask him what he thinks now and to update this comment to today's status.
November 2, 2010 is now 50 days away. This is the first official battle of Restoring America. The changing of a large percentage of Congress will only be the beginning of the long effort that it will take to win.
The victory on that day is looking good, but it will only happen if all of us, our families, our friends, our neighbors, our relatives and associates: register to vote, study the candidates and then vote for those candidates that want to restore America, have smaller government, adhere to the Constitution, increase state's and personal responsibility, will not lose their soul in Washington D.C. and will uphold principles and values in their service.
Many rallies have taken place during the last few weeks. The press, the White House administration and the old way incumbents laugh at them and talk about how ineffective they are and how disorganized, hateful, racist and radical they have been. They don't understand why there has been such a waste of time, resources and effort to put on these events.
Remember what I said about the parables a couple of weeks ago and how the enemies of Christ couldn't understand them. We are witnessing the modern day version of the same thing. Not that Christ is teaching! But those that know the truth and are teaching it are not being understood by those that hate the truth. They can't see how anyone is at risk of not being reelected; the old rule is the incumbent doesn't lose!
The elections will be a great win with our votes.
The lame duck session will be a great loss to our country and the Constitution. We will see more evil intentions and agendas transpire in one and a half months than we have seen in the last 18 years! Not all by Congress, administrative and executive rulings will be a large part of the evil to come.
Our efforts will need to be sustained for many years to stop and reverse the damage that has been done to our great country. Take a deep breath and get ready to work hard.
Our children, grand children and great-grand children will thank us and probably many more generations after. Returning this country to what it once was is our responsibility, we are the ones that let it drift so far from where it should be.
Ask for help from your Heavenly Father, stand firm where you should be and in your convictions, speak your mind, demand the truth and remember:
May God Bless America!
"Indeed, some people now claim that the Founding Fathers’ worst fear in connection with religion has been realized; that we have, in fact, a state-sponsored religion in America today. This new religion, adopted by many, does not have an identifiable name, but it operates just like a church. It exists in the form of doctrines and beliefs, where morality is whatever a person wants it to be, and where freedom is derived from the ideas of man and not the laws of God. Many people adhere to this concept of morality with religious zeal and fervor, and courts and legislatures tend to support it.
While you may think I am stretching the point a bit to say that amorality could be a new state-sponsored religion, I believe you would agree that we do not have to look far to find horrifying evidence of rampant immorality that is permitted if not encouraged by our laws. From the plague of pornography to the devastation caused by addiction to drugs, illicit sex, and gambling, wickedness rears its ugly head everywhere, often gaining its foothold in society by invoking the powers of constitutional privilege.
We see a sad reality of contemporary life when many of the same people who defend the right of a pornographer to distribute exploitive films and photos would deny freedom of expression to people of faith because of an alleged fear of what might happen from religious influence on government or public meetings. While much of society has allowed gambling to wash over its communities, leaving broken families and individuals in its soul-destroying wake, it reserves its harshest ridicule for those who advocate obedience to God’s commandments and uniform, inspired standards of right and wrong."
(M. Russell Ballard, “Religion in a Free Society,” Ensign, Oct 1992, 64)
October 1992! I would love to ask him what he thinks now and to update this comment to today's status.
November 2, 2010 is now 50 days away. This is the first official battle of Restoring America. The changing of a large percentage of Congress will only be the beginning of the long effort that it will take to win.
The victory on that day is looking good, but it will only happen if all of us, our families, our friends, our neighbors, our relatives and associates: register to vote, study the candidates and then vote for those candidates that want to restore America, have smaller government, adhere to the Constitution, increase state's and personal responsibility, will not lose their soul in Washington D.C. and will uphold principles and values in their service.
Many rallies have taken place during the last few weeks. The press, the White House administration and the old way incumbents laugh at them and talk about how ineffective they are and how disorganized, hateful, racist and radical they have been. They don't understand why there has been such a waste of time, resources and effort to put on these events.
Remember what I said about the parables a couple of weeks ago and how the enemies of Christ couldn't understand them. We are witnessing the modern day version of the same thing. Not that Christ is teaching! But those that know the truth and are teaching it are not being understood by those that hate the truth. They can't see how anyone is at risk of not being reelected; the old rule is the incumbent doesn't lose!
The elections will be a great win with our votes.
The lame duck session will be a great loss to our country and the Constitution. We will see more evil intentions and agendas transpire in one and a half months than we have seen in the last 18 years! Not all by Congress, administrative and executive rulings will be a large part of the evil to come.
Our efforts will need to be sustained for many years to stop and reverse the damage that has been done to our great country. Take a deep breath and get ready to work hard.
Our children, grand children and great-grand children will thank us and probably many more generations after. Returning this country to what it once was is our responsibility, we are the ones that let it drift so far from where it should be.
Ask for help from your Heavenly Father, stand firm where you should be and in your convictions, speak your mind, demand the truth and remember:
May God Bless America!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
The end of summer is associated with this weekend. This weekend, may your labor be fun, your fun be safe and may you have a memorable time with family and friends.
It is normal to display the flag on holidays, this being no exception. There is another day coming soon that we have been asked to fly the flag for, September 11th. Let's see the streets of our country lined with the flag of our great country on Labor Day and on September 11th. It will be a fine way of showing thanks and respect for those that keep our economy running with their labors and remembering a dark day in our history nine years ago. A dark day that emerged into an America that was re-awakened and is now ready to be restored again to retake it's place as history's greatest nation and civilization again. With Heavenly Father's help and us taking His side again, we will do just that.
May God Bless America and may we all be thankful citizens and good stewards of this great nation!
It is normal to display the flag on holidays, this being no exception. There is another day coming soon that we have been asked to fly the flag for, September 11th. Let's see the streets of our country lined with the flag of our great country on Labor Day and on September 11th. It will be a fine way of showing thanks and respect for those that keep our economy running with their labors and remembering a dark day in our history nine years ago. A dark day that emerged into an America that was re-awakened and is now ready to be restored again to retake it's place as history's greatest nation and civilization again. With Heavenly Father's help and us taking His side again, we will do just that.
May God Bless America and may we all be thankful citizens and good stewards of this great nation!
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