I haven't written for awhile. I have not been happy about what is going on in our country and the world. I was feeling hopeless. As soon as the commonsense holders of America would stop some idiotic, insane plan that the Progressives had taken from their agenda and were trying to force through into law, they would do a flip and let an administrative executive order, an amendment to a bill that would get them in the door of their agenda or get a Federal Department to issue new rules sidestepping the need for legislation that you and I could help stop.
We the voters have been made useless until our day in the booths on November 2, 2010. Whatever the Progressives want, they twist things around until they get it. We are helpless. Or are we?
Did you get the chance to watch any of the Glenn Beck rally in Washington D.C. on August 27th and 28th? The Progressives did, that I am sure of. They looked out their windows and saw hundreds of thousands of American citizens come to restore honor to our country. These weren't angry mobs, TEA Party groups, right-wing extremists, militias, political protestors or angry Republicans. They represented America! These were men, women, and children that were searching for a way, any way to bring back honor to our country.
They were offered a way, a very peaceful but forceful way by Glenn Beck and his numerous guests; returning God to America. Restoring Faith, Hope and Charity as the ideals that we follow.
The critics of this rally were expecting political messages, angry protestors, typical extremists, and mostly Republican and TEA Party members. They only expected a few thousand to attend.
I doubt if the Democrats, Leftists, Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals and all of the other similar groups know what to make of what happened. I guarantee you though that they are nervous! Hundreds of thousands of Americans came together to join in resolution that we as a nation are not done. Though they have been successful in removing God from "official" America, they have not removed Him from our hearts. To have the Washington Mall packed to capacity with Americans who come from every political party, every religion, every economic class, every color and race, and all with one purpose; to restore America to its greatness was nothing short of a miracle. Politics were not discussed, religion was not discussed, and economics were not discussed. The importance of God in our lives and us pledging to do His will and recognize Him as our Creator, our Ruler and the way to our Salvation was discussed. By having Faith, Hope and Charity, our paths would become the same and we would be united in our efforts to save our country from ruin and bondage.
The critics don't understand. Christ taught with parables to His disciples. Many wondered what He meant in His teachings. The true followers knew and received joy in their understanding of what He wanted us to do.
The parable of the talents is similar to our situation today. We were given a gift of a nation with a Constitution that was founded by His inspiration and will. What we do with it is what will happen to us. Unfortunately, we have ignored the gift and we are suffering because we have. The freedoms and privileges that were given to us by Divine Providence are in jeopardy today because of our apathy towards them. We have allowed evil take over the guardianship of those gifts. The freedoms that came with the gifts are being taken by those who have taken over managing the gifts.
If we look to the gifts that we received and use them wisely, cultivate them, expand on them, share them and most of all show gratitude for them, we will be blessed beyond our comprehension. We will see the freedoms that came with those gifts returned, the evil that has taken them over defeated and the country, our children and grand children removed from bondage.
We cannot do this alone. We need Heavenly Father's help. We need to stand where we are and declare that He is important in our lives, our society and our nation. We need to follow the teachings we have been given by Him and refuse to give in to those things that go against those teachings. We all know who we should be, what we should do and to whom we should give thanks and ask for guidance and help. We need to prove that we are worthy of His help in restoring the nation and Constitution that He gave us. If we ask Him, He will give us the help we need if we are worthy of His Help. That help comes with a price tag; Gratitude, Appreciation and True Thankfulness for those gifts He has given us. With that gratitude and thankfulness we will care for and be better stewards of what gifts we have received.
May God Bless America and us in this battle.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Recession is over, pass it on! Oooooops. Sorry, my bad.
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/New-claims-for-jobless-apf-3631266616.html?x=0&.v=6 This is the link to an article that talks about the increase in new unemployment claims for this week. The government was surprised at the increase. They thought it would go down a little bit.
That is about as good as you are going to get from this administration and this congress.
Obamacare, the worst health legislation ever passed in this country. It is going to bankrupt the country if not reversed or neutralized by the states.
Financial Reform Act just passed. It gives the government all kinds of new power and abilities to tell the citizens of this country to be quiet and that we don't know what is good for us. The government will take care of it for us and all will be fine. Trust me! I am from the government and I am here to help you!
We still have Government Motors in the portfolio. Don't worry about those political contributions that they are forking out all over the place with those taxpayer funded accounts. Any ex-shareholders out there that think they got a fair deal? The unions and the government are the only ones that came out in this piracy!
Speaking of unions, did you know that the pension plans for almost all of the unions are ready to take a dive? So what are we going to do? Don’t worry; Superobamao is here to save the day. There is work going on right now for a program to bailout the pension plans of the unions! Don’t worry, be happy! Wrong song. Just imagine what that will do to the federal deficit! Somehow I think that will be one of the numerous agenda programs on the “lame duck” session of congress after the elections. Yes, all of that control over the congress will still be there until January 2011 and is there ever a wish list for Christmas! You think you are upset over what we have already seen, wait till they get down to business because they know that it is now or never!
Amnesty. They are going to shove that down our throats whether they can get the votes for it or not. They have an administrative executive order all ready in case congress won't go along with the White House in declaring amnesty for all of the illegal aliens in the country. I still think that each president for quite some time now has been paid under the table through a Swiss bank account to keep the border open and allow the unemployed of Mexico to become our problem and not Mexico’s or Central America’s. One check to a Swiss bank account is a lot cheaper than dealing with their own unemployment issues! It would sure explain a $2 Million wedding for a daughter of one of the previous presidents! They weren’t that wealthy during their term!
Obamao has nominated a person to the Supreme Court that is not a judge, has never been a judge, has been proven to having committed perjury before the Supreme Court, has proven to have radical personal agendas she wants to see legislated from the bench and is not interested in ruling by the law of the Constitution, she knows that the document changes over time from changing moral and social pressures and not what it was originally written for.
Arizona is feeling picked on. They should! The government sued them so that they couldn't do what the feds are refusing to do.
Californians are feeling picked on. A judge told them that their bill about marriage is unconstitutional even though the tenth amendment of the Constitution gives them the right to create a law because the Constitution does not deal with the subject. Yet a judge that should have recused himself from the case because he is gay and has a definite personal interest in the outcome, legislated from the bench and forgot to read the Constitution before he ruled.
We have federal spending completely out of control with the federal debt over $14 Trillion now and no sign of congress or the White House backing off spending.
Our economy cannot sustain this level of debt increase without a huge jump in our GDP. Our GDP is not going up until our government puts the checkbook away!
So here is my prediction of the economy and what will cause any changes.
The economy will show a defined recovery in April of 2012. This will come about from the House of Representatives having a majority of Republican members after the November 2010 elections. The House will not have the capability of reversing much of the damage from Obamao and his Socialist/Marxist takeover of the U.S.S.A., but they will be able to stop him from doing anymore. The states will become the ones that neutralize the bills that have been passed like Obamao's Healthcare bill. They will keep it from allowing the government to take over the healthcare industry completely. The senate will continue to do whatever the White House asks for, but it will be a much harder effort for them to do so because they will lose their 60 Democrat strangle hold leadership. Not by much, but the 60 vote days are going to be gone. This all equates into a very large battle over spending for 2011. This equates to reduced spending. This equates to consumers and businesses relaxing more and being more willing to put forth expansion and spending again. But all of this will be tempered by the huge tax increases that are going to happen in January 2011 when the Bush tax cuts expire and nothing was done to reinstate them. This is also why 2011 will not become the year of the comeback. Less spending matched with larger taxes still has a definite leveling factor on the GDP.
Why April of 2012? Presidential election year. Obamao is going to make every effort to show that his efforts are driving the upswing in the economy so he can be re-elected. Springtime, always a good time to create an upswing in the GDP. Congress will still have the spending under better control. The consumers will have been able to adjust their thoughts and lifestyle to match to the economic recession of the previous years. Hence April 2012.
Now the one factor that adds to my rational thought about April 2012: City Creek Plaza in downtown Salt Lake City will be opening that spring. I have yet to see the leadership of the LDS Church make an error in development planning and spending. These guys are one of the best barometers for the economy. If they build it for 2012, the customers will be there.
Remember, the key to this recovery is taking the control of the checkbook out of Obamao's hands in November. Register to vote; make sure your family, friends, neighbors, and associates have also. Then all of us must vote!
That is about as good as you are going to get from this administration and this congress.
Obamacare, the worst health legislation ever passed in this country. It is going to bankrupt the country if not reversed or neutralized by the states.
Financial Reform Act just passed. It gives the government all kinds of new power and abilities to tell the citizens of this country to be quiet and that we don't know what is good for us. The government will take care of it for us and all will be fine. Trust me! I am from the government and I am here to help you!
We still have Government Motors in the portfolio. Don't worry about those political contributions that they are forking out all over the place with those taxpayer funded accounts. Any ex-shareholders out there that think they got a fair deal? The unions and the government are the only ones that came out in this piracy!
Speaking of unions, did you know that the pension plans for almost all of the unions are ready to take a dive? So what are we going to do? Don’t worry; Superobamao is here to save the day. There is work going on right now for a program to bailout the pension plans of the unions! Don’t worry, be happy! Wrong song. Just imagine what that will do to the federal deficit! Somehow I think that will be one of the numerous agenda programs on the “lame duck” session of congress after the elections. Yes, all of that control over the congress will still be there until January 2011 and is there ever a wish list for Christmas! You think you are upset over what we have already seen, wait till they get down to business because they know that it is now or never!
Amnesty. They are going to shove that down our throats whether they can get the votes for it or not. They have an administrative executive order all ready in case congress won't go along with the White House in declaring amnesty for all of the illegal aliens in the country. I still think that each president for quite some time now has been paid under the table through a Swiss bank account to keep the border open and allow the unemployed of Mexico to become our problem and not Mexico’s or Central America’s. One check to a Swiss bank account is a lot cheaper than dealing with their own unemployment issues! It would sure explain a $2 Million wedding for a daughter of one of the previous presidents! They weren’t that wealthy during their term!
Obamao has nominated a person to the Supreme Court that is not a judge, has never been a judge, has been proven to having committed perjury before the Supreme Court, has proven to have radical personal agendas she wants to see legislated from the bench and is not interested in ruling by the law of the Constitution, she knows that the document changes over time from changing moral and social pressures and not what it was originally written for.
Arizona is feeling picked on. They should! The government sued them so that they couldn't do what the feds are refusing to do.
Californians are feeling picked on. A judge told them that their bill about marriage is unconstitutional even though the tenth amendment of the Constitution gives them the right to create a law because the Constitution does not deal with the subject. Yet a judge that should have recused himself from the case because he is gay and has a definite personal interest in the outcome, legislated from the bench and forgot to read the Constitution before he ruled.
We have federal spending completely out of control with the federal debt over $14 Trillion now and no sign of congress or the White House backing off spending.
Our economy cannot sustain this level of debt increase without a huge jump in our GDP. Our GDP is not going up until our government puts the checkbook away!
So here is my prediction of the economy and what will cause any changes.
The economy will show a defined recovery in April of 2012. This will come about from the House of Representatives having a majority of Republican members after the November 2010 elections. The House will not have the capability of reversing much of the damage from Obamao and his Socialist/Marxist takeover of the U.S.S.A., but they will be able to stop him from doing anymore. The states will become the ones that neutralize the bills that have been passed like Obamao's Healthcare bill. They will keep it from allowing the government to take over the healthcare industry completely. The senate will continue to do whatever the White House asks for, but it will be a much harder effort for them to do so because they will lose their 60 Democrat strangle hold leadership. Not by much, but the 60 vote days are going to be gone. This all equates into a very large battle over spending for 2011. This equates to reduced spending. This equates to consumers and businesses relaxing more and being more willing to put forth expansion and spending again. But all of this will be tempered by the huge tax increases that are going to happen in January 2011 when the Bush tax cuts expire and nothing was done to reinstate them. This is also why 2011 will not become the year of the comeback. Less spending matched with larger taxes still has a definite leveling factor on the GDP.
Why April of 2012? Presidential election year. Obamao is going to make every effort to show that his efforts are driving the upswing in the economy so he can be re-elected. Springtime, always a good time to create an upswing in the GDP. Congress will still have the spending under better control. The consumers will have been able to adjust their thoughts and lifestyle to match to the economic recession of the previous years. Hence April 2012.
Now the one factor that adds to my rational thought about April 2012: City Creek Plaza in downtown Salt Lake City will be opening that spring. I have yet to see the leadership of the LDS Church make an error in development planning and spending. These guys are one of the best barometers for the economy. If they build it for 2012, the customers will be there.
Remember, the key to this recovery is taking the control of the checkbook out of Obamao's hands in November. Register to vote; make sure your family, friends, neighbors, and associates have also. Then all of us must vote!
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